Friday, 31 May 2019

On Giving The Poor Dogs A Bone

I echo Prof. Alan Dershowitz's casting of shame on S.C. Robert Mueller for exceeding his role, and giving a bone to the Democrats in Congress to chew on, for a while longer.

We really need to move on to and with things.  Out with the Comey Report, and the Declass, and the  unsealing of the indictments.  So that we can get to the Next Stage of Operations on Planet Earth:

the new monetary system; and all that goes with it.  As we near The End of

The Play

and The Beginning of

The Real Thing.

And it is only

a beginning.

So: A lot to look forward to.

Let's get on with it.

I for one didn't incarnate at this time to waste my time.

And I bet - for you who are bothering to read this - you didn't, either.

So; Hold the vision.

And help make it come about on the physical.  Every which way that you can.

Starting with how you treat

one another

on a daily basis.

And things will ripple out from there.

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