Thursday, 31 January 2019

A Man Of Sin

When I was in my mid-30s, back in the late ‘60s, I was at one point employed as s delivery truck driver (and solicitor of business) delivering straightened and rechromed bumpers to auto body repair shops in the Valley area of Southern California.  Those were the days of ‘proper’ bumpers, which could be very expensive if needing to be replaced new, which opened a business opportunity for industrious types to offer to S&R the damaged ones instead.  It also opened up an economic area for competition between such businesses.  Which brought me in touch personally with an area of life that I found very distasteful.(1)  It turned out that part of my job was to be a bag man, delivering - discreetly, of course - such a ‘bag’ monthly to the line manager of one such repair shop (of a major car dealership) who had agreed to send business the way of my employer as long as he made a cut on the sales.

I didn’t like doing this.  I felt sullied by it.  But it turned out to be part of the job.(2)   

I ended up quitting that job, for other reasons specifically; and nearly ten years later I ended up living in a spiritual community, in the north of Scotland, far away from such a world, I thought.  Where one fine day, after many years of living in that healthy and peaceful environment, and going to a dentist in town for some work or other, his Receptionist - a nice young woman - presented me with an insurance form to sign to cover part of my bill.  (The UK’s NHS doesn’t cover dental work completely.)  Which I noticed was blank.  

I asked her about that little detail.

She replied innocently enough that that was how they did things there, that the ‘doctor’ would fill the details in later when he had the time.

I hesitated.  And then made my decision:

Never.  Again.  Dammit.  This world’s ways of doing things was not going to be my way.  I wasn’t going to have anything more to do with doing ‘business’ that sort of way.  This world needed to change - to be changed - and fast.  For me, and the likes of me, to be able even to live here.  To have to put up with such corruption.       

That was - let’s see; about when was that?

That was long enough ago, now.

And I have now returned to my home country, and town, in my retirement years.  Having done my dash in life.  Not needing to prove anything, anymore.  If I ever did.  Except one thing.

I will not tolerate corruption in my Father’s house.

I will be damned if i’m going to tolerate any of that sort of thing anymore.  I am talking now about two things in particular, that have confronted me upon my return:

1) The rampant voter fraud going on in this country; and

2) The disgusting treatment accorded to the country’s Constitution. 

Both, for many years.  Now to stop.  If I have anything to say or do about it.    

And I aim to. 

With Thomas Jefferson, I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.  And ‘you’ want me to pretend that Obama was a legally sitting president of the United States??  And that a huge amount of other such criminal balderdash going on in the U.S. - that has crept in over the years, like a sinister creature cunningly creeping in and making itself at home here - is legal according to the Constitution, when it is demonstrably NOT???  

Hear me, O America:

The United States government, as James Madison made CRYSTAL clear in a number of places in his writings,(3) is a government of limited and delegated powers - “few and defined,” in his precise words.  Is “a limited one, possessing enumerated powers”.  Not “an indefinite one, subject to particular exceptions”.(4)  Is, therefore, not a centralized form of government; which is easier to take over, than a federal one.  

It will become a centralized one.  

When the right ‘party’ takes over.

And we are rid of corruption on this planet once and for all.

For having moved into a, the

kingdom of heaven.

Under the rule of Truth. 

Falsehood no longer.

In all areas of life.

And you can take that to the bank.

Just a different one from the kind we have today.

Because it's time for

the Big Change to come through.

At long last.

For me, personally.

And for the planet.

Or hadn't you noticed.

P.S. One aspect of which is how this country is some $21 trillion - that's trillion.  With a T - in debt, and counting.  With a 'goodly' amount of that being just the interest on the debt.  Owing to whom?  Ah.  I see.  People - certain families in particular - that want to take over this country, and make of it merely part of a region of their totalitarian New World Order.  And the owners of a 'goodly' amount of our 'paper' itself?  Ah.  I see.  The Chinese.  'But they would never call us on it because then they wouldn't get their money back'?  But then they would own our assets.  Including our resources...
     Remind me not to hire any of our representatives to the federal government who got us into this mess, and are keeping us in it.  If I were ever in charge of this country.
     But then, who am I to talk.  Right?  Being a man of sin, and all.
     But at least, having some sense of honor.


