I get mail…
Item: From the Media Research Center’s August newsletter (which I have just received), lead article headed ‘Liberal Media Attack Supreme Court Nominee as “Extreme,” “Hardcore,” “Right-Wing Conservative”’:
“When Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his resignation, the liberal media and their cohorts in the culture became hysterical. President Donald Trump would get to pick another justice who could shift the court back to an originalist, Constitution-only 5-4 majority. As NPR’s Nina Totenberg shrieked [on MSNBC], ‘It’s the end of the world as we know it.’”
It has been a while coming, particularly with shyster lawyers and judges for years having played a game with the law of the land - the Constitution - in pretending that judicial “interpretation” means that judges (egged on by likeminded lawyers) have carte blanche to ‘interpret’ the law any way they want, rather than strictly in relation to the Constitution. I for one have suffered this crapology long enough.
Law that can mean
Whatever you want it to mean -
that is to say
arbitrary law -
Is not law.
It is tyranny.
And its practitioners
Are despots.
Neither more.
Nor less.
Item: California governor Jerry Brown - who as part of the NWO crowd is attempting to separate CA from the Union, in a political maneuver called CalExit - has now gone far enough, if not too far. From the U.S. Justice Foundation (mailing received today):
“As you [might] know, SB 54 is Governor Jerry Brown’s lawless Sanctuary State law — defying President Trump and his ‘zero tolerance’ policy toward illegal immigrants.
“Some cities have had enough, and are fighting back.(1)
“So Governor Brown is vowing to crush this local rebellion and force California’s illegal sanctuary state status on all cities…"
And new comers the kicker; which I never knew about before:
And new comers the kicker; which I never knew about before:
“Under SB 54, Jerry Brown and his allies have moved to block all Trump Administration immigration raids in the state. They order local businesses not only to hire but also to protect illegal aliens from federal law and federal officers…” (Emphases in original)
This is insurrection, pure and simple.(2) And this whole Illegal Alien business has obviously now gone, not just far enough. But too far.
To let violent convicts, drug dealers, gun runners, rapists, child and adult sex traffickers, MS-13 gang members, and jihadist terrorists willy-nilly into the country, to prey on American citizens - are you kidding me??!!
This is an intolerable situation.
So it has to go.
My response to all that is going on and has been going on clearly for long enough now:
The religious and atheistic totalitarians
In cahoots with one another
Are making their move
To take over. Then
I will take over now, in
And establish the true kingdom
for the planet.
And thus bring to an end
The Play
And the beginning of
The Real Thing.
It’s clearly
for it.
(1) N.B. I just found out the other day that my home town, Long Beach, is one of these “Sanctuary Cities’. And no one is doing anything about it, so far as know.
So I guess I have to start coming out of, er, retirement…
(2) With the NWO crowd obviously trying to goad Pres. Trump into strong enough a reaction to trigger civil war. Which means that that Crowd - call them the Cabal, the Elite, the Establishment, the Illuminati; whatever you want to call them; aka the Luciferians - believe that they have sufficient forces at the ready to prosecute such a war (for a takeover, not just of this country. But the planet). Which means that the rumors that there are Red Chinese military in the hills of the Sierra Madre in northern Mexico at the ready to pour into this country, combined with their cohorts already in the country, via ’solar farms’ (situated near military bases, and main highways; for quick deployment), and at exterior (think Long Beach; my home town, as it so happens) and interior ports, are most likely true.
And that the White Hats know all about it.
But to continue this thread of thought. And response.
Cosmic response.
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