Monday, 27 August 2018

'The Red-Headed Scrapper' Still In There

To :Devvy Kidd

Subject: NWV Column of August 27 (titled ‘Dems Doing This While Conservatives Are Doing…’ ) 
(Devvy Kidd taking the Republican Party to task for not engaging sufficiently with the enemy; but congratulating the Young Americans for Liberty for rising to the occasion in some pockets in the country.  
(N.B. It turns out that Devvy has an extremely painful left arm, which is hampering her activity; but she is still in there, fighting the good fight, after all these nearly 30 years on the front lines; first as a Republican, and then, when it turned out to be part of the problem, as an Independent.)

Dear Devvy:

I was terribly sorry to hear about your arm.  I didn’t know.  I will hold the vision for a successful treatment for it, and in any event, that it doesn’t cause you to stop writing.  

I can’t imagine not hearing your voice, in these dark days.  I cheer you on silently every time I read one of your pieces.  I also am an ‘extremist’.  For example, I believe that, when Truth catches up with the Usurper, and he is jailed (for fraud, perjury, and treason), all the legislation that he signed into law, and all the E.O.’s and P.D.’s that he issued, and all the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts (and therefore, all the decisions that they figured into crucially) - go with him.  Into the trash bin.  (For it to be as though he had never occupied that office.  For, he was never there legally.)  But not only that   Since it is obvious that both the Democrat AND the Republican Parties colluded in his illegal candidacy for and occupancy of that particular office, they need to be tried as well - under RICO statutes - and, when found guilty (by an American Common Law court; no more of these Admiralty courts that infect this nation), their officials jailed, the parties fined, and driven out of business, as the corrupt entities that they are, and have then been legally found guilty of.  And not only that.  Since Congress failed in its constitutional duty to act as a check and balance to this usurpation of the Executive branch, it needs to be dissolved, and the country put under Martial Law, until new elections can be held (within 120 days, according to the terms of the NESARA package), with newly configured political parties.  And elections cleaned up, according to federal law; never to darken this nation again with their arrogant and satanic corruption, which has been leading us inexorably towards the totalitarian New World Order long planned for this country, by such as the CFR gang of conspirators.

So as you can see, I dearly appreciate such voices as yours, in the econo-socio-political arena.

Please keep up your excellent work, Devvy.  And may the pain of us all be at least diminished somewhat.  Maybe we can’t get rid of it all.  But we can certainly do all that we can do, to make this a better world.  

Yours in the battle,

Stan’ Stanfield       

P.S. And yes, please, sign me up for your email alerts.  (I already get the NWV.)   

(Her website:

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