(1) Not ‘competition’ per se.  Though this was at a time when I was waiting patiently for a/the Change in the monetary and financial system of the world to come through, that I had sensed back at the beginning of that decade, and which I have talked about previously in these pages.  In late 1961 I gave The Change about thirty years to filter down through to the human level.  So, patience being a virtue, I was well within the realm of a virtuous soul at the time that I am referring to in this particular rendering of my journey through life.
   (But still, it was a drag.  There we were, still pitting ourselves against one another, when we - to my reckoning of What It Was All About -  should be working with one another.  Cooperation.  Not competition.  
   Just not the way that the communists were attempting.  The Way of Force.)   

(2) It wasn’t, at first.  I didn’t know that it was going on.  But apparently when my boss figured that he could trust me to be discreet about the matter, he turned it over to me, from  apparently having been running the errand himself.
   Ah.  So this is what they call a kickback, I thought, in my innocence about such matters.

(3) That’s James Madison?  As in the Father of the Constitution??  You may have heard of him???  On the other hand, you may well not have, given the quality of education on U.S. History & Government that has been going on in this country.  For long enough.   

(4) In a letter dated January 21, 1792.
     For other references, see The Federalist Papers, nos. 14, 39 and 45.  And I could go on.  But you get the point.
     The nation has already been hijacked.

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

The Apprentice Gods

Back in the very late ‘40s-early ‘50s, going on into high school in Southern California, we newly minted drivers enjoyed driving further down the coast on weekends to places like Laguna Beach to body surf - this was just before the surfboard craze - and deepen our sun tans.  I don’t know who first had the bright idea historically (I understand that it was an early craze at Yale), but besides our playing touch football along the water’s edge someone would bring his mother’s pie plate and we would sail it to each other; needing to be careful regarding younger kids around, or someone could get hurt by a wayward throw.  And thereby hangs a tale.

Let me highlight a particular fact here, to help my story along.  Near Laguna Beach proper there was a little somewhat private cove, called Crystal Cove, which was where my particular crowd liked to hang out.  I say ‘somewhat private’ because, though it was of necessity open to the general public, it had an element of exclusivity about it.  I remember one weekend day when someone from our crowd, having just returned from a walk along the surf line, reported that he had just seen Elizabeth Taylor up the beach a short ways from our habitual ’encampment’.  (Elizabeth Taylor?  Don’t tell me some reading this don’t know who Elizabeth Taylor was??  Ye gods.  How time flies.)  I report this, because I am making a case for what could in all possible likelihood have transpired from that stretch of beach, in our crowd’s time.  To say: With exclusivity comes wealth.  With wealth comes entrepreneurs, and that mentality.  I have no hard time whatsoever in thinking that, among those beachgoers in our innocent youth’s time - with our sun-bronzed bodies (and in my case, additionally my blonde bleached -out hair) demonstrating our passion for life - was such a person, who saw us one fine day throwing such a pie plate, and noticed the danger, and added two and two, and came up with

the Frisbee.*

And speaking of that time period; and the point - the main point - of this little treatise, essentially on Life In Our Times…

Some will have noted that this was a time period just before, and just during, the Korean War, oops, make that officially the Korean ‘Police Action’.  Now, what was that all about?  I mean, specifically, the business of calling it a Police Action instead of a war??

Because it was the first time that the U.S. was taken into a war without a declaration of such by Congress - the legal, to say constitutional, entity to do such a thing.  And was roped into such an action by our membership in the United Nations.  

For a purpose.  And that purpose was not primarily to attempt to create ‘a better world’ by the nations of the world banding together and attempting to keep tyrants at bay.

But was to attempt to make the world safe for just such a category of persons.


Behind the scenes, of such innocent-looking organizations as the UN.

Quietly lurking in the shadows.

Just like the lurkers in the shadows in our day who are collecting billions - billions - of dollars off just the interest owed on the U.S. federal government’s debt alone.

A government that is not what most Americans think it is.  But which is, rather, a corporation.

Run by people who won the Revolutionary War after all.

And those people were not the likes of this nation’s Founding Fathers.  

