Friday, 17 August 2018

Where We Are At - II

Having in the course of human events moved closer to doing away with money altogether, in a realm of Abundance - occasioned by technological advances, and with a little help from our off-planet friends, and understanding the proper role of money, as a means to an end, not an/the end in itself - some might well say, ‘Well, that proves nothing.  Just because you eliminate the opportunity for the likes of larceny, in getting rid of money in the form of interest-bearing currency, doesn’t mean that you can’t still be seduced by, and enamored of, ‘money’ in and for itself only, and the opportunity thereby to gain ‘one up’ on others, if the opportunity again presents itself; the sentiment could still be in one’s heart.’  And that’s true, as far as it goes.  But it doesn’t go far enough, in terms of Where We Are At.  Because there is also, in this Exercise, the matter of Time.  And the Time is now for all those who are ready to ‘graduate’ - to proceed up a ‘grade’ - to do so.  And a little matter of vibration will sort things out.

You see, we are ‘graded’ by our frequency, as indicated by our auras (being, essentially, beings of energy - of Light).   And only those incarnate souls whose personal frequency is compatible with the vibratory level which many - most?? - of us are moving up to will be able to thrive in, and remain in, that environment.  All those whose frequency does not make a fit with the Harvesting to a higher level going on, will just have to ‘wait their turn,’ continue on the 3D level somewhere else, for some more seasoning in a realm of Duality, until they manage a match.*

And thus does the caravan move on.  

Or not, for you.

Your choice.

For the rest of us - ah, what pleasures await us.  Of a different kind.  To say, more precisely:

of a different degree.

And congratulations when you 'receive' yours.

P.S. I am appalled and outraged by the news just reaching me that firefighters in northern California have reliably reported, from residue testing, that - obviously in furtherance of the UN's Agenda 2030 (and the NWO's agenda in general) - BLM planes are dropping, not flame retardant, but flame accelerant, on the fires there, with the fires growing after their passes, not abating.  (And having been occasioned with the use of DEWs in the first place.)
     Along with the continued, and growing, censorship of conservative perspectives on our social media - in concert with the near monopolistic control of the MSM - and the more and more obvious corruption of so many of the judges in the nation, in particular, it is clearly time to close this current 'reality' down, and move into
     the New. 

*  And it will be somewhere else.  For, Gaia is involved in this Process as well.

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