I woke up today from a dream in which I had just delivered some paint to an auto body repair shop (a job that I have held in my past. In this life) and discovered while there that I was part of a group of people who had been sued, successfully, and had to pay some of the monies involved in the ‘damages’. Why?? Because something had gone wrong in the repair of somebody’s vehicle there, and they successfully sued the shop, including everybody involved in the repair that had gone wrong. What?! Even me?? But I had only delivered the paint for the job. I had nothing to do with the job per se. Oh yes I did, was the sense of the matter. Why? Because I was involved in the repair job, however obliquely. I had helped to ‘aid and abet’ in the commission of what had become adjudicated to be a crime.
But that’s not fair, I thought in my dream. And also thought: That is immoral, to lump me in with the repair job on a vehicle that had gone wrong, just because I had delivered the paint for the finishing touch to the job.
And realized that it is similar to my attitude regarding voting. Having returned to my home town, and country, after having lived abroad for many years, I was appalled to find out the extent of the corruption in the voting process. I live in the (ignoble) state of California, and without going into the details, it became obvious to me that the voter registration rolls - especially because no ID of any kind is required to vote in this state - are chock-a-block with the names of illegal aliens, and other ineligible voters (non-citizens, duplicate voters, the latter category enhanced by Absentee Ballots and Early Voting; etc.). I have refused to vote under these circumstances; considering voting to be a crime - under current circumstances, to ’aid and abet’ in the commission of a crime. ‘But that just lets the other side get away with voting murder,’ you say? I understand that argument. But my position is that only when we refuse to vote under such corrupt circumstances will things finally get better. ‘Clean Elections Or No Elections’ is my take on the matter. And here I make my stand.
‘But that would just let the incumbents stay on in position,’ you say. And that’s when and where things get really interesting, in my take on things.
You see, I believe that - speaking of federal elections - Congress needs to be dissolved anyway, until everything is cleaned up in this regard, of elections. Why? Because Congress failed to do its constitutional duty to rein in the rogue executive branch of the federal government, when a usurper was allowed to run for and occupy the office of the presidency. In the form of the man who took to calling himself Barack Hussein Obama in his adult years.
I have gone over this particular matter enough times in these pages not to have to go into all that here and now. This now is just to point out that we have a major job to do, to set things to rights in this country.
Actually, in many areas of our life. Particularly including the financial and monetary area. Where we need a new system in toto. Which affects the whole world as well.
I will hold the space until everything is cleared up.*
And then we go from there.
* And especially in regards to what is called, with some degree of euphemism, ‘child sex trafficking’. Beyond the more execrable aspects of that general mater: Children have a right to experience childhood free from adult (‘adult’) taint.
Full. Stop.
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