Many of whom in point of fact even warned us about such people, and powers.

For whom the time has come

to be kicked out of power over us.

By just such innocents as those amongst my crowd who used to spend their summers on the beaches of Southern California.  Deepening their tans.

And giving others ideas about how to make some money.

Big money.

Off the local yokels.  

Who just didn’t get it.

For a long time.

About who really runs the world.

But who ‘get it’ now.

Now.  The Day of

the apprentice gods.

Waking up to their potential.

Their highest potential.

To set things right.

In a world

gone far, far


Like an errant frisbee toss.

That could hurt

a lot,


of people.

If we apprentice gods

now in our incontinent-ridden bodies, bur still riding with the Founding Fathers

(which can't be said for the bulk of the younguns amongst us; brainwashed on our watch)

didn’t watch out.

In time.

To head that possibility


And create

a better world

in the process.

By having a bright idea

for it.


than the fool’s gold that we have been beguiled into buying.

Up till now.

But, rather, pure


That we can ‘deepen our tans’ by.

In climbing

further up

the stairway to

the heavens.

With a straight shot at it

at this time.


particularly opportune 

and perilous


* And take a bow, Walter Frederick Morrison, who was reputed to have been its inventor.  In California.  About that very time.  Although from experiences further up the coast, in Santa Monica.
   Oh well.  The idea still holds water.

Monday, 28 January 2019

Emissaries Of The Light

Speaking of lying, as I was in my last blog:

I have been waiting for Pres. Trump to ‘blow the whistle’ on all the chicanery and deceit that took place in the 2018 elections, as commented on by ‘Q,’ who let his/their followers know that the Trump admin had monitored it all, to be able to have evidence to take down more and more of the Deep State players in the saga going on, of our erstwhile masters attempting to take down this country, and make it part of a despotic and totalitarian New World Order - the reverse image of The Real Thing.  But, for whatever reason, that isn’t happening.  

I don’t know why.  It is obvious that Pres.Trump and his team of, in a word, ‘patriots’ are working with a hidden agenda (to keep the details from the other side).  But it needs to happen, and soon.  Or said Deep State players will take over the initiative, and turn things definitely south.  And that should not happen.

Because it is time - for a number of reasons - for a fundamental change in the ‘operating system’ on planet Earth.  Away from the monetary and financial system that has been in place for long enough, with all of its deleterious effects.  As well, because I am feeling the itch to help take over the reins of this nation, set aside for a major role to play in The (proper) New Order of Things.  To build on its Constitution, and that contract’s honoring of the individual, with ‘certain unalienable rights’.  That contract now to be released, as the ‘kingdom of heaven’ takes over.  Life now to be in more perfect alignment with the Higher Purpose.  Our elementary grades of self-education now over and done with.   

So, come with me, as we progress further on the spiral stairway to the heavens.  To the higher realms.  The higher states of being; of ‘grades’.  The higher dimensions.  Owning your Self being your own savior.  Responsible - with the advent of modern-day scholarship shining the light of Truth on the fact that the Jesus of the so-called New Testament was simply a character in a story (designed primarily to attempt to wean the Jews away from their belief in a militaristic Messiah who would lead them to victory over their enemies and instead accept the yoke of Roman authority over them; and secondarily to bring the Gentile subjects of the empire into a belief in the Roman emperor being verily God) - for your own ’salvation’.  As a fully fledged child of (the true) God, returning to your roots; the better, more matured for the experience of seeming Separation, in a realm of Duality/Polarity - of, in a word: Choice.  Proving yourself to be ready for your Next Steps.

Or not.  Or to say, more clearly:

As are we all.

One ‘way’.


the other.

And further on the general subject of lying:

from jamesfetzerdotorg: ’S.E. Cupp: How the Age of Trump brought us Ocasio-Cortez’ - January 27
(Cupp compares comments by AOC to Trump in a way designed to make of the latter a buffoon, “uninterested in facts”…)

Stan says:

Um…denigrating Pres. Trump’s “suggestion to end birthright citizenship”? Who’s “uninterested in facts” now??

