Tuesday, 31 December 2019

...And New Year Grouses

1) A friend - who happens to be of a different political persuasion than me; but that sort of thing happens, in a free country - has taken me to task for my harping on in these pages on subjects considered by said friend as “conspiracy stuff”.  Building an edifice on said friend’s awareness of my recent week-long bout with something I et, this communication almost set me off into a relapse:

“Subject: attitudes and physical health

“Have you ever made the link that ones mental/emotional outlook on life affects one's physical health?

“All that conspiracy stuff gets toxic...maybe your body is trying to tell you something.”

My response:

“1) I am very aware of such a link - and vice versa.

“2) If more Americans would wake up to what is going on in their country - their country - maybe I wouldn't have to keep pointing it out ad nauseam to some people.

“’We will know that our disinformation program is complete when everything that the American public believes is false.’
                                                        a former Director of the CIA
“(The CIA?  Ah - that would be those involved in Operation Mockingbird.  Right??  Right???)



 2) A current email from People for the American Way:

Heading into 2020 we [Dolores Huerta speaking for PFAW] are in the fight of our lives to save this country from the hateful, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, and unjust agenda that has defined the Trump presidency.

“To make matters worse, Republicans in Congress have been in lockstep with Trump the entire time. Instead of offering opposition, or even any meaningful rebuke of the Trump administration’s lawlessness and corruption, many instead choose to defend the indefensible out of fear of a Twitter tirade from (or primary challenge supported by) Trump. By groveling to the worst actions of the Trump administration, Republicans in Congress are enabling this vile agenda and those across the country who seek to exploit it.

“That has to end – and the only way to do it is to ensure that Republicans in Congress (and the White House) are serving their final term.

“It’s why I’m a proud to stand with PFAW in 2020 – to defeat Trump Republicans and elect strong progressive candidates up and down the ballot, all across the country…”

Now, Dolores, you wouldn’t be saying all that, employing all those dedicated trigger words, just to attempt to keep the illegal aliens flowing into this country, would you?  To bring it down, in order to install on its ruins whatever version of a new country that those bankrolling you have promised you??  And what would that be, Dolores?  Aztlan??  Or some region of a New World Order, designed to give you Power Over Others???  POO for short????… 


3) from Starship Earth: The Big Picture (What’s happening on our planet - and why): ‘Headiness and Update for December 31, 2019':

Before I get into the usual, please skip down to the Alert in red I have posted below stating that Cyndie Abcug was falsely arrested, fingerprinted, and incarcerated in Kalispell, Montana as of last night. The fraudulent warrant which was not presented until the next morning stated she was charged with “kidnapping with a weapon”, $250K bond so she needs $25K. If you want to donate, they shut down her Go Fund Me account so contact Northwest Liberty News.com and Jim will do his best to get her out of jail and just stated he will be attending her arraignment this morning and all funding coming in from this point forward will go to Cyndie’s bail, phone calls, etc.

“Cyndie’s son was a victim of medical kidnapping by Child Protective Services and she has been fighting it and doing interviews on Internet radio shows to alert people to the criminal activities of state officials. This is hard to believe but it might be the watershed moment in this horrendous nightmare. The FBI sent their cronies to arrest Cyndie without even a warrant.

“Also of great interest, is the inclusion of QAnon in the affidavit by police. Apparently that warranted the 16 guns trained on Cyndie last night when they arrested her for apparently planning to conduct an armed QAnon incursion at a foster care home—when she didn’t even know where her children are. This is unbelievable, folks. These control freaks have used this arrest to attack QAnon. If you don’t think QAnon is real and a threat to the cabal, think again.

“I’ve been on this live call for three hours and Jim will update us when he has more to add. It’s time to mobilize, folks. Share this and get it to people who can do something…”

‘Medical kidnapping by Child Protective Services..’  Interesting, that just before coming across this notification in my emails I had had occasion, because I keep an eye on “conspiracy stuff,” to go to the site medicalkidnapdotcom, which helps the public to keep an eye on child sex trafficking through the nation’s foster care system.  You see, the CPS is a front for…

Oh well.  Never mind.  

May this New Year be truly a New Year.  With all the trimmings.

A New Year's Wish

...and speaking of versions of reality, as I did in my last blog:

On this last day of the Old Year, on reflection it is my wish for the New Year that enough Americans of goodwill will see through the facade of the far Left's version of, and projection of, their reality that civil war will be avoided, and we will all move into the New World - the true New World - with grace and ease.  But it is our choice.

That of each of us.  Exercising our gift of free will.  As aspects  - learning aspects; educational aspects - of

The One.


P.S. More details on the New World to come in the New World.
     Which would appear to start in the New Year.
     If all goes according to

Monday, 30 December 2019

On Versions Of Reality

A cultural, economic and medical invasion of the U.S. is going on (to be followed by a military invasion), of people from Central America in particular, some of whom have been intentionally infected with pathogens, which they, acting as carriers, distribute into the U.S. when they are sent to various places in the U.S.   All on purpose.  For what purpose?  Mostly to set up mandatory vaccination roadblocks, in order for our Erstwhile Masters to have the opportunity to infect us all - or as many of us as they can get their hands on - with pathogenic vaccines, via the particular ’excuse’ they have created about a new Ebola virus scare, with a new vaccine already developed ‘for’ it.*  And thus as well to keep tabs on who is traveling around in the country.  With gun confiscation next up, on the list of our EMs.  As threatening now in Virginia, and other 'blue' states.  

As to these, our EMs.  They may well be irredeemably evil.  And thus will get the fate that they deserve.  But they may as well simply be playing a part, in The Drama that has been created, in order for us children of God to develop our consciousnesses.  And so, be careful with your responses to this whole Play going on.  Best to ‘leave them to God’.  And get on with your own ‘salvation’.

