Tuesday, 28 August 2018

In Harm's Way

I have just referred in these pages to how “actions have consequences”.  That was in reference to the contretemps that we will have to be subjected to in correcting the oversight of the American people in letting an ineligible person run for and occupy the highest office in the land.  Another area of such ‘consequence’-correcting is in the area of what could be called the immigration front, in the multi-pronged war that is going on.  Between, at its root, the Dark and the Light.

Besides the matter of the American people - what was supposed to be by its founding a nation of self-governing people - being too engrossed in their private lives that they let a constitutionally ineligible person into the Oval Office, and thus opened themselves and the nation up to all those consequences, is the ‘immigration business’.  And what a business it has been.  Some background, as dealt with admirably in an article in the most recent issue of The New American magazine entitled ‘No Borders, No Nation’:  

“Many conservatives critics of Ted Kennedy, LBJ, and Hart-Celler [of the Immigration Act of 1965, which opened the door for all manner of beasties to enter our country’s psychic space] err by referring to the de facto transformation-by-immigration we are experiencing as the ‘unintended consequences of liberalism,’ implying stupidity on the part of the mass immigration advocates.  No, the proponents of leftist ‘immigration reform’ programs - from Hart-Celler to DREAMER, DACA, DAPA, and beyond - knew full well that their plans would completely change and transform America  The 1965 Immigration Act coincided with another effort by the same ‘progressive’ forces to vastly expand welfare entitlements, first to existing citizens and then to new immigrants and illegal aliens.  The end result would be a massive remake of our country, as more and more people became welfare dependent. 

“The plan was laid out in the May 1966 issue of The Nation, by the husband-wife professorial team of Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.  Entitled ’The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty,’ it has become known as the Cloward-Piven Strategy to socialize America.,,[They] paid homage in their article to Saul Alinsky, and his Marxist cadres at the Industrial Areas Foundation.  They made plain that their objects included ‘outright redistribution of income’ and national legislation for ‘a guaranteed annual income’ for all.  ‘It is our purpose,’ they said, ‘to advance a strategy which affords the basis for a convergence of civil rights organizations, militant anti-poverty groups and the poor.’  They proposed to build ‘mass influence’ for socialist objectives by recruiting millions into permanent government dependency…’Once eligibility for basic food and rent grants is established, the drain on local resources persists indefinitely,’ Cloward and Piven wrote.  

“With the entitlement mentality deeply and widely entrenched, it is easier to radicalize and mobilize large numbers of activists to push for bigger and more costly programs.  This will break local and state budgets, causing a ‘political crisis’ that forces the national government to take over…”

And thus for the collectivists to take over more easily, than in a federal system of government…

The result of all this planning over many years (including getting both legal immigrants and illegal aliens onto welfare benefits; a change from earlier laws)?:

“The data show that the welfare bribe is very effective: immigrants who vote tend to reliably reward the Democrats, who promise them (and deliver to them) the most taxpayer dollars…”(1)    

And what has all of this oversight led ineluctably to, now?  For that, I can go to a mailing I have just received, from an outfit called The American Minuteman Project’.  The letter points out some scurrilous facts: 

* “Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf was notified that agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) would be carrying out a series of raids on known illegal alien criminals.  
   “These notifications are critical for ICE agents to prevent misunderstandings with local law enforcement.
   “But Mayor Schaaf…openly defied Federal law and warned criminal illegal aliens of the upcoming law enforcement actions…”
   (Because it’s all part of the larger Plan.)

* “ Massachusetts State Rep. Michelle DuBois urged illegal aliens to not go into the street and not answer the door if there was a knock after being tipped off about an upcoming ICE raid.

* “Attorney General Xavier Becerra is preparing to prosecute any Californian who aids ICE in arresting illegal aliens.  He claims state law demands non-cooperation with Federal officials.”  (The letter continues: “That’s open revolt!”  Precisely.)(2)

* “Hundreds of mayors of so-called ’sanctuary cities,’ as well as leaders of entire ’sanctuary counties’ clear across the country, are also defying Federal law despite the real and present danger to their citizens…” 

The scene is heating up.  It’s time for a Showdown at the OK Corral.

And just to clarify: I have nothing against helping to bring people out of poverty.  That’s partly why I am here, and at this particular time.   But the way - and Way - that that sort of thing is accomplished makes all the difference.  And so far, the ‘agents of change’ on the Dark side seem to be winning; especially with their command of the high ground, in the form of the MSM, and its social media arm.

But - let’s see how it all unfolds. 

P.S. And I wonder how long before my access to such periodicals and mailings as referenced herein will continue, in the face of the NWO crowd’s censorship of such material, in both the MSM and in its social media arm, of indoctrination.  And of its control over our educational institutions, for many years.  While America slept.
     Sic transit gloria.


(1) So: Marks against the immigrants, legal and illegal, for taking money that has been extorted out of other people’s pockets.  But more marks against their seducers.  Those ass souls are whom I call Lucifer’s minions: knowing accomplices of the Dark side.
   It’s not primarily that they are against poverty.  It’s primarily that they want power (and that’s a way to obtain it).  
   Power Over Others.  POO for short.
   And speaking of.  Cloward and Piven are not just sympathetic souls for ‘the poor’.  They are socialists, of an extreme form.  Part of the nest of socialists/communists who have characterized Columbia University as a home for Reds for a very long time.
   It was why Barry Soetoro went there.  Although he didn’t do much there, having spent a considerable amount of time during that ’student’ period of his life over on the European continent.  First stop Pakistan, with his Pakistani buddy.  From there  -
   well.  Another story.

(2) To note the CA state legislature and governor cooperation with and even instigation of all this: Not only does this state have a Motor Voter law, whereby all residents who apply for or renew a driver’s license are automatically registered to vote (unless they opt out; but nudge-nudge wink-wink); but the state has now gone even further into insurrection, and made it explicitly legal for illegal aliens to obtain a driver’s license.  All, obviously, to encourage as many IAs as possible (of which there are now millions.  Millions) to vote - and, of course, to vote for the Dems.
   Which is not just a vote for them locally.  But is a vote to bring in the totalitarian New World Order.  The global gulag.  Which the IAs will be subject to as well, after they have been used, to further the insidious purposes of their current ‘friends’ in politics.  Because the people behind this whole scenario are not ‘people of color,’ meaning to bring about the destruction of Western civilization, in order to elevate the Third World peoples to rulership over the whole world (and thus the demonizing of ‘white male supremacists’ going on).  The people behind this scenario, currently playing out its last stages, couldn’t care less about ‘whites’ or ‘people of color’.  They only care about Power.  Absolute Power.  
   Over Earthians en toto.    

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