The facts are on Pres. Trump’s side in that matter. The 14th Amendment allows for no such thing as it has been made by shyster lawyers and judges to say. Quote: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, AND SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF, are citizens of the United States…” People in this country either illegally or say on diplomatic mission [or holiday junket] are not “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S.; they are subject to the jurisdiction of their home countries, never having left that little fact. Inconvenient to some people, who are and have been trying for a long time to bring this country down, and make of it merely a part of their totalitarian New World Order.

Which is why the Deep Staters and their acolytes in the MSM have been trying six ways from Sunday to bring down their arch enemy, the nationalist Donald J. Trump. This generation’s Ronald Reagan; who threw a monkey wrench into this same crowd’s best-laid plans in the ’80s. And they are bound and determined not to have that kind of reaction to their agenda happen again.

Game On.


A ways to go yet.  

But we’re getting there.


But sure.

I certainly wouldn't bet on the Dark side winning the day.

They've had their innings.

The 'Home' team is up at bat now.

And heading for


On Lying, And Liars

I ended my last blog on the note of Truth.

This is a biggie for me.

When I was in the second half of my first grade in school (I know this because we had moved by then to another city; or more precisely, from a city to a town.  In the same state, of Idaho) our teacher told us the story of little Georgie Washington cutting down the little cherry tree, and, when confronted about the matter by his parents, said the immortal words, ‘I cannot tell a lie;’ whereupon, to help impress the story in our little brains, she had us color in a sprig of three cherries.  The story may well be apocryphal.  But what a good ‘story to tell’ to children about the Father of their Country, and fine, upstanding adults in general.  I share this story because I have an abiding passion for truth-telling, both from me and others.  I can’t stand lies, and liars.  I have often wondered if my abiding passion in this regard stems from that 'little' experience, in the second half of my first grade in school.

Could be.  But I don’t think so.  Having grown up enough to understand what Life is all about.  And the difference between living a spiritual life.  And a life dedicated to the Dark side.

Take Hillary.  (I’m tempted to add ’Please’.)  I don’t know when, or how, or why she got bent.  I just know that something in her relatively early on resonated with the material of Saul Alinsky, in his handbook for aspiring Luciferians, ‘Rules for Radicals’ (formally dedicated to “the first radical, Lucifer”), which she analyzed for her thesis in university, and ended up staying in touch - admiringly - with Alinsky for some years afterwards.  

From a Goldwater Girl to an inveterate liar - how many lessons did it take for you to become the practiced, habitual, if not outright compulsive, if not downright pathological, liar that you have turned out to be, Hillary??  

And I understand that she has even added to her baggage the accomplishment of becoming a Third Degree Coven Witch.  Or is it Four, now, Hill???…

But - 

is just putting her (and other Darkside players) in prison (think Gitmo, and military tribunals, for threatening the very core of this country) the answer???…

I bring this subject up because

a) We are on the verge of what is called a/the Reval, involving an entirely new monetary and financial system for the planet; and

b) It is part of a larger whole.  Won’t take place in a vacuum.  Will require us to ‘rise to the occasion’.  

Beyond just levels of the ‘temperament’ of vengeance, and so forth.  

We need, in effect, to learn to love one another. 

As all being a part of God.

Of our Creator Source.

And thus, worthy of basic respect.  And, ultimately,


Hard, I know.   When some of ‘us’ appear to deserve great opprobrium.  But

who knows

if we haven’t been ‘’there’


At other times. 

In this Play, designed

to catch our consciences

and get us to live up to our ‘intrinsic worth’.  Our full potential.

Our full




Or later.

And especially

in the


A critical mass



Before our very eyes.


our very


Sunday, 27 January 2019

A Brief History

In 1961, while working at a simple post-Draft clerk-typist job while keeping an eye on what was going on in life (mostly to do with the political scene, but also spiritually), I awoke to the fact that it was our monetary system itself that was keeping us from coming together and creating a proper society on Earth, celebrating our Creator in the process.  So I set out on a ‘walk to Washington’ (from my home in a suburb of L.A.) to tell that/relay that message to the president of the day, who was JFK.  After a month on the road (a story in itself), I didn’t get into the White House further than to a side gate to pass on my message, but nevertheless I left it there with (presumably) a Secret Service guy, and went on my merry way into the next phase of my life.  