As to that latter subject.  Please understand, that no one ‘saves’ you, or can ‘save’ you, but yourself.  We are all on the same general path up the mountain - and subject to the same Law of Karma - just take different ways to get up it, and at different speeds.  Be kind to each other.  As we see this Drama through to its completion.

And have a chance to check out afterwards how we did, against our own plans for ourselves.  For, there are no victims in God’s creation.

Only in the Dark side’s version of reality.     

* The CDC has the patent for the virus.  Interesting, that.      

On Setting Things Straight

I have just ‘cleaned up’ a responsive comment I made in a recent blog regarding a quote from former Clinton admin Labor Secretary Robert Reich, who said in a column, as regards the whole Get Trump ‘thing’ going on by the far Left: “On one side are dedicated public servants, seeking to protect America.  On the other side are Trump and his thugs, seeking to protect Trump.”  I objected to his silly, very partisan depiction of the matter.  There is, of course, another side to this picture.  Call it the Third Side.  Which Paul Craig Roberts astutely referred to in a recent column of his (which I caught as posted at opednews.com), titled ‘The External Costs of Human Activity Are Killing the Planet’.  To wit:

The “external costs of human activity” refer to those costs as on the environment, which don’t figure in the bottom line of the corporations, in their near-mindless pursuit of profit at all costs.  Under the likes of the Clinton Administration, and especially under the likes of that of the Usurper, Obama, the likes of the executive-branch Environmental Protection Agency took on the flavor of a Bolshevik apparatus, attempting to control The People to within an inch of their lives, in the form of ‘environmental protections’ like regulatory-agency rulings that a rain-created puddle on a farmer’s property, kept to water his herd, ‘affected’ navigable waterways to the point of putting him under the thumb of the federal government, as a tut-tut no-no; all in service to the far Left socialist-communist vision of a global gulag, controlled by them.  (Think the UN’s Agenda 2030, and so forth.)  And then the likes of Pres. Trump (and Ronald Reagan before him, who was treated in the very same manner by the far Left ‘visionaries’ of that day) came along to rain on their parade into their Brave New World future, and release The People from the clutches of the uber-statists.  But - as these things go - what has happened is that the old deadly corporate world of characters - whose excesses previously fueled the reaction by the far Left to their rule - has just taken over again, as admirably noted by Dr. Roberts (formerly Asst. Secretary of the U.S. Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan Administration).  So.  What to do.

I’ve got it.

Rain on both their parades.  And get Humanity off of the not so merry-go-round that it has been oscillating, and idling, on long enough.

How so.

By eliminating the profit motive, for human activity.  And its associated handmaidens, of interest-bearing money and fractional-reserve banking.*  Those concepts being the cause of most of our problems.  As keeping us from recognizing our true identities.  As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  And needing now to act on that truism - and thereby graduate out of elementary school.  And move into the higher grades.  Just waiting for us, to inherit them.  As part of the Plan in and Purpose to Life, of our Creator Source.  Who IS in perfect alignment with  

The One.

The All That Is.

The ALL That Is.  Of which we incarnate souls are facets.  

Some of whom have lost their Way.

But who will hold the rest of us back

no longer.  Because

it’s time. 

To graduate.

From this level.   And move up to the next.  And then the next after that.  And then the next after that.  Up the spiral stairway to the heavens.

And, ultimately, beyond.


To Unity.             

With the value added benefit of 

the entire experience.

Thus enriching the Whole as well as - 

in the act of -

enriching our individual Selves.

A thought at this point:

Just eliminating temptation (as in the profit motive) doesn’t necessarily mean that that level of consciousness - the idea of gaining one up over others - isn’t still there.  But stop and think of two things.  1) When ‘you’ -  Humanity - have reached a level of technological development wherein and whereby you can manifest all of your needs out of the energetic ‘bubble’ that you are encased in (think of the likes of free energy devices, and anti-gravitational devices, and what are called ’Med Beds’, and the like), what happens to the ability of some to control others?  In an Age of Abundance, All are King.  And 2) When you realize - really ‘get’ - that We Are All One - behind all the races and religions and nationalities and whatever of our earthly, 3D classroom - why would you not Do unto Others as you would have Them Do unto You?  Especially as that maxim can be taken literally; and perhaps updated now, in this New Age, to be expressed as As You Do Unto Others So Do You Do Unto Your Self.  For, We Are All One.  And All IS One.

I am saying that it is time to move beyond the confines of the capitalist and communist paradigms, as they have served us in our elementary school stage of development.  And move Up a notch.  More fitting 

apprentice gods.

Gods in the making.

Co-creators, with our Creator Source.  Capable of far more than we have demonstrated heretofore.  

At this time.  Of Ascension.  On

The Path.


P.S.  I have brought up here the subject of money.  Let me expand a bit on that subject, since it is the key to the New Order of Things.
     The banks make money (and literally) by a) loaning money at interest, and b) using that loan as the basis for entering some figures in their ledger - take a figure; currently it is 9 or 10 times the amount of the loan - which hey can then loan out to others.  The way to, er, ‘make’ even bigger money is to get governments to borrow money - at interest - to finance enterprises such as, oh, say, wars.  And then to finance both sides of those wars.
     And our sweet tooth, of believing what we are told by our Erstwhile Masters, in all their sweet talking, has seduced us into supporting this scam
     long enough.  
     On this note: a comment by Dr. Stanley Monteith in his book ‘Brotherhood of Darkness’: 
     “One of the most disturbing books I read [in the early days of his personal awakening to the reality of this world] was National Suicide.  There Antony Sutton documented the fact that we [Americans] financed the Soviet Union during the Vietnam era, which allowed them to finance the North Vietnamese war effort.  Over eighty percent of the weapons that were used to kill and cripple our men in southeast Asia came from Russia, and by the time the war ended we and our allies had loaned the USSR and its Eastern European satellites over $40 billion.  Later, many of those loans were written off.”
     Dr. Monteith ends the comment, and chapter: “Unless we can convince the American people that we have financed communism since its inception, the sacrifice of those who died in the rice paddies of South Vietnam will have been meaningless, and their lives will have been lost in vain.”
     A word to the wise should be sufficient.  A word to the yet asleep will take more time.
     And we do not have much time left, to do the job that is
     in front of us.

