Thursday, 2 August 2018

Now We're Talking

According to one of the alt media sites that I monitor (X-22Report), Pres. Trump is looking at taking over the Federal Reserve; the system of central banks being, at the least, part of the problem.  So far, so in the right direction.   And then this source went a step further in his analysis, saying that Trump was (also) looking at setting up a money system without interest.  What?!  Tell me more.  And he did, with a bit of a throwaway comment along the lines of “…before doing away with money altogether”.

Ah.  So we are here after all.


You don’t solve a problem on the same level as the problem.  Humanity bought into a monetary system thousands of years ago that was designed to keep the masses in perpetual debt to their erstwhile masters.  That system is known as interest-bearing money: ’money as debt’ - the currency being used to act as a convenient medium of exchange of goods and services, and thus being in essence a means to that end, becoming, in its interest-bearing form, an end in itself.  Result: distortion.  Corruption.

The Judeo-Christian Bible talks about ‘the love of money’ being the root of all evil.  Well; maybe not all.  But a goodly portion thereof.

I tried years ago to get the American people to look at this whole issue - to start looking at the whole issue - by suggesting that we don’t need money itself.  ‘What?  Come on.  You have to have money.’  Or do you.  

What is money after all??  That is what I was trying to open people’s minds to, to start considering, and reflecting on.  A little shock therapy, there, to get people’s attention, not have them just keep on keeping on.  And now we are at a day - the day - when we can start taking the whole thing in, the whole picture.  Of what life is all about.  

As I have said before:

Life - the physical, 3D realm - is not the be-all and end-all of ‘existence’.  Life as we know it on this level has Purpose beyond just in and for itself only.  Just as we have become mesmerized by ‘money,’  seduced into considering it as an end in itself, so have we become mesmerized by matter.  Matter has become our mater, our Mother.   We have a Mother, the feminine, active-creative principle; but ‘She’ is not of this world, this realm, this level, this plane.  We have a ways to go yet, to ‘meet our Maker’.  And yes, we have had One.  Yes, there is a reality beyond, and extending far beyond, this one.

To be engaged in, in steps.  Like school classes.  Elementary school; to secondary school; to tertiary school; to graduate school.  ‘And beyond!’ as Toy Story’s Buzz Lightyear was wont to say.  

Only this isn’t, hasn’t been, a game.  It has been very serious business.  To give us a ‘classroom’ to teach us lessons in.

And now, we are on the verge of leaving the lower classrooms behind.

Congratulations are in order. 

Just a little further, now.  

As ‘moderated' by a group of souls - of our brother and sister apprentice gods - who took on a particularly difficult role in The Play.  As the despised Outsider.  Who have schemed, for a very long time, to become our masters.  And just so, have given us the mater-ial for our lessons.  And now, have to face their big lesson:

to release their roles.  

And become One of Us


The Play being


Now that it has served its purpose.

Of helping us see

the Purpose

of, and behind,

it all.

And the Way to move on that spiral staircase to the heavens?

Is to absorb, and emit,


Precisely the way an atom shifts onto a higher plane of existence.   

Or down.

Your choice.  

But now, it feels as though a mighty throng of us apprentice gods are going to inherit our high potential.  In going


a notch.  Or two.

For a start.

At the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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