Which lasted until late 1975, when I came across information about a spiritual community in the north of Scotland that was emphasizing not only the laudatory idea of a spiritualized New Age, but of ‘cooperation with Nature’ as part of the deal.  Sounded good to me; and I ended up going over there, and living there in that community for the better part of the next 30 years.  Whereupon I entered the latest chapter of my life.

Which happens to be in ‘retirement’ mode back here in my home (town and) country, of the U.S.   Brought back primarily because of concern about what was/is going on here, at my primary base in life.  Not only with the illegal administration of Barack Obama having disgraced the country for the last eight years.  (How dumbed down my fellow Americans had gotten, I felt.)  But with the advent of President Trump, and that opportunity to, as he calls it, ’drain the swamp’.  Of advocates for - whether they all recognize it or not - an atheistic global totalitarian state, which its advocates call their New World Order.  An attempt to put the whole world under the boot of our erstwhile masters.  Who have demonstrated that they are not just after Power Over Others (POO for short).  But want it in a very dark, to say evil, way.

And thus, have brought things on the planet to a head.  Whereby it is now time for


to come out of the latency space.

And take over.

The End.


The Beginning.

Saturday, 26 January 2019

On A New Day

from ‘CAESAR’ S MESSIAH: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ - YouTube - Sept. 15, 2018; orig. 2012
(Five open-minded Bible experts join Joseph Atwill in a look at his well-researched contention of the true origins of the so-called New Testament.)
1 day ago (Jan 25 2019)

This is an interesting hypothesis. I did not expect to watch the entire video but it is very interesting.

I do have some questions that I don't think are adequately addressed and I welcome thoughtful comments based on a little bit more than religion or faith.

1. Certainly many of the Pauline letters predate the Gospels, in fact the video references this. But there is no claim that Paul was working for Rome. I believe most scholars believe that Galatians was one of the letters actually written by Paul. In this letter Paul specifically references meeting some of the Apostles including Cephas/Peter. I would think this gives credibility to the historical existence of Jesus. 

2. At least Matthew and Luke take pains to connect Jesus to Bethlehem. Even though most scholars believe that the birth narratives ARE fictional, if the life of Jesus was completely fictional wouldn't it be easier just to say he lived in Bethlehem and leave Nazareth out of it? Again, this points to an historical person.

3. We know that there were many more Gospels than the 4 in the canon. If Rome had control, why the effort and expensive of so many? Wouldn't they have insisted on formalizing the canon much earlier than they did, and perhaps just one so we didn't see the inconsistencies (especially between John and the synoptics)? 

4. I think most scholars agree that the paragraph regarding Jesus found within Josephus was a latter Christian insert. If Josephus was so deeply involved in the creation of the Gospels, it seems likely he would have mentioned it himself and perhaps included much more about it.
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1 second ago (January 26, 2019)

Very good questions/comments.  A problem regarding 'Paul,' however, is that both Atwill and Ralph Ellis in his books on the general subject have made compelling cases for Saul-become-Paul actually to have been an alter ego of Josephus, writing himself into his own story.  He saved his own skin (and that of a number of his fellow priestly-line Jews) by telling Vespasian that he a) would help him become emperor, and b) would help him & other Roman emperors against Josephus's fellow Jews by trying to make it out that their looked-for Messiah was not a militaristic leader who would lead them to victory over their enemies by incessant rebellion but a figure who counseled them to "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" and to obey authority, as the way, ultimately, to gain power.  And on that particular latter point, see the book 'The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia' by Flavio Barbiero.  Well worth reading.
Show less

So  A Roman god that Christianity was set up to worship…

How long will we labor under the delusion.

Sincerely.  But duped in it nevertheless.

And therefore, its needing to be corrected.

As is everything else.

For Truth to prevail.

And nothing less.

For, nothing less will be able to stand

in the Light of

the New Day

dawning for humankind

on planet Earth.

Those who can withstand that Light, that is to say.

As we face a time of the re-evaluation of the purpose of money.

The true, legitimate purpose of money.

As merely a medium - a convenient medium - of exchange.

Not as a means of gaining Power Over Others. 

Or POO for short.