* Money conjured up out of thin air?  Quite the magic trick, that.
   Called Babylonian Money magic.
    Very old stuff.
   Sorely in need of updating.

Saturday, 28 December 2019

The Medium Is The Message

At a tender age in high school, during my graduating summer, I set the tone for the rest of my life - as a truth seeker - by happening’ to come across a book entitled ‘Witness’.  By one Whittaker Chambers, it was/is the story of a man, an American, who got caught up in the false promise and weblike lure of communism (as did many souls at the time), became a Soviet spy in the ‘30s, and, beginning to see through its facade, began to collect evidence of his, and its, deceit, which led ultimately to the unmasking of a leading member of the U.S. State Department, one Alger Hiss - who was also centrally involved in the founding of the UN - as a Soviet spy for whom Chambers was a courier for U.S. secrets.  None of my fiends seemed to be particularly interested in all this.  Oh, the subject of ‘communist infiltration into the government’ would occasionally come up, from some article or other in our local newspaper; but it all seemed very far away, to us young guys, spending our senior summer on the beach on our So Cal weekends, before heading off to our various colleges and universities, for the next chapter in our young and carefree lives . (With the Korean War - excuse me; officially called a ‘Police Action,' for some politically arcane reason - held at bay for us as long as we were dutifully enrolled in Higher Education.)  But I was deeply disturbed by ‘it’: by what was going on, in my home country, under the nation-building surface of postwar America.

I didn’t like the feeling.  Of, like, termites quietly at work, hidden away at the innards of my country.  And resolved to keep an eye on the situation, even as I concentrated on my pre-Med - and full scholarship-provided - studies at my university of choice (Stanford U. in northern California).

And then came the ‘McCarthy Hearings,’ whereby a U.S. senator from Wisconsin, Joe McCarthy, gained notoriety for claiming to have a considerable list of names of communists in the federal government agencies.  He subsequently became the face of what became known, in dismissive fashion, as the Red Scare.  Someone set up a TV set in the lounge room of the wing of the Independent Mens dormitory where I was living at the time whereby we could watch sessions of the Hearings after passing through on the way to lunch and before returning to our rooms or classes.  I ‘observed,’ as the media seemed to paint him in a dark light, and emphasized the roles of critics of the hearings and of him personally.  That was when the term, a witch hunt, was spawned; and including the notable fact that one of the leading playwrights of the time, Arthur Miller, admitted that he had friends who were communists, and who, after refusing to ‘rat’ on them - i.e., to name names - wrote the play The Crucible, likening the McCarthy Hearings, and, subsequently, the House Un-American Activities Committee Hearings on the same subject, to the Salem witch trials.  All very 'commendable,' as portrayed by the media of (even) that time.  Which all seemed to me, at best, rather academically naive.  Or something a lot more sinister.  After all, the communists were extending their statist empire in Eastern Europe, and via Mainland China, and all, slaughtering millions on their way.  But the MSM seemed to be treating the subject as something not to be worried about.  After all, it was all only happening ‘over there’.  And all…

I was not fooled.  And though I was, at the time, coming close to the ‘spiritual experience’ that occasioned me to drop out of my formal education and go out into the world proper on a quest specifically for spiritual Truth, my quest, from the very beginning, included as well a quest for political Truth.  Both of which quests have continued to this day.  In research via many books, and articles, and subsequently on the Internet. 

My quest for spiritual Truth I have catalogued in these pages fairly comprehensively.  My quest for political Truth has included imbibing from the following books:

John Robison’s ‘Proofs Of A Conspiracy’.  John Coleman’s ‘The Committee of 300’.  ‘From Major Jordan’s Diaries’.  Gary Allen’s ‘None Dare Call If Conspiracy’ and ‘The Rockefeller File’.  James Perloff’s ‘The Shadows Of Power’.  Prof. Carroll Quigley’s magnum opus ‘Tragedy And Hope’.  Ted Flynn’s ‘Hope of the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the World’.  Webster Tarpley’s ‘George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography’.  Dr. Stanley Monteith’s ‘Brotherhood of Darkness’.  A number of books on the JFK assassination.  A number of books by Antony Sutton.  Prof. David Ray Griffin’s various books on 9/11.  The David Icke books.

The list goes on.  The bottom line:

Some very powerful individuals and families (think Illuminati bloodlines) have been engaged for a very long time in a plot to take over the world and make it safe for plutocracy.  But they are about to meet their Waterloo, in the form of a) technology that they will be unable any longer to stave off from widespread use, that event ushering in an Age of Plenty, and thus the end of their reign of Power Over Others; and b) the End Point of a long historical Process, whereby humanity has been engaged in a Plan in and Purpose to life beyond just in and for itself only; one that will result in a Synthesis of the parts of The Process, with the culminating ingredient, in particular, of Truth.  As Law.

Founded in Love.  The vey substance of the Creation.

