Tuesday, 21 August 2018

The Great Divide

I see that another Southern statue/monument has been taken down forcibly; this one by university students, obviously under the sway of their radical professors.1  This is all so unfortunate.  Such mementoes of the past will just have to be put back in place.  At the cost, where possible and provable (group and individual), of those who took them down forcibly.  

This whole scenario smacks of the airbrushing out of pictures and histories of people who fell out of favor with their compatriots in the old Soviet Union.  It is a reflection of sheer Power for power’s sake.  Disgusting stuff.  The point of history is to learn from it.  In any event: All these statues and monuments that have been taken down without sanction of the law are to go back up.  And if they are to come down, by the will of The People - not The Mob - that will happen under the color of the law.  So that we can continue to learn to live by Law.

It will be part and parcel of the New Order of Things.  Which includes the bringing to a court of law - and a true court of law; not one of these Admiralty courts that disgrace this nation, in their part of the hijacking of this country that look place many years ago, and has been going on ever since - of The Usurper, Barack Hussein Obama; and when he is found guilty, of the basic charge (forget the others for the moment) of having been ineligible for the office of the presidency,2 

a) Both of the major political parties of our day will be taken to court as well, under RICO statutes, for having colluded in his illegal occupancy of that particular (and particularly crucial) federal position;3 and 

b) Congress will be dissolved as well, for having failed in its constitutional duty to check and balance the other branches of the federal government, in this act of overthrow of the rule of law, aka the Constitution.  

So that, when the New Order of Things kicks in, 

a) There will be new political parties to engage in elections; and

b) Those elections will be pure.  All of the corruption that has been going on - in the voting of dead people, duplicate voters, illegal aliens and other ineligible voters; in ballot box stuffing, falsely programmed electronic voting machines, and the counting, both electronically and humanly, of those results - wrung out of the system.

For, we would be well on our way into this New Order of Things by then.  Which is to take place within 120 days of the resignation of the current federal government, and its replacement by those citizens who are going Up to that New Level of Being, of basic consciousness.  

All others need not apply.  They will just have to go somewhere else, to continue their 3D-level of Play, in the lower grades of education.  As gods in the making.

Which we all are.  With some of us going Up to the next level now, with Gaia.  Because

it’s that time.  


1) And one of the ‘demonstrators’ announcing to the cameras her “shame” at being white.  The classic telltale line for The Agenda.  With our erstwhile masters attempting to generate race riots in the country; Crisis equaling Opportunity.  
    (Hey - Psst - Missy: Even blacks were involved in the slave trade in those days.  It was part of the gestalt of the time.  And going back for thousands of years; and all over the globe.   Get over it.  It’s a New Day.  No apologies necessary.  It was what it was: A lesson learner.  
   Stop with the ‘reparations’ thing.  That just perpetuates - in an endless chain of Action and Reaction - the Old Order of Things.) 

2) As I have covered in these pages exhaustively.  And in consequence, all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.s and P.D.s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and to lesser courts (and thus, all of the decisions that they figured into crucially) - go with him.  Into the trash bin.  For it to be as though he had never been in that office.  For, he was never there legally.
   As I say: It’s time for The Law to speak.  Clearly.

3) And when they are found guilty, their authorities will be imprisoned, their assets will be seized, and they will be dissolved.  For
   No one is above the law.
   Any.  Longer. 
   Which, of course, goes for a huge number of people.  Some of whom already figure in the DOJ’s sealed indictments.


(Re: this question of the rule of law:)

from ipatriot.com: ‘President Trump is getting Very Bad Advice’- Bob Webster - August 21
(Webster wonders who among Pres.Trump’s advisors is giving him bum advice regarding a slew of actions, mostly regarding AG Jeff Sessions and his deputy Rod Rosenstein.  An incisive rundown on the whole matter, also regarding HRC and her criminality.  \My response:) 

PurpleBike - August 21

Excellent commentary, Bob.

Just so.

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