And that is what I mean by its being a time for, and of,

a New Day.

Which is actually

an Old Day.

The Day of

Our Creator Source.

To be birthed on

this poorly put-upon planet.

Having seen our worst.

Now, about to see

our best.

With you.

Or without you.

Your choice.

As always.

Friday, 25 January 2019

Now Is The Time...

…For All Good Men And Women
       To Come To The Aid Of
              Their Country

I’m still getting mail from outfits that haven’t cleaned their mailing lists yet regarding my (sometimes repeated) requests to be taken off their lists.  Here’s one from an adjunct to one that I have thus informed, Larry Klayman’s Freedom Watch.  This mailing, from ‘the Klayman Group, P.A.’, is a part of a particularly worthy cause that I unfortunately can no longer financially support.  Its message is, well, aggravating.  Under the heading ‘Oppressive Federal “Deep State” Government And Its So Called Justice Department (Sic) Determined Still To Put Bundys Away In Prison For Life!,’ Klayman writes. in part:

“The ‘Deep State’ federal government, more tyrannical than even King George III’s British monarchy in the years, months and days leading up to the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, and the ensuring [sic] revolution, will not give up!  Undaunted by even the dismissal of its indictments of Cliven Bundy [and] his sons…along with other peaceful protesters who used their constitutional and God-given right to bear arms to stand down Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and FBI goons who threatened the family with death if they did not turn over their cattle and abandon their Bunkerville ranch, our so-called Department of Justice (DOJ) and the same U.S. Attorney’s office which hid exculpatory evidence, lied to the court, suborned perjury, and threatened [a] whistleblower…are incredibly appealing to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, a very leftist bench.”

Yes, I’ve heard of them.  The majority on it are apparently as corrupt as what is called the Ninth Circle.  Another story.  Klayman -  a real fighter for what he believes in - goes on:

“Their goal: to have the Bundys retried, convicted, sentenced and put away for life - that is after having already been falsely imprisoned (Cliven initially in solitary confinement) for two years white they awaited their first trial.  The reason: One should never question or oppose the power of the feds, or you will be crushed!  This is the lesson that these vile prosecutors and their superiors in the DOJ want to mete out on We the People!  Even with the election of President Donald Trump, DOJ is still controlled by hate-filled leftists, 97 percent of whom voted for and/or donated monies to the presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton and before that Barrack Hussein Obama for president.”

(Ah yes.  The ‘apparatchiks’ of Russian Bolshevik-era fame.  Who have infested our country’s federal government bureaucracies in likewise fashion; and whom Pres. Trump can’t fire outright, because of some law or other.  But which condition may be able to be circumvented, with some adroit handling of the current federal government shutdown.)  

“The secondary goal for this appeal is to cover the backsides (‘cya’) of the DOJ prosecutors who were caught red-handed committing crimes in obstructing justice.  They hope that the equally leftist Ninth Circuit will overturn the dismissal of the indictments and make rulings that let them off the legal hook, as their careers, at least in theory, are in jeopardy.”  Particularly because “I previously filed ethics complaints against them to have them disbarred from practicing law ever again, as well as prosecuted for their crimes.”

So, Klayman personally upped the ante…He continues:

“The DOJ and its prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s office in Nevada are truly evil, pure evil!  But this is the world that we live in today: ordinary law-abiding and good folk like the Bundys and their supporters at Bunkerville are to have no rights in the face of oppressive federal power!  We live in a socialist Godless state run by despots who feather their own nests at the expense of We the People!  That explains how former Senator Harry Reid put President Obama and his DOJ, FBI and BLM up to trying to take away the land which the Bundy family has ranched for over 150 years and then attempted to sell it to Chinese environmental interests, with likely kickbacks to Reid and his son Rory, a corrupt downtown Las Vegas attorney - and even Obama himself!”

Klayman’s hyperbole aside, he has missed an important point here.  Namely: the Chinese “environmental interests” are just a cover for what is really going on in this country.  Their ‘solar farm’ employees are actually military cadres.  And which ‘farms’ are being situated near U.S. military bases and main highways, in order to give them a) instant deployability, and b) mobility.(1)  And the same is happening in California.  Where Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s husband buys up (deliberately) distressed farming property and sells it on to Chinese, er, environmental interests.  For their country’s food-resource needs.  And thus, to cripple to a ‘healthy’ extent the U.S.’s own food needs; California being a major supplier of a number of foodstuffs to our country.

