Saturday, 11 August 2018

Of Cabbages And Kings

In the 1974-75 time period I came across information about the American, and Western, monetary and financial systems that I hadn’t known about before.  I had long seen through the illusory veil of ‘money’ itself by then.1  But exactly how the system worked, I didn’t know.  I presumed, for example - like ‘everybody else,’ I additionally presumed; not having heard anything to the contrary of the notion - that when you went to the bank to ask for a loan on a mortgage, e.g., they lent you the money from the pot of monies that they had from people who had savings (and checking) accounts with them, and by their charging of you interest on your mortgage loan, they were able to pay out the interest that they owed to their savings-account customers for the use of their monies.  


What I came across was a report of a court case up in Minnesota whereby it came out that the banks don’t lend you money out of the pot of savings-account and checking-account monies that they are holding for other customers, but rather simply conjure it up out of thin air.  As figures on a ledger.  And that’s it.2  

It’s a sort of Ponzi scheme.  And everybody goes along with ti because, well, because if we didn’t, everything - of the nature of a house of cards - would fall apart.

As it needs to.  (Because it is corrupt at its core.  And because of the other ‘little matter’ that I referred to in my footnote above, about a more proper motivation, given our true natures.)

And the other major piece of similar information that I came across at that time had to do with the fact that there is a legal definition of a dollar, that involves a certain amount of silver.  And so, we have been conned into the use of fiat money - i.e., money without any specific backing - because that’s how you can take over a country; through boom-and-bust tactics, that also destroy the purchasing power of your money,3 and put more and more power into the hands of The Powers That Be.  

I was one of a group of Tax Resisters who were going to make a ruckus about the whole charade,4 when Fate intervened, and I also came across, towards the end of that time period, information about a spiritual community in the north of Scotland that appealed to me; and off I went, ultimately to live there, and another point abroad, for over thirty-five years.

But now 

I’m back.

And ready to deal with this whole matter - of a corrupt society; and a more appropriate one - once and for all. 


1 Briefly: In 1961 I had had an Eureka moment when I realized that the source of all our aches and ills on the planet was, in a word, money.  That means to an end - i.e., the sharing of goods and services with one another, through a convenient medium of exchange - having become a, the, end in itself.  To be accumulated for itself.  Leading us to live as though there were no God - and thus a higher reason for living than just in and for itself only - rather than as though there were.  And thus, there was a higher reason and motive for sharing goods and services with one another, than the more mundane one of ‘making a profit’.  There was the highest motive and reason that there could possibly ever be: to share goods and services with one another - and give of our best in the process - out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.  Out of, in a word: Love.  As facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of The All That Is.  And thus, that we were all One.  
   With the dual mission of a) coming to that awareness, that consciousness; and b) realizing, then, that As we do to others, so do we do to ourselves - literally.  For, We Are All One.  And All IS One. 

2 The case was called First National Bank of Montgomery vs. Daly (1969).  ‘Daly’ was a mortgage holder who made his case in court that the bank, who had foreclosed on his mortgage loan with them, had acted in bad faith because they had no ’consideration’ in the matter, i.e., had not put up something tangibly exchangeable in the contract.  Had simply created money out of thin air, in the form of a ledger entry.  Thus, all mortgage contracts, in effect, are null and void.  Nothing is put up by the bank, as part of the contractual deal, except an entry on their books. And against which, then, they can ‘lend’ out more such funny money to others; every dollar of such phony stuff ‘lending’ itself to being able to generate - hocus-pocus create - up to 9 or 10 times its amount.  
   Pure and simple: It’s a racket.
   (N.B. The form of court that that decision was made in - somewhat, but not totally, peculiar to the state of Minnesota - has since been scrapped.  But the principle still stands.  The Western system functioning on a sort of ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ not to be rocked.  Ultimately by judges beholden to that system for their wellbeing.  And plus the effects on our society of the likes of secret societies.)

3 I understand that ‘the dollar’ has lost about 98% of its purchasing power from what it was before the advent of the Federal Reserve.  Approaching losing fully its value.
   But then, that is approaching its real value anyway.

4 Part of our strategy was to stamp our paychecks with a notice that we had not been paid in actual dollars, per such-and-such Federal code.  And when we had ‘our day in court,’ we would explain that we would be very happy to pay taxes on our income, once our ‘income’ consisted of real dollars.
   Not the play money that we had been paid in.

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