All of which will no longer countenance Darkness as part of its necessary constituency.  Necessary, to its allowance, in a realm - a classroom - of (seeming) Separation and Duality, of free will.  As we move from The Drama to 

The Real Thing.  To include

A major Reset of the world’s financial and monetary systems, to reflect a) the spirit of cooperation, amongst elements - facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions - of The One; and b) Abundance.  In short:

The Works.  Coming to a theatre of operations rather near


As we leave the lower, 3D grade (matrix) behind.  And entertain our advanced status.

On the spiral stairway to the heavens.  

As gods in the making.

Being part of

The One.

Who has endured our inattention to the Meaning of it all

long enough.

Friday, 27 December 2019

Re: The New Earth

As follow-on to my last blog:

With the whole Ukraine ‘story’ starting to unwind against the global elite and their lackeys, and with the following story starting to come out, it would appear that crunch time has come: 

Drones flying search patterns over N/E CO (think Continuity of Government location, subsequent to a destruction of Washington, D.C., in order get rid of the burr under the saddle of our Erstwhile Masters, Pres. Donald Trump) conducting nightly recon and mapping gun owners in preparation for taking their guns away, with extreme prejudice.  CO, and very possibly, in the New Year, CA and VA and IL.  To start with.  All, to trigger a ‘desired’ civil war; rural areas to be disarmed first, in order to corral us - complete with roadblocks - into pack’em and stack’em big cities, the easier to control us by, my dears.

Awakening to my Life’s Purpose,

I await your call to intercede.

Gloves No More

Who’s Kidding Whom?

As referenced in my last blog, I have been under the weather this Christmas week, and have only now been able to get to my latest issue of The New American magazine.  And have promptly been made sick to my stomach all over again, in turning first to read the issue’s closing page, its Op-Ed article called The Last Word.  This one, by the Senior Editor of TNA, William F. Jasper, and titled ‘Impeachment Exposes Guilt of the Accusers,’ is eminently spot-on.  It reads, with commentary from me:

“So it is that the first round of the House impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump has concluded with the accusers being exposed as the perpetrators of the very crimes they are accusing the president of committing.  What’s more, the entire contrived impeachment affair has exposed the incredibly brazen Deep State coup effort and all its agents — current and former federal officials, intelligence operatives, members of Congress, and media shills — to millions of Americans who have watched it unfold live on television and the Internet.  Meanwhile, as to the charges that President Trump and members of his administration engaged in some nefarious campaign of collusion, bribery, extortion, and pressure against the government of Ukraine, not a scintilla of evidence was produced to counter the statements of Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, both of whom have flatly denied that Trump pressured, threatened, or bribed Zelensky during their now-famous July 25 telephone call.

“However, anyone can go online and watch Joe Biden joyfully boasting to an audience at the Council on Foreign Relations (with CFR President Richard Haass sitting beside him) about how he, as Obama’s vice president, threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine if it didn’t fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the Biden family’s dealings with the corrupt Ukrainian company Burisma.”

Which appears to have been mainly a cover for the laundering of bribery money.  Like a lot of so-called ‘foreign aid,’ finding its way back into the pockets of corrupt American politicians.  (Is there any other kind, these dark days??)  But to continue.

“On the other hand, after repeatedly promising a ‘smoking gun,’ Trump’s Democratic accusers produced a string of dud witnesses who offered second- and third-hand hearsay about the president’s alleged bribery-extortion.” (In a process of the pot calling the kettle black.)  “The substance of their collective testimonies was that Trump ignored the advice of the ‘experts’ at the State Department and the National Security Council, cutting them out of his policy decisions, and was (horrors!) fashioning his own policies, which they, the ‘experts,’ claimed is risking our national security.”

And thus, the crux of the matter: The Deep State wants to continue to hold the high ground that they have managed to secure, by stealth, over many years, and Pres. Trump won’t take their advice.  So he has to go.  And especially at this extremely critical stage of The Process of takeover planned by TPTB; who are moving ‘heaven and earth’ to attempt to counter Trump’s unexpected ascendency to the presidential office.  The best-laid plans, and all.

“Not surprisingly, the Deep State-aligned media almost uniformly treated the anti-Trump witnesses with the greatest deference and found their testimony ‘severely damaging’ to the president.  They were especially wowed by the ‘authoritative’ testimony of former Trump advisor on Russia and national security Fiona Hill.  Why the fawning respect for Hill?  Well, for one thing, she defiantly reinforced the testimony of previous witnesses and praised their competence and expertise.

“How dare the president dismiss this ‘respected’ diplomat.  And how dare he rebuff the advice of career experts!  That is the take by the media mob, which seems unanimously to agree with former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich, who opined in a column: ‘On one side are dedicated public servants, seeking to protect America.  On the other side are Trump and his thugs, seeking to protect Trump.’”

Oh, puh-leeze.  And "thugs".  As in 'fascist thugs.' eh, Robert?  The meme that the far Left is trying to create around Trump, who in point of fact is trying to downsize the federal government, and get it off our backs??  Reich, you are not just a donkey.  You are an ass.  You would think to help bring in a Fourth Reich.  This one dedicated to the global rule of international socialism, aka communism.  But to continue, before my wrath inflames my intestines once again, before they have had a chance to heal, from this end-of-year cleanout that I have been experiencing, and subjected to.  For whatever all reasons.

“Witness Alexander Vindman stated he became alarmed that Trump’s Ukraine policies were ‘inconsistent with the consensus views of the interagency.’  Which is another way of saying that Trump was at deep odds with the Deep State, the ‘permanent government’ of globalist policy elites who occupy ‘the Swamp.’  The Washington Post chose to see Vindman as a heroic figure who was ‘deeply troubled by what he interpreted as an attempt by the president to subvert U.S. foreign policy.’  Yes, according to the Post, it is ‘the consensus views’ of their ruling class, not our constitutionally elected president, that determine our nation’s foreign policy.”  