Did I say, ‘our’ country???…

This country is being taken over.  From both the inside.  With homegrown Quislings helping in that manner.  And from the outside.  With the likes of our porous southern border.  Which has allowed Fifth Columnists into this country for so long that they have established ‘beachheads’ in all 50 states.  According even to disgraced former FBI head James Comey. 

And the average American Joe and Jill Public, while all of this preparation activity has been going on?


Well.  Hit the alarm bell, Citizen.  Or lose your country.

Just another quickie, while I’m on the subject of a) my day’s mail, and b) apparatchiks.  They don’t just infest federal bureaucracies.  They are At Work And Play in other areas as well.  Take the “dozen states and environmental groups [which] are suing the Trump Administration to resurrect one of Obama’s worst policies”.  Which is?  “Obama’s unconstitutional and illegal WOTUS rule.”  Which stands for??  “Waters of the United States.”  

What is this all about???

Rainfall on private property.  Obama was such a good socialist that he wanted to regulate even rainfall on private property.  From a mailing from the Southeastern Legal Foundation, which has been fighting this sort of socio-economic war in the courts for many years:

“[We’re not just] talking about regulating bays and lakes and rivers.  Obama’s WOTUS rule was so expansive that if your land receives rainfall and a small puddle forms, the federal government can regulate your private property.  In practical terms, Obama’s WOTUS rule means the federal government can regulate every square inch of the United States from coast to coast…”  (Emphasis in original)

But surely the courts will rule against this obvious over-expansion of federal power??

Think the Ninth Circuit.  And the spirit alive in various states of objection to the Trump administration.(2)  

And the likes, in our world today, of the Ninth Circle.  

And the cultivated attitude of our youth to ‘saving the world from’ the likes of Americans’ ‘freedom’.  Whereby a fair amount of our youth have been seductively enlisted in a war ’to save the planet’ from ‘man-made Climate Change’.  Without understanding that that canard has been a ploy to fasten onerous controls on the world’s peoples; not by legitimately concerned scientists and citizens of the world.  But by the likes of the Trilateral Commission.

Who or what is the Trilateral Commission??

Look it up.  While you are looking up the Ninth Circle.

And learn something about the real world that you are living in.

Outside of 



(1) In conjunction with their forces coming up from the South through Mexico (already, according to some sources, in place in the mountains in the northern part of the country).
   More than one way to skin a cat, eh, boys???
   And snoozeville Americans thought they were safe, with their bordering oceans and all…
   And in all of this, not to overlook our vulnerable northern border.  But one thing at a time… 

(2) Which objection could all too easily spill over into secession moves, by ‘liberal’ states.  
   With the aid of all the illegal-alien and other non-citizen voters.  To take this country over.
   By hook.  

   Or by crooks.

The Covington Incident

from ‘John Kass, Thought Crimes, Media Abuse and those Catholic High School Boys from Covington’ - John Kass - January 24
(A report on “that hateful leftist social media mob - shamefully egged on by prominent American journalists…”)

Stan says:

Thanks for this clarifying report, John (and Jim).

The MSM has covered itself in ignominy. It needs to slink away, back into the darkness from which it emanated, and be taken down in its near-monopoly status by a totally cleaned-out federal government, for a New Day to be born in the American Republic. One cleaned out of such disgusting bias, and abject propaganda, as engaged in by the New World Order crowd, in furtherance of their attempts to fasten a totalitarian stranglehold on, ultimately, the whole world itself.

It has gotten to the point of parody.  If the boy who happened to be in front of the old American Indian agitator (who has proven to be a liar about what happened, and about himself) beating his drum in his face had happened to show anger at that provocation, the MSM would have smeared him as being a racist bully; if he did what he did - simply endure it, with a ‘Whatever’ smile of patience - he has been smeared as being a racist with “a hateful smirk of privilege,” as the article indicated he was being portrayed as evidencing by the MSM.  So, get the spin take on matters ready for whatever your enemy gives you to work with.

