Thursday, 9 August 2018

On Understanding...

I am not happy with the Southern Poverty Law Center being a source of ‘information’ for the likes of Google/YouTube and Facebook to choose to censor sites on their platforms.  But I can understand where they are coming from.

Take this recent banning from those platforms - and more - of Alex Jones and his InfoWars site.  It has happened, according to their explanatory announcements, because his site is considered, by the SPLC and therefore by them, to be involved in, quote, “hate speech”.  Why?  Ah.  His comments on 9/11 - i.e., on the need for a re-opening of the investigation into it - are cited as an example.  That is “hate speech” because, well, because it contradicts the official narrative of that terrible event.  And now we start coming down to the crux of the matter.  To wit:

To cite numerous inconsistencies and outright lies in the official narrative of 9/11 and call for a re-opening of its investigation, as well with new evidence regarding it that has been developed over these subsequent years, might well end up fingering the real culprits of that outrageous event, and that would be the Israelis, in cahoots with the so-called NeoCons - i.e., dual Israeli-American citizens - in the Bush Jr. administration.  And so the NeoCons and other American Jews can’t let that can of worms be opened up.*  Even with a built-in anomaly in the matter.

Which is that most of them are not bloodline Jews.  Are Jews by conversion, descending from the Khazarians, a former country in mid-Europe, way back when, whose king had - under pressure from their neighboring states, for being such a rowdy bunch of louts, in constantly manhandling travelers through their territory, and thus obviously needing a civilizing influence - converted them en masse to the Judaic religion, as one of the three given to them to choose from (the other two being also of The Book, Islam and Christianity).  And thus, are not even Semites, from the area that they have since commandeered their way into, pretending to have some sort of divine right to the area where the Palestinians have lived for centuries.  

I don’t want to get into that whole story here; to say, that aspect to this story.  I just want to point out that re-opening the 9/11 investigation would lead to information that the ‘Jews’ would rather be kept hidden away.  Which would include how much of a hand of control they have over our monopolized Mainstream Media, and in the so-called Deep State, and so forth and so on - a major burrowing into the institutions of this country.  In order to bring it down, and make of the former U.S.A. merely a part of a region of their totalitarian New World Order, whereby they can control the entire world, where once they were able to control only Russia, via the Bolshevik Revolution there; and turning it into the U.S.S.R.  A major accomplishment in its own right; but not enough, obviously, for a set of people determined to rule the whole world.  For their dark god.  Who asks of them the likes of ritual slaughter of infants, and the drinking of their blood, and the eating of their hearts.  All, for the gaining of power.

On this planet of free will.  Now approaching the end of its Experiment.

And the return of the Light, to this benighted outpost.  The Experiment having gone far enough.  To demonstrate the lessons to have been contained therein. 

To those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear.

P.S. And why my animosity specifically to the SPLC?  Because they have shown their true colors, in stating that potential 'domestic terrorists' are the likes of conservatives, constitutionalists, Ron Paul supporters, Second Amendment supporters, even get the idea.  Including what they are saying, in effect, about themselves.
     As for Ron Paul.  Besides his incessant calling for an audit of the Fed, and 'sound money,' he has also said the following rankling statement - rankling to our erstwhile masters:
     "In an empire of lies, the truth is treason."   

* And what a story it is.  Involving a bunch of ‘Israeli art students’ shadowing their patsies, the unsuspecting Arabs involved in the convoluted caper, and having been in the WTC towers ahead of time, planting explosives; and agents of deception going into the buildings in the dead of night in days leading up to The Event, completing their operation in them; and being involved in various Security teams, including at the airlports involved; and The Five Dancing Israelis filming the burning towers from across the river, gleefully dancing around on the top of their Mossad-cover moving van (obviously having had prior knowledge of the event) - who also, when stopped by police in their van filled with explosives on one of the bridges leading to Manhattan, told the detaining officers “You’re not looking for us.  You’re looking for the Arabs.”
   And who were mysteriously released quite quickly - under the auspices of Michael Chertoff, of the DHS; one of said Israeli-American dual citizens - and surfaced in Israel a few days later, on TV, telling their countrymen that they had been there “to film the event”.  Just so.
   Oh.  And the purpose for the Event?  As the PNAC explained it, in effect: The NeoCons were not going to be able to get the U.S. to engage in hegemony in the Middle East and continue to pour money into their coffers for them to take over the area, for their plans for a Greater Israel, “absent a new Pearl Harbor”.
   They got it, with 9/11.  And the rest is history.
   And continuing to unfold.

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