from ‘Is It Time to Leave America?’ - Dave Hodges - August 26
(Hodges asked his audience to answer the question, as to what they would do, with the advent of calamity facing the U.S. with all that is going on. My response:)
ue: August 26, 2018 at 10:35 pm
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Pres. Trump is compromised. He needs to declare Martial Law, abdicate, and let the NESARA package take over, including a Resetting of the nation’s and the world’s currencies and replacing them with sound money, backed by precious metals. For a start, into a, the, New Order of Things on the planet.
If I were the Acting Officer in charge, before new – and cleaned-up – elections (to follow legally within 120 days), I would: Arrest and put on trial – in a proper, American Common Law court, not one of these current Admiralty courts (which are part of the problem, to be fixed by the NESARA protocol) – the Usurper, Barack Hussein Obama (for not having been eligible for the office of POTUS, for not being a “natural born” citizen, which is a person born in the country of parents who are citizens thereof); ditto the same treatment for Bill and Hillary Clinton, for crimes too numerous to list here; ditto the same for the Bush Jr. administration officials who are suspected of having been involved in the 9/11 false flag op (with[the facts of] that whole caper to come out in the process of the court case); and we will go down the line from there, of federal officials who are suspected of crimes against the country. And actually, the need for Congress to be dissolved, for having failed in its constitutional duty to act as a check and balance against the usurpation of the office of POTUS by the Usurper. And to note: When he is found guilty, all the legislation that he signed into law, and all the E.O.’s and P.D.’s that he issued, and all the appointments that he made – including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts – go with him. Into the trash bin. For it to be as though he had never been there. For, he was never there legally. And we will thereby learn, unfortunately the hard way, that actions have consequences.
There would be more, to the Resetting of the country (including the neutralizing of the threats to it from without and within). But you get the idea.
And then we move on. And Up. As many of us in this collective of souls as possible. For, we are part of a realm, not of Judgement.
But of Love.
And lessons. To grow from.
Not get stuck in.
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