Quite so.   

“This brings us back to Fiona Hill, who epitomizes the Deep State apparatchik that is at the heart of what is a very real, actual war being fought within our federal government.  Not only is Hill a high-level member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the central brain trust of the globalist establishment, but she is also a longtime staffer, expert, and/or official at the coterie of CFR sister organizations, such as the Brookings Institution, the Atlantic Council, the Carnegie Endowment, the Eurasia Foundation, the Belfer Center at Harvard, and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, all of which have been gunning for Trump and relentlessly attacking him at every turn.  President Trump reportedly suspected — and with good reason — that Hill, her staff, and her former NSC boss H.R. McMaster (CFR) couldn’t be trusted and were the source of illegal leaks and harmful obstruction of his policies.”

‘His policies.’  There is the key to this whole thing right there.  Pres. Trump is not one of them; threatens to bring their whole parade down.  Their parade into their vaunted, and jackbootedly totalitarian, New World Order.  Too long planned for, by TPTB - the erstwhile masters of the planet; feeling that they were born to rule - to be allowed to be foiled right here at the end of their best-laid plans, just before they could fasten their form of leadership and control on the world.  Not understanding that it has all - all - been part of a larger Plan than theirs.  But to conclude: 

“Impeachment Phase 2 will not produce any more than Phase 1 (or the abortive Mueller-Russia ‘investigation’), but the Deep State hope it will cause ‘death by a thousand cuts’ — for both President Trump and our Republic.”

Just so.  Well commented on, Mr. Jasper.    

A word.  I suppose I shouldn’t be too harsh on the players on the Dark side of The Play going on, the ‘thing’ in which to catch our consciences.  After all, some of them are just that: players.  But some of them truly believe in their parts; truly want to have Power Over Others.  In order to herd humanity into their global gulag.  In which Everybody is equal, and some are just more equal than others, is all.  And I can’t abide such dark, satanic thinking.

Hey.  Everybody:

We Are All One.  

It’s time for the Light to rule on this darkened planet.  And by that I mean the true Light.  The Light of Truth.

Not of Lucifer.  Which is the equivalent of fool’s gold.  In comparison to

The Real Thing.

If I Were Of A Mind...

Changing Of The Guard

I have had a miserable Christmas week.  As I emailed a close friend last evening:*

Have to report that I have had a lousy Christmas season, and it continues.  I ate something that didn't agree with me on Sunday afternoon - I associate it with a fresh-caught small fish that [the man of my new home] had saved from a life of boredom in the nearby small reservoir; although he ate one from the same catch and hasn't come down with the double runs that I have - and my travail has dogged me down to today, and counting.  It is letting up, but this evening I could only manage some scrambled eggs, and am waiting to see if they will 'hold'.  A bummer.  The house was chockfull of people for Xmas Day and dinner, with both family and friends, and it was all I could do to sit through the lovely meal that [my niece] prepared, with some help from her kids.  A 'family holiday' wasted on poor sick old Uncle Duane.  But the Family included me well in the Xmas morning present-opening festivities, so that was nice.  ([The couple of the house] gave me a nice sweater; their oldest son gave me a copy of Eckhart Tolle's 'A New Earth'.  I got the Family a box of Whitman's Sampler chocolates.  Amazingly, [my niece] told me that they were not aware that 'Whitman's chocolates' was a classic in this country.  We DO lose a lot of things over the years, in this Brave New World of electronic gadgets and such.  A shame.)

“Something interesting happened on Xmas Eve.  We watched such a classic - James Stewart in 'It's A Wonderful Life' - and then they showed a short, 12-minute Mormon take on the Birth of Christ thing, wherein their take on the story is that a) The Three Wise Men didn't visit until 'Jesus' was 6 years old, and b) a new star showed them the way there (to Bethlehem, presumably).  Anyone who has researched into that whole scene - the story in the New Testament - is familiar with the theme of what is known as astrotheology, whereby the 3 Wise Men are the 3 stars in the Belt of Orion, and the star 'leading the way into the Good News' is the associated Sirius, whose rising in the east signaled the annual return of the flooding of the Nile, and that Good News.  The Jesus story having been made up of pieces of the stories of many a god-man of the time in that part of the world - the whole ball of wax: born on the 25th of December (the sun returning from its 3 days in the tomb of the earth from the winter solstice), raising of the dead, walking on water, turning water into wine; it goes on and on, about sons/suns of God, all the way back at the least to the Osiris/Isis/Horus myth.  And Easter of course is the return/Resurrection of life in the spring.  But the Mormons have their own wrinkle on the Christmas tale, it turns out (which I never knew, even from having been raised in that Church).  At least [my niece into whose home I have been invited to live, in Utah, after circumstances had deteriorated for me in my old home town in So Cal] had the presence of mind, after the showing of that short video, to wonder, in a question directed to her 'life' Dad (present for the occasion; who is a venerable patriarch in the Church in his local area), whatever happened to that special' new star.  (Indeed, [niece].  Indeed.)  You once asked if they are churchgoing.  There is your answer: They are, indeed.  And in even a special Christian way.  Which, of course, puts them at odds with other Christians, who consider them, at best, peculiar.

“And I'm running out of strength to continue any further.  Catch you further at another, more auspicious time.”


