In my blog of a couple of days ago now I talked about the roles that we play in this 3D life, to learn lessons therefrom. One major one is that of a mother - lifegiver, nurturer, passer-on of knowledge and wisdom gained along The Way, as primary holder of the family unit. Which keeps the state from overrunning our lives, dictating everything to us, and thus depriving us of the vital lessons that we incarnated in our various roles for. Thus the following.
On Women’s Lib
Who, in your opinion,
Women’s Libber,
Should raise the children?
The State? Then
the State
Should have the children
By some sort
Of artificial
The mother
Is the natural
Of her children.
She gave birth to them.
She is responsible
for them
In their experience
Of life. We’re talking
and blood.
Has the natural
In the matter.
And the next in natural line
would be
by a woman
Who, for whatever
Reason, can’t have
her own
or just has
a big heart.
Following suit
a woman.
If more women had stayed at home to raise their children and look after their families, as their first priority, they would have had the time to research such things as vaccines, and thereby have recognized their dangers far earlier; and thus act as a check against the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex on the matter, and thereby could very possibly have headed off this current push by said complex - and its NWO masters further behind the scenes - into the totalitarian realm of mandatory vaccination of the populace.1
Now, I grant you that there has been some economic necessity at, er, work here, with both parents needing to enter the work force in order to make ends meet. But that state of affairs was orchestrated into being in the first place, with the Cabal’s control of the monetary and financial systems; and will be adjusted, in the New Day.2
The bottom line (so to speak) to all this:
People who have larceny - and worse; can you say, satanic inclinations?? - in their hearts are not going to rule this new day for life on Earth. It’s time for a change.
The Change. As we move out from under the shadow of Death, and into the Light of
a - this - New Day.
And that means the end of the likes of a medical system predicated on the idea that the sicker the people are, the healthier the economy is.
When I say ‘a New Day,’ I mean
a New Day.
Ready. Or not. As I also say:
Your choice.
And you can take that to the bank.
And you can take that to the bank.
1 You do know of the attempts over the years of our erstwhile masters to surreptitiously introduce anti-fertility agents into young girls in Third World countries via vaccines ostensibly for the likes - and good-intentioned ’likes’ - of tetanus, don’t you? And subsequent other usages of vaccines as ‘weaponized medicine’?? Besides making us customers for the medical-pharmaceutical arm of that complex by the sickening - literally - introduction of harmful agents into our bodies via that vector in the form of the terrible likes of mercury, and aluminum, and autoimmune- and allergy-inducing agents, and the like??? No????
Point made.
2 Did you know that this was all engineered by the likes of the Rockefellers? The Cabal wanted more income tax monies to play their games with, and hit on the idea of what has become consolidated under the rubric of ‘Women’s Lib’ to get more females into the workforce as well, in order to, er, profit from their tax dollars. Pus the agenda of all of the NWO crowd, to have the state take over the raising of the children, a la the philosophy of the likes of Lenin.
Never say die, these collectivists, these Power Over Others fanatics (or POO for short). They have been planning this takeover for generations - centuries, actually. Ah well. The best-laid plans...
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