In my last blog I made reference again to an ongoing ‘pet peeve’ of mine, namely, the usurpation of the office of the presidency of the United States by an ineligible candidate, and the 'unindicted co-conspiratorship' of all the American citizens, on both sides of the political aisle in this country, and in ‘corporations’ like the Mainstream Media, who colluded with him in that usurpation. I have been taken to task by acquaintances for my ongoing insistence that this truth be looked at, and resolved, in favor of the Truth of things. Others who have insisted on this same thing have been labeled in and by the MSM as ‘racists’.
I wonder what they would attempt to call us - smear us - if that person would have been a while male, and we went after him, and the situation, with the same fervor for the Truth. Oh yes - they have also used the deprecating term of ‘birthers’. Which is actually also a red herring, used for ‘controlled opposition,’ to deflect the whole truth of the matter. Yes, there is question - serious question; courtroom level question - regarding the birth certificate provided by Barack Hussein Obama ‘documenting’ his birth. But when Obama swore, by providing and posting that certificate on the official White House website, that his birth father was Barack Obama Sr., he was toast right there. For, it doesn’t actually matter where he was born. If his father was a non-citizen, he is not a ‘natural born’ citizen right there.(1)
But I want, here, to get into the larger picture that this matter involves. For, the detractors to this matter, of pointing out the Truth of the matter, could as well call those of us who are drawing attention to the matter - and insist on doing so - ‘truthers’.
‘Ah. So you’re a truther.’
‘Indeed. And you?’
‘You people are such a pain in the ass. Don’t you know yet that there is no absolute truth? That everything is relative? Come on; and dig it: What is ‘right’ is whatever advances my agenda and whatever is ‘wrong’ is whatever impedes it. Get with it, man.’
‘So, two plus two could equal five if it served your purpose for it to.’
‘ - well…Well - Exactly.’
So, what do we have here.
We have the satanists making their move to take over, not just this country. But the whole world.
I didn’t capitalize ‘satanist’ there, because one doesn’t have to be a believer in an actual entity called Satan to be the equivalent:
an atheist. Or other member of the forces of darkness. In sum:
A believer in Anything Goes, if it advances your agenda.
‘Whatever It Takes.’ ‘By Any Means Necessary.’ Lessons in Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’. (Which he dedicated to "Lucifer - the first Radical'.)
And just so, did the Department of Homeland Security under the Usurper, Obama, issue an official report adopting the perspective of the Southern Poverty Leadership Council - a far left outfit - naming ‘potential domestic terrorists’. On the list; the likes of:
Conservatives. Constitutionalists. Birthers. Preppers. Ron Paul supporters. Second Amendment supporters. White nationalists. White supremacists. Right-wing ‘extremists’. Those making an issue of the national debt.(2) Pro-Lifers. Veterans. Tea Party members. Those professing to want ‘Electoral Integrity’ because that is actually right-wing ‘code’ for Voter Suppression…
You get the picture.
I trust.
The choice is getting clearer and clearer.
Forget all the labels, and all the various ‘positions’.
You are either for Truth.
Or you are for expediency.
Take your pick.
Because you will have to.
For us to get out of this mess. That we are in, for the most part because of the machinations of those for whom it served their purpose for us to be in it.
The better to take us over by, my dears.
And because it has all served a larger Purpose.
Of education. Because
there is
a larger Purpose.
And so there is, after all, something called
And it is our 'job' - our journey - to suss it out.
And act on our discovery.
And it is our 'job' - our journey - to suss it out.
And act on our discovery.
(1) A ‘natural born’ citizen is a person ”born in the country, of parents who are citizens” thereof. That’s what makes it ‘natural’. They have NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Have SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the country of their birth. A particular concern of the Founding Fathers for the occupant of that particular federal office, who as well becomes the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces.
(The quote is from E. de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’. For which there is considerable historical evidence that the Founders knew of this definitive nation-building tome, and had great respect for it.)
(2) Why, you ask? Because, you see, a huge part of the debt is from the Welfare State that has been created, and most of those on welfare are blacks and Undocumented Workers and other minorities; so such talk is actually code by racists, you understand.
Don’t you??
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