A fish.  Interesting.  Let’s see now…

As if I were sick to my stomach of the Piscean-Age Christmas ‘story’/fable - and of all the lies and deceit going on.  Of people living with and in a lie.  And being run by ‘People of the Lie’ - our erstwhile masters, attempting now to take over the United States of America, as the last bastion of Freedom on the planet, before the Dark forces take over, and rule the world with an iron fist.

The world.  As opposed to 

A New Earth.

As I awaken to my Life’s Purpose.  The subtitle to the book that my great-nephew got me for/at this Christmas season.  On the verge of major change in this country in general…

...and the world.

PS. 1) Yes, I am aware that the, er, ‘true’ version of the story of the Three Wise Men - or that is to say, from the (so-called) Gospel of Matthew - has them visiting some time after the birth.  But the whole story is suspect.
     2)  For more on the ‘astrotheology’ business, see, in particular:
     ’The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold’; ‘Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled’; Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ’; and ‘Christ In Egypt:: The Horus-Jesus Connection’ by D.M. Murdock aka Acharya S.  Also:
     ‘Man Made God’ by Barbara G. Walker; ‘Jesus, King of Edessa’ by Ralph Ellis; and especially ’Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ by Joseph Atwill.  Also the series on YouTube narrated by Kenneth Humphreys.

* who had sent me, on Boxing Day, an article from Common Dreams supportive of Sen. Bernie Sanders and his ”recent surge in national and early-state polls”; to which news, not being part of his “enthusiastic progressive base” I replied specifically:
   “‘…Visionaries who dream about how the world should be…’  Indeed, there is a better world aborning than this one.  It’s just not the New World Order of the far Left, with its severe statism, totalitarian lockdown of people to within an inch of their lives.  But, first things first:…” 
   (Needless to say, this friend and I do not agree on things politically.  But in the event, are still friends.  As it should be, in such matters.  Until they come to a potentially shooting stage of The Process.  Crossing over which is a bridge too far.  But to continue.)

Sunday, 22 December 2019

On A Clear Day

So I see reports that there are moves afoot in Texas, and now Kentucky and Ohio as well, to join Virginia and California in threatening state militia moves to counter the growing opposition to gun-control measures among the populace.  All of which is threatening an outright explosion of civil war in this country.  So: that die appears to have been cast.

Over what?  Over, in short

President Donald Trump.  As 

a) a speed bump to the NWO crowd on their way to their Bolshevik-like, totalitarian outcome for this country and humanity as a whole; and   

b) “an illegitimate dictator”.  

As to the latter charge against him.  (Being all they have left - i.e., words - since both the Russian Collusion Delusion and the Ukraine ‘Quid Pro Quo’ attempts to ‘get him’ have fallen short of the intended mark.)  It fits their MO perfectly (part of the Saul Alinsky ‘Rules for Radicals’ strategy of takeover, excuse me, ‘community organizing’): Deflect criticism of yourself and your actions by accusing your enemy of what you yourself are guilty of.  At the same time as they use their comrades in the MSM, the educational institution, and the entertainment institution to badmouth Pres.Trump, they plan on causing chaos, in another part of their revolutionary MO, known as ‘Ordo ab Chao’: Order out of Chaos.  Create enough Chaos to give you the Opportunity to - in this case - call on UN troops, who, because they are not U.S. citizens and military, can be counted on to fire on the U.S. citizens who attempt to stand in their takeover way - or just go door-to-door (undoubtedly armed as well with our ‘threat matrix’ scores) to arrest, or outright kill, their enemy.

Who is the ‘enemy’ to these people? the ‘potential domestic terrorists’ now having become, in the terminology pasted on them by our erstwhile masters, ‘enemy combatants’??  They have been identified by various (left-wing) sources used as ‘experts’ in the field by various federal and state agencies as:

Conservatives, Constitutionalists, Patriots, Ron Paul supporters, 2nd Amendment supporters, Christians, and Pro-Life supporters*.

Talk about tipping your hand…

Anyway: Just to let you know where we’re at.

If you didn’t catch it already:

The Tipping Point.

The Big Breakthrough.

Or The Big Breakdown.

Our pick.

Our choice.

As always.

Until we voluntarily choose to live in perfect alignment with the Will of our Creator Source.

Which is Our Will, anyway.

Being part of that Whole as we all are.

Just waking up to that fact.  On The Path through the classroom of Life.

And, hopefully - 

for as many souls as possible, in The Harvesting going on, here at the end of major Age - 

to return



The better potential gods for the experience.

And miies yet to go before we sleep.

And miies yet to go before we sleep.

* People who support ‘the Family’ being part of the problem, doncha know; for the likes of the memes of Overpopulation, and Anthropogenic Global Warming-become Man-made Climate Change, and ’enemies’ of the LGBTQ+ minority class, and all.
   And oh - and not so coincidentally: As part of the Communist Manifesto.  ‘The Family’ scheduled for extinction in such a scenario, in order for the state to take over the raising of the children of the state.  In the New World Order to come.   Of our erstwhile masters.  Hungering - as they have for a long, time time - for total control over The Other.
   Hungering, in short, for Power Over Others.  Or as I term it: POO.  Rather than Power With, and Within.  As part of The End of The Process.
   But to continue.
   (But not, now, for long.)

Saturday, 21 December 2019

I Am Curious

In my last blog I made reference to 'Average Joe and Jill America'.  I am also curious about their children.  To wit

I am curious how so many of our so-called educated youth have chosen - and it is a choice - to believe one side of the AGW - excuses me; now Man-made Climate Change - meme without looking at the other side, or all sides, of the issue.  The mark of a truly educated person would be someone who checks out all sides of an issue, before making up their minds regarding it, and at any given time.

