Thursday, 30 August 2018

On Incensement And Illumination

I awoke today incensed at one scam in particular being pulled on the American people in particular.  It has to do with, er, science.

First, some background.

Edward L. Bernays,  an Austrian-American Jew - and a relative of Sigmund Freud, not so incidentally - was known, from his work in the early and mid-years of the 20th century, as ‘the father of Public Relations’.  Which subject area could also be known as Propaganda.  A good example, that we old-timers would know very well, but you youngsters couldn’t appreciate fully: In the early days of TV (yes, there was a time before TV, and all of its permutations) we were regaled on ‘the Tube’ with images of actors in the white coats of doctors extolling the merits of ‘their’ particular brand of cigarettes.  And then there was the same sort of scam used to sell Fluoridation.  But don’t let me get ahead of my story.

Let me get into it by way of anecdote.  You may have heard the classic example of the little old tea-drinking lady who fell and broke her hip.  (And ‘correcting’ such a condition having become quite a tidy sub-business all of its own.)  That isn’t because of the tea.  It’s because of the water.  It turns out that fluoride - unlike the chlorine in the water, which boils of from the teapot - concentrates when the water that it is in boils.  And guess what: Fluoride doesn’t make bones hard.  It makes them brittle.  So that that classic tale should rather talk about the little old lady who ‘broke her hip’ and then fell.

Fluoride, in the various forms in which it is added to our water supplies, besides being a rat poison is a toxic byproduct of some industries in particular, including the aluminum and artificial fertilizer industries.*  Those industries would have to pay big bucks to keep it from polluting the environment, if left to normal procedures.  But the adjunctive business of Fluoridation has not only saved them that cost, but made them money in the bargain.

Such a deal.

But to move on.  (And we certainly need to.)

It turns out that fluoride has other ‘interesting’ properties.  One of which is that it causes cancer.  (Dr. Phyllis Mullenix, where are you when we have needed you all these years, that you have been silenced??)  It also lowers IQ.  But the other property of it that I want to concentrate on here is how it acts as a pacifier.  A mood-number.  

Some will know of stories that the Nazis put fluoride in the drinking water supplies of their concentration camp inmates, to keep them subdued.  Ditto the Soviets.  I don’t know about the veracity of those stories.  But I do know that fluoride is an ingredient in tranquilizers.            

And so we are merrily - or at least, numbly - passive while our country is being taken over.  In this time period, by the Red Chinese (who, besides other intrusions into our lives here, which I have dealt with in these pages elsewhere, also happen to be selling us fluoride for our water supplies), and their cohorts in crime, the Cabal, the Elite, the Illuminati; whatever you might call them.  Personally, I call them the Technocrats; ‘multinationals’ who - particularly with their carbon cap-and-trade credits, ostensibly to counter Anthropogenic Global Warming, oops, er, well, call it Climate Change - are out to create what has been called a prison planet.

But not so’s many people would know about that.  With the increasing censorship of our forms of communication, and the process of dulling us, and all… 

There is only one way out of this fine mess that you have gotten yourselves into, Mr. & Mrs. America.  And that way is Up.

And I can help you with that.

P.S. And what do I think of bottled water, to ‘help out’ in this matter?  Three things:
     1) Check the label.  Some such producers add fluoride to their ‘product.’  (Never say live, say these characters out to control us.)
     2) Beware of the plastic leaching into the water.  It has its own deleterious effects on us.  Transfer fresh, source-bottled drinking water to glass or metal containers.
     3) The big multis are trying to corner the fresh water supply ‘market’.  (Not so much for profit - although that’s part of ‘the deal’ - as for People Control.)  Don’t let them get away with it.   
     We are up against human predators.  (Or also to say: Predators of humans.)  Act accordingly.

P.P.S. An excellent source of information and action regarding Fluoridation is:   (Dr. Paul Connett's site)

* It is also given off, as a toxic pollutant, from coal-fired power plants.
   This whole subject originated during the last stages of WWII, with the secret development of the atomic bomb (in the Manhattan Project), when as part of that process fluoride was escaping into the air and settling in local farm fields where the cattle were ingesting it and falling victim to its various attacks on their systems, particularly its deleterious effect on their skeletal structures.  Farmers began suing; the subject got hushed up, and scientists were put to work to attempt to figure out what ‘they could about the problem.  It was one of these scientists who hit on the idea of metering the stuff into our water supplies (Fl in nature - another form of it - is part of the effects of ‘hard’ water) and selling it - figuratively and literally, as it has turned out - as a beneficial additive for our bones.
   The rest is history.  Along with that other history-making aspect of that process.
   Which will prove to have been the more deleterious to humanity, time will tell.
   (N.B. Those of us longer-term critters - cattle, indeed, to our erstwhile masters - will remember when ads on TV for toothpaste would show the kids or their parents happily laying down a good long slug of fluoridated toothpaste on their toothbrushes, and smiling cheerfully to the camera as a consequence of that activity.  I note that Time has caught up to some degree with us (most probably after some successful lawsuits, and Non-Disclosure Agreements), and now I hear of toothbrushing ‘clinics’ whereby kids are taught to put just a pea-sized amount of that good fluoridated toothpaste on their brushes.  Well; some progress, at least.)

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