And enemy it is, to these revolutionaries.

They are at war with us.

So we need to be at war with them.

And just not sink to their disgusting level, in engaging them.

Besides ‘A Call to Reinvestigate [the] American Assassinations’ of four prominent political figures of the 1960s that another of Fetzer’s blogs covers in his day’s releases, we need to have an investigation of the character assassination of the Covington boy and his friends at that confrontation by revolutionaries at the Lincoln Memorial, as portrayed unfairly by said MSM. 

We’re not talking either the 1960s or the 2010s here, in effect.  

We’re talking 1984.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Just A Little Unfinished Business Left

In my day’s mail there was a letter from - who???!  - George Soros.*  I decided to read it, rather than automatically tear it in two and deposit it straight into my recycling box. as I do so much of my mail these post-discretionary-income days of mine.

He wrote to me in support of an outfit called The Drug Alliance Policy (DPA), which is, according to his letter, “a movement of Americans of all backgrounds working to end the War on Drugs and replace it with sensible, humane policies that actually work.

“DPA stands up to the misinformation and intimidation of Drug War zealots….This kind of intimidation is the hallmark of a closed society.  In contrast, I have devoted my life to building an open one.           

“:An open society”…This could be, well, interesting.  Reading on, If ind that

“The open society is based on an idea I first encountered studying philosophy at the London School of Economics.  We can prove what is not true, but we cannot say conclusively what is true.

“Hence the necessity of the open society—one in which any proposition can be freely and peacefully discussed, challenged and debated…”

Ah yes.  As exemplified by those other outfits that Soros has funded, Antifa and Black Lives Matter…

Synchronisitically, I also received in the same batch of mail a mailing from an outfit called the Tea Party Guard that gave history on how “a George Soros-funded group is pouring $80 million into a new effort to stuff voter rolls and ‘automatically register’ millions of voters for next year’s [2018] congressional elections…   

“Who’s ‘registering’ these millions of ‘voters?’

Top officials of a radical group so notorious for mass voter fraud and criminal activity they had to change their name!

It turns out that 

“‘The Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund…a New York-based nonprofit that receives the bulk of its funding from George Soros, [has] announced…that they will be heading up the new $80 million anti-trump network that will span 32 states and have 48 local partners,’ The Free Beacon reports.

“‘The network will seek to mobilize new voters and fight voter identification laws.  It will also focus on gerrymandering and automatic voter registration programs with an eye on the 2018 and 2020 election cycles,’  the Beacon reports.  (Emphases in original)

“Here’s the kicker:

“At least six top CPD officials are former executives at ACORN..”

Ah yes.  ACORN.  Convicted of multiple cases of voter registration fraud in a number of states and run out of business.  But it  doesn’t stop there:

“Just a few weeks ago, 12 people were indicted in Indiana for submitting untold numbers of fake voter registration forms for ‘Patriot Majority USA.’

“Patriot Majority USA’ is funded by George Soros…” 

Gearing up for more voter fraud - that is to say, more ’open society’ activity -  eh, George???


I have heard that there is Soros money behind the caravans emanating from Central America (and filled with Middle Eastern terrorists as well).  Perhaps that is what he means by his ‘open society’ mantra.  To include open borders.

* I can only presume that I got on his mailing list because I somehow got on the m. list of the SPLC.  Which itself my have come from my taking a number of ‘liberal e-newsletters.  For information purposes.
   Being someone who likes to know what ALL is going on.


P.S. from; ‘Who is winning in USA?  Trump or Pelosi?  Was a coup averted?  What’s next?’ - Javad Heirannnia - January 23
(Wide-ranging iv w/Robert David Steele.  Heirannia is an Iranian journalist.  A couple of commenters on the article put RDS down to varying degrees.  I felt a need to come to his defense.
N.B . Some excellent links in the article to info on 9/11, etc. etc. etc.)

Stan says:

RDS has done excellent work for a number of years now in getting important info out to the public on a number of hot-button issues. He is to be commended on all of his endeavors. He is a seeker of truth with a very sharp mind. I would give him a major role to play in any administration of mine. Full stop.