I can only assume that our 'educational' system has been not so much about education as indoctrination, and Marxist style.  Wherein and whereby all is relative, there are no absolutes.  2 + 2 can = 5 if you can get enough people to believe it.*  What is right is whatever advances your agenda and what is wrong is whatever impedes it

As in the Articles of Impeachment of President Trump.  There is no impeachment crime involved.  But the Left hates him, because he is raining on their parade into their (totalitarian, jackbooted) New World Order; so that feeling is, in their indoctrinated minds, sufficient to impeach him.  Get him out of office.  By hook or by crook.  He doesn't have to be a provable crook, in their belief system.  As Saul Alinsky taught: 'Whatever It Takes.'  'By Any Means Necessary.'  In a word:


No more rule of law.  To be governed by the rule of Man.  Aka arbitrary law.   Aka tyranny.

Dear Young American (and of other countries):

Beware the rule of tyrants.  That spirit can turn on you as well.

And all you hold dear.

Friday, 20 December 2019

'We Will Soon Be At War'

Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show has been posting some rather hard-hitting commentary recently, regarding, roughly speaking, the state of the nation.  It is sober reading.  Including how both VA and CA are now planning for roadblocks, to keep Patriot-oriented militia groups from traveling, and to strip gun owners in general, not just of AR-15s (which, not so incidentally, is NOT an 'assault weapon").  But ultimately of all their weapons.  

The fundamental challenge - regarding the attempted takeover of the country by the totalitarian NWO forces - has, then, been sounded.

It is of a piece with the recent Impeachment hoax.  Let’s summarize that scam.

The Dems in the House of Representatives (of, reportedly, ‘We, the People’) have crossed their Rubicon with their Impeachment vote.  And now, Speaker Pelosi has slowed the process down - and it is a process; Pres. Trump has technically not been impeached yet - by not sending the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, for a trial there to be kicked off.  She says that she is hesitating, for now - the hesitation conveniently fitting with Congress’s Christmas break, and so putting things in abeyance until after the first of the new year - because she wants to see what the Senate will do in terms of its trial process.  (Which is none of her business - figuratively and literally.)  But what else is being accomplished by this procedural hesitation/obstruction of justice?

1) Some Dems - of the flagrant far Left variety - are putting it about that as long as Pres. Trump is under impeachment indictment he can’t appoint a SCOTUS replacement for ailing Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  (Other, more judicially knowledgeable sources say that that is not so.)  And/or

2) Since even some of the Dems know that the impeachment thing is a stinking dog, or, less odious-sounding, a nothing burger, the hesitation is to stretch the process out as long as possible, in order to affect the 2020 elections - with the convenient help of the near-monopoly MSM, and their comrades in the social media network; without whose support this whole charade (including the Russian Collusion Delusion, and then the Ukrainian ‘Quid Pro Quo’ Delusion; all, designed to deflect attention from things that the Dems themselves were involved in) could never have been mounted in the first place.(1)

Another factor in all this:

The governor of Virginia is reportedly ready even to summon help to his state, in taking away first the AR-15s from his constituents and then, as per the way that sort of action would unfold, all their weaponry, as American citizenry rebel against this outrageous move to disarm them.(2)  Where would such help emanate from??  Easy-peasy, when you have prepared for this sort of thing: It is reported that there are 250,000 UN troops massed in Cuba, just awaiting their orders.  And apparently many of them being Communist Chinese troops.

Remember them?  From reports that there are many of them also stationed in the hills of northern Mexico, just awaiting their orders there as well??  

Orders, to invade this country???

When everything is ready for the putsch????

And Average Joe and Jill America has - apparently; to considerable evidence - allowed this whole scenario to get this far along, in its unfoldment…

There is a better ‘scenario’ awaiting us, folks.  Both as Americans.  And as a  planet.  But it will take a Great Awakening to bring it about. 

I trust that YOU will awaken.  In time.  (Figuratively; and literally.)  To do the work that you signed up to do.  When you chose to incarnate at this precise time.

And many of whom seem to have forgotten some of the details of that decision, is all.

That decision, to be in on the building of a kingdom that has all of the corruption of the 3D realm wrung out of it.

By ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.   

And now, moving that experience up a frequency notch, or two.   

Whatever we can manage.  As apprentice gods.

Gods in the making.

And right now, skirting rather close to the edge of our Stage, of operations.  As we confuse a reverse image with

The Real Thing.

Which includes the fundamental fact that We Are All One. Having an experience of Separation and Duality, as a classroom.  Life being a school.

And the purpose being to graduate.  Climbing the spiral stairway to

the heavens.

And leaving the lower levels behind.  

As befitting our intrinsic nature. 

So, come on, folks.  Be true to



Which is the real



(1) And perhaps the biggest deflection/distraction going on is from, in a word: Epsteingate.  And which involves both the Dems and the Repubs.
   Another subject in itself.  Which is long overdue for total disclosure.
   Which it will be.  As we clean house, on Planet Earth.

(2) As has happened, genocidally, quite a number of times in the 20th century alone, whenever some group wants to take over a nation.  Such gun confiscation being a vital, even necessary part of the tactic
   And so now you know, if you didn’t already, why there have been so many mass shootings in the U.S. in recent years.  Some real.  Some fake.  
   All of it, to come out in the wash of all the corruption to be wrung out of this 3D life experience.  Now that ‘things’ - everything involved with a/the life Process - have come to a head.
   But to move on.  Or to say:
   To move on.

