Law Prof. Alan Dershowitz is, by all accounts, a liberal. All the more reason that he should be listened to regarding this impeachment nothing-burger fraud going on. He has laid out cogently why the whole thing is unconstitutional, for the lack of any proven or even implied impeachable offense.(1) But, as those three liberal law professors at the House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing demonstrated the other day, that doesn’t stop other liberals from attempting their silly spin games, whereby ‘words mean what they say they mean’. And like Humpty Dumpty, they are headed for a great fall.
It’s the same sort of attitude regarding the likes of illegal-alien sanctuary cities (and even such states, like my home state of California; which I have now released from having to have me as a citizen of that corrosive state, and from such an arrogantly declared city therein) on the one hand, and self-defense sanctuary counties on the other. What’s that? As well described in an article, originally posted at (by JD Heyes) and reposted at Dave Hodges’s on Dec. 6 (titled ‘Democrat-run Virginia legislature to criminalize all CURRENT owners of AR-15s… door-to-door gunpoint confiscation coming soon’):
“Since our nation’s founding, Virginia has always prided itself in the promotion of constitutionalism, individual liberty and freedom. But all of that changed earlier this month when Democrats won control of both chambers of the legislature while retaining control of the governor’s mansion.
“And within a few weeks of taking power, Democrats have already moved to infringe on a constitutional right our Virginia-born founders explicitly forbade: The Second Amendment.
“What’s more, the effort was led by a Democrat who wants to be our next president, Michael Bloomberg.
“As reported by Ammoland:
“Michael Bloomberg’s bought and paid for Virginia legislators have wasted no time introducing legislation that would make the Old Dominion’s gun laws worse than those of the billionaire’s home state of New York.
“Specifically, Democrats are looking to pass Senate Bill 16, introduced by state Sen. Richard Saslaw, which would completely ban the ownership of some of the most common semi-automatic rifles including the AR-15.
“What’s worse, the legislation would even ban common firearms parts, and — here’s the worst part — ‘the restrictions included in the proposed legislation does not grandfather current owners,’ Ammoland reported, meaning the bill ‘is clearly designed to be firearms confiscation, as current owners would be forced to dispossess themselves of their property or face felony conviction.’…”
Um; hello?? Pretending that a semi-automatic rifle like the AR-15 is an ‘assault weapon’ is one bad thing in itself. But an ex post facto law? When the nation’s Constitution expressly forbids such laws (and specifically to the States: Art. I, Sect. 10)?? And Virginia, of all states???…(2)
In any event, staying with the theme of this particular blog: I am struck by how hypocritical the far Left Democrats are. On the one hand, they set up sanctuary cities when it serves them to. (Allowing illegal aliens to feel safe to stay in this country. And vote. With photo IDs blocked and deplored as ‘voter suppression’ devices.)(3) And on the other hand, when conservatives/constitutionalists play the same game, in regards to sanctuary counties for their citizen residents to be enabled to have sufficient weaponry to deter any attempt by the government, state or federal, to take over the federal constitutional Republic of the U.S.,(4) they cry ‘foul’.
As for ‘foul’: What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander…
Let’s be clear about all this. No more games. The likes of the (far Left) Southern Poverty Law Center try to smear the likes of conservatives/constitutionalists (and Ron Paul Supporters, and Second Amendment supporters, and Christians, and other patriots) as ‘potential domestic terrorists’ because the far Left - which has taken over the reins of the formerly legitimate Democrat Party - is attempting to take down the U.S. and turn it into another Communist China-like totalitarian state (complete with a Social Credit score, and repulsive surveillance-state controls), and the only thing that is keeping that state of affairs from happening is the U.S. Constitution, and this country’s rule of law under said Constitution. And hence, the Left’s treating of said Constitution (for a long time, actually) like a wet noodle, attempting to make it mean simply whatever they want it to mean. (‘Whatever It Takes. By Any Means Necessary,’ in the words and immoral sentiment of Hillary’s mentor, Saul Alinsky and his ‘Rules for Radicals’.(5) And hence, an impeachment attempt against the populist, Make-America-Great-Again president, Donald Trump, based on nothing but that the far Left sees him as an obstacle to their takeover plans, and will spin, and spin, and spin whatever and however they can to attempt to bring about that outcome. Regardless of what their shenanigans do to the country.
Because, in their minds, ‘the country’ needs to come down anyway. Because why? Because people should not be free from the power of the all-powerful state. People need to be controlled. Like subjects. Of those who wish to exercise Power Over Others. Or - as I have said before in these pages: POO for short.
And I am getting tired of pointing out the obvious. To anyone who will listen.
So, let’s have an end to all this crap. And get on with 'the real thing’ at hand:
Ascension. Out of the 3D prison-like classroom. For those who are ready, in consciousness, to move on. On the Path that we facets of our Creator Source are all on.
Some having just lost their Way, is all. And having done so, have made of it for us all a Drama.
That we can all learn lessons from. In making our choices. Which determine how soon we move up and out of the classroom of 3D life.
Or if we even do so.
As I have also said many times in these pages; and feel that I have said it enough times, now, so listen carefully. I may not say it again; as time and Time draws nigh:
Your. Choice.
Release your role in the Dark side of The Play.
Or be left behind.
To whatever the outcome that that Event holds for you Radicals.
P.S. Speaking of Dave Hodges on his TCSS, and his articles posted on Dec. 6: They included one that referred to reports that there are 250,000 UN troops in Cuba. Now, what could they possibly be there for??
Can you say, Putting down chaos in the U.S. under the Kigali Principles???
Not to mention the Gurkhas in Colorado, as anti-guerilla warfare forces, being readied to counter all the (loyal) Special Ops forces in that area. The activity of the Gurkhas having been ‘predictively programmed’ on a - very - recent episode of the TV show Jeopardy, I am told by said Hodges.
But not to worry. The MSM will let us know about all that is going on, in and around our country.
Oh. Right.
(1) ‘Impeaching Trump Would Be an Abuse of Power by Congress’ - Alan Dershowitz - - December 5, posted Dec. 6
(2) I am leaving off for now the very real, and complicating, question regarding the proper applicability of the Bill of