Wednesday, 8 August 2018

To Dye For

Quite a number of years ago now - well; at least back after the turn of the century - I remember watching a video presentation on TV of a congressional subcommittee hearing in Florida - which seemed to be predominantly Democrat in makeup - at which an electronics expert was explaining to them how the electronic voting machines in that county could be skewed in reporting their results, and how he had showed the outcome of his investigation to a Republican Party official in charge of such matters in that county, and was not sure what had ever happened regarding the matter.  Apparently what happened in part was that the Democrats on that congressional subcommittee decided, not to get mad - and do something substantive about it - but to get even.  And lo and behold, we have this day and age, wherein The People at large in this country can’t trust the electoral process, for its being hopelessly corrupted.

Take my home state, of California.  I refused to vote, once I discovered (after having lived out of the country for many years) that to vote in this state is to commit a crime; more specifically, is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.  Voting in this state is a scam, a sham, a fake, a fraud, a farce; a delusion, an illusion.  Forget about a photo ID card (which in the event are easily obtainable in this state; and are used for all manner of transactions, including cashing a check, getting a Seniors discount card for the public transportation system, and - ahem - getting Welfare privileges) - they don’t even ask you for a piece of mail that identifies the name and address of the person on their Voter Registration Roll that you are voting under.1  Let’s face it:

 a) This state - which has in addition a Motor Voter law, whereby those applying for or renewing a driver’s license are automatically registered to vote - is chock-a-block with illegal aliens, who obtain a driver’s license, and who can now even obtain a driver’s license legally (to make it even more obvious to them that the state Democrat authorities will turn a blind eye to their getting themselves on the VR rolls); and

b) The country at large is riddled with this sort of corruption, whereby so many have chosen ‘not to get mad but to get even’.  And so both sides of the matter bleat ‘We have to cheat because the other side does’.  Reprehensible stuff.  Scurrilous stuff.  

Not at all worthy of our Maker.

What would need to happen, if we were to carry on with voting, would be a major overhaul of the process, to clean it up good and proper.  Some people make fun of those ‘banana republics’ where the voters have a finger dipped in purple dye, to identify them as having already voted.  Perhaps we need to do the same.  Or similar.

As I say:

Reprehensible.  Embarrassing. for such an advanced, ’First World’ country as ours.

There should be no more elections until the whole system is cleaned up.  And as for the incumbents: they don’t get off scot free.  There is the ‘little matter’ stilt to be dealt with, of the illegal occupancy of the Oval Office by Barack Hussein Obama.  Who needs to be brought up on charges - in a proper, American Common Law court; not one of these Admiralty courts, with their gold-fringed flags, which have surreptitiously been set up in this country, by people who have long plotted for its takeover (another scurrilous matter to have to be taken care of) - of fraud, perjury, and treason; all stemming from the fact that he is not a ‘natural born’ citizen, which that particular federal office requires as an eligibility requirement.2  And so, with the legislative branch of government having failed in its responsibilities regarding such a matter - and such an important matter - it needs to be dissolved.  

And so the country has to go through some turmoil for a time.  Until things settle down.  On the other side of the birthing process.  Into the Light of

a New Day. 

In sum.

Part of Me is engaged in reprehensible activity.  I ask those parts of Me to stop it.  That as many parts of The Whole as possible can move on.  Back, to


Our natural state.

Otherwise, left behind You will be.  In this Harvesting.

Your choice.

As always.


1 And as to that check on identity, I have also heard that it has been found that voters’ names have been found to be recorded at addresses that have turned out to be vacant lots.  
   Oh, the stories…. 

2 The definition of the term I have dealt with many times in these pages.  The upshot: To be a ‘natural born’ citizen, one has to have been born "on the soil, of parents who are citizens”.  It is not enough to have satisfied one of those terms, either ‘jus soli’ or ‘jus sanguinis’ - 'of the soil' and 'of the blood'.  One has to satisfy both judicial categories.  
   And so, because The People have been asleep at the switch of their country, from a federal constitutional republic to the equivalent of a dictatorial banana republic (on its way to being made merely part of, a region of our erstwhile masters' totalitarian New World Order), they now have to suffer the consequences of their actions, or inactions, as in this case:
   All of the legislation that the Usurper signed into law, and all of the E.O.’s and P.D.’s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the POTUS, and inferior courts (and perforce, all the decisions that those appointees figured into crucially) - go with him.  Into the trash bin.  For it to be as though he had never occupied that thus-purloined office.  For, he was never there legally.

   And we all will have learned lessons the hard way.  In this matter.  As in so many others.  In our passages through Time.

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