In a recent blog I talked about how all the statues and other monuments that have been taken down forcibly by mobs need to go back up, and as much to the costs of the miscreants involved - both the individuals and the financial backers of their enterprises - as possible. Why? Because it was done by violent means, not by legal means. We need to learn to live by law, as reflection of the higher Law, that governs life itself.
Having said that, a situation has arisen that demonstrates qualification to that general position: that of bad law. I refer to the matter of what is called Sanctuary Cities (and even States). And I bring this subject up here and now because I have just received word that brings the whole subject rather closer to home for me, in discovering that I live in such a Sanctuary City (or at least, Area).1
To quote from a mailing from an outfit called the National Police Association:
“You’ve been selected to participate in the enclosed National Sanctuary Area Crime Impact Survey because you live in or next to Long Beach, an area designated as an official Sanctuary Area by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.2
“As you may know, Sanctuary Areas are where individuals who are in the USA illegally and who are known by law enforcement to be engaged in criminal activity such as sales of illegal drugs, assault, rape, robbery and other felony crimes can safely avoid arrest by local law enforcement officers.3
“We’re conducting the National Sanctuary Area Crime Impact Survey to measure the effects of Sanctuary policies in Long Beach and the 300 other localities in the US that are designated as Sanctuary Areas…”
And then the latter goes on to clarify:
“Because of Sanctuary policies in your Area and in other Areas around the nation if law enforcement tries to turn these known criminals into federal immigration for prosecution and deportation - it’s the law enforcement officer who will be in trouble and not the criminal! All of this is why dangerous criminals who are in the country illegally flock to Sanctuary Areas because they know they can safely plan their crimes, expand their criminal or terrorist enterprises and be safe from prosecution.
“And because illegal immigrants who are career criminals make a beeline to Sanctuary Areas like where you live - individuals living in Sanctuary Areas are much more likely to be victimized by crime than those who live elsewhere. For example, in Texas, New York, Florida, California, where Sanctuary policies are common, and in Arizona, almost 40% of all murder convictions involve individuals who are in the USA illegally. In Sanctuary city Los Angeles, California an incredible 95% of outstanding warrants for murder are illegal immigrants!…” (Emphases in original)
Etc. etc. etc. (with specific examples detailed).4 And it concludes:
“Remember, because you live in or next to a Sanctuary Area, you have the most to gain from our campaign, and as a voter and informed citizen you’re in a position to do something about the Sanctuary policies in your community.”
Ah - the nifty graft of it. The s.o.b.’s amongst us cause the voting system to be corrupted, particularly by not following federal law to cleanse the Voter Registration Rolls, and then use the contaminated VRRs to pass such laws as Sanctuary City policies. Sweet…
Leaving aside concerns about a ‘National’ police movement growing out of this corrupt Opportunity situation, I would like to make a basic comment about it. Namely:
* This Sanctuary City/Area business is clearly ‘badf law,’ which needs to be rectified; and
* it highlights all the more the need now for humanity to move Up a notch in consciousness, and start getting involved in the ‘real deal’:
Cities of Light. Reflecting our spiritual maturity.
Which we are clearly being called on, now, to rise to. As the occasion of our Ascension - to a higher level of consciousness - presents itself to us.
And may as many as possible of our fellow souls on The Path - facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of The All That Is -
make the cut.
And you don’t make it by engaging in corruption. In corrupt activity of any sort.
Because that quality of being cannot exist on the level - the frequency level - that humanity has now the opportunity to move up to, wholesale.
Remember the expression, ‘I can get it for you wholesale’?
Take advantage, friend. Such Opportunities don’t come along very often.
Say, every 13,000 or 26,000 years, or so???
1 I have lived away - and out of the country itself - from my ‘old home town’ for many years, and am slowly discovering things about it - much like Rip Van Winkle - that I never realized were current reality. Also much like Dorothy remarking to her dog, “This isn’t Kansas, Toto.”
(And I won’t go into the subject of her Red Shoes here. One subject at a time. And especially one as sore as that one.)
2 What the heck is this all about?? What does the DHS have to do with such matters???
Reading on…
3 What do you mean, by “local” LEOs? I thought the problem was with the local LEOs not turning over to the feds such illegal aliens who had already been arrested for various crimes locally - keeping the process local, so that the IAs wouldn’t be deported by the feds. A subject in itself. And what is this business about a “National” Police Assn. anyway???
Reading on…
4 Plus recently to add to the shame list there is the tragic case of Mollie Tibbetts.
4 Plus recently to add to the shame list there is the tragic case of Mollie Tibbetts.
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