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

The Sky Is Falling' - Well; Sort Of

from thecommonsenseshow.com: ‘Weaponizing science: Study authors resort to scare tactics claiming human civilization will END by 2050 because of climate change’ - Lance D Johnson, orig. posted at Newstarget.com - December 18:

‘Australian climate alarmists want zero emissions or else “civilization will end”’

Experts from the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration published a report claiming that civilization could end by 2050 if the world fails to act on climate change. They frantically hypothesize that current carbon emission levels pose a near to midterm threat to humanity, causing lethal heat waves, mass migration, disease pandemics, and ecological collapse. This Australian think tank, led by David Spratt and Ian Dunlop, believes that nuclear war is imminent because nations will inevitably suffer from lost resources as they fight to survive.

“Using fear to their advantage, these experts are calling on the world’s leaders to shift their economies to “zero-emissions” as soon as possible…”

And just so are things coming to a head.  Just not in the way that the Climate Change alarmists are attempting to portray it.  It seems obvious - and as in the U.S., also with the whole Impeachment hoax going on here - that TPTB are counting on their long, patient, quiet takeover of the (bulk of the) MSM (and including all of its predictive programming) to herd We, The Cattle into their global corral.

“Zero carbon emissions”??  

1) Gee, does that mean doing away with a huge number of us ‘useless eaters,’ aka carbon emitters, as well?  

2) Ya think maybe you’re picking up on something that is in ‘the ethers’ regarding humanity’s ability now to do away with (so-called) fossil fuel energy sources, and tap directly into the zero point energy field [as I remarked on in my last blog]??  But wait - that would do away with ‘your’ rationale to impose a totalitarian control system on the world, via your vaunted New World Order, whereby everybody (but our erstwhile masters, who would be more equal than others) would be controlled to within an inch of their lives.  So - what’s going on???

I will tell you what’s going on, Comrade.  What’s going on is the end of your dream.  And the beginning of

The Real Thing.

But thanks for helping us to get here.

Playing your part, in The Drama.

Now, I encourage you to release the part-playing.  And tune into your basic nature, as a child of God.

Or go down with the ship.  As it were.

Since the water levels will rise to fatal levels, and all.

Or so you say.

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

On Living In Interesting Times

I have commented recently in these pages on such subjects as the level of technology that we have achieved, and how ‘All will be revealed;’ and I even referred to the conversion of water into steam.  I will make reference here and now to a short video on YouTube that I just came across today embedded in one of my emails, by Dr. Steven Greer of siriusdisclosure.com, entitled ‘They Can’t Hide It Anymore,’ which talks about such things as the end of our energy sources as they have served us for many years, now to give way to superior technology.  From what?  To  be extracted directly from the quantum flux field, all around us.  Aka the zero point energy field.  Or as Nikola Tesla called it: ‘The ocean of infinite energy.’  

Dr. Greer’s accompanying comments are rather clearly to the point: that “Our technological capabilities and our weapons have surpassed our social and spiritual development…Our social and spiritual development are lacking…this will change our geopolitics forever.”  ’This’: This awareness, and concept, of how to tap into energy more directly.  

As Tesla, before his time, prepared us to open our consciousnesses to.  And as neighbors from space are opening us to more precisely as we speak. 

Hold onto your hats, folks.  It’s just abut Liftoff time, into

The New.   Which does away with poverty.  But opens us up to new challenges.  Particularly in the realm of spirituality.  In sum:

We can no longer live our lives half asleep.  To our true natures.  As facets of our Creator Source.

Welcome to the Big Challenge.  But always know, in the difficulties that still lie ahead:

You.  Can.  Do.  This.

Precisely because of 

your true nature.

Go for it.

And see you on

The Path.

Congratulations, Leading Democrats...

…you have managed to evidence the perfidious nature of the powers behind the Democrat Party far beyond anything that the Republicans could ever have hoped to accomplish on their own.  By engaging in the Russian Collusion Delusion and Impeachment Deception histrionics that and as you have, you have gifted the Republicans many times over the length of rope to hang yourselves by.  In awakening the average Joe and Jill public, by your shoddy shenanigans, you have done a distinct service to the nation; one that would normally have taken the Democrat Party out of any position of political power for years to come.  Normally, I say.  Because the Republican Party itself is going to go down as well.

If only for having colluded with the Democrat Party authorities in the candidacy and election to the Oval Office of an ineligible candidate for that office (in the form, of course, of the Usurper, Barack Obama).*  But as well, because 

it’s time

to move on.  For the bulk of Us.  From this vale of corruption and tears.  And enter into a New Era.  For the country.  And for humanity as a whole, on this beleaguered planet.  This Planet of Choice; now moving beyond that stage, and Stage.  And fully into

the Light.  For our next stage of operation.  On the spiral stairway to

the heavens.




So, thank you, Nancy, and Schiff, and Nadler, and Schumer, and et al (including in the MSM): You couldn’t have done more for ‘the other side’ - and in its larger context, and meaning - if you had tried.  Indeed, the ‘Democrats’  should look into your background a little deeper.  They might find that you were agents of The Other Side all along.

The possibility of which we should ALL consider.  Before we think to consign you lot to the gallows.  Because the Light has been well served by such, well, servants.  In their helping to bring things to the major head, not just for this country, but for the planet, that and as they have.

So, careful in assigning blame for the situation that we are in, Republicans.  For, the life that you save may be your


P.S.  Oh.  And the Pope, and that Office, are to go down as well.  As All Things are to be revealed.  In these End Times.  At The End of The Play.  And the Beginning of
     The Real Thing.       

* And why would they do that, you ask?  The answer lies (speaking of lies) in a number of their own candidates for that office in the 2016 nominating process, likewise ineligible for it on the same basis.  Of not being a ’natural born’ citizen.  Which matter - which national, and global, in reach matter - I have referred to in these pages so many times previously that I will not detain your attention on the matter any longer.