The art of Forgiveness is something that I have yet to master. When a leftist organization uses such words to describe Pres. Trump’s proposed wall as “xenophobic…hateful…monstrous…racist”(1) I want to, er, not be a very nice guy in response. I will just say of it, here: What arrant nonsense.
It’s of a piece with the likes of:
* The federal law that requires states and counties to print election ballots & materials in foreign languages.
What is this nonsense? You need to be able to read and speak English in order to become a citizen. What gives???
* “The Equal Opportunity Commission is actually suing organizations, including the Salvation Army, for requiring their employees to speak English in the workplace.”(2)
What?! You can’t require a business to employ a translator. That’s estupido.
Now, that’s not to say that people in this country need to speak English all the time. In tact, I am all for the likes of ethnic-enclave restaurants, say, catering to their predominantly Korean-American clientele, or Cambodian, or Vietnamese, or Italian, or whatever, in their native languages. That’s their business - literally. (And other Americans can practice their language skills in going there.) But as for official matters: This is an English-speaking country. The beady-eyed New World Orderites amongst us, with their thinly-disguised attempts at a borderless country-cum mere region of their long-planned-for planetary gulag, can just cease and desist in their subversive activity. It has already gone far enough. To help bring in a New World Order, alright. Just not the one that they have envisioned. From their limited perspective. As insects.
Rather than the angels in disguise that we all are, in 'reality' - and literally. Dressed up in these costumes, including our bodies themselves. In order to act out a Play.
That is now coming to its natural conclusion.
So that we can’ get on with things.
On. And Up.
Rather than just playing out the same themes - just in different costumes, is all - over and over and over again.
Which makes ‘history’.
But not ultimate sense.
Life, after all, having Purpose. Beyond just in and for itself only.
Providing us opportunities for growth.
Including learning the really big lessons.
Like - oh, say:
(1) Email from the League of Conservation Voters
(2) Both this point ant the one immediately above it from a letter from the U.S. English, Inc.
“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”
Nathan Rothschild
from ‘Hillary Is inked to Red Dawn, Major Bank Fraud and International Terrorism’ - Dave Hodges - August 4/5
(Hodges looks particularly into the role of HSBC in all the shenanigan stuff going on these days, deeply involving the Clintons, and including the ‘deaths’ of two different families - in plane crashes, one in Costa Rica and the other in Sydney - associated with that Crime Family.)
ue: August 5, 2018 at 10:32 pm
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The heat was on. Steinberg and family could very possibly be living in Tel Aviv, say. Don’t know about the Cousin family. But the same MO could be at work there, too. Just saying. It wouldn’t be the first time for this sort of operation. But then, there IS the sort of operation that the Clintons have been involved in too……
Anyway: Enough of all this madness. Time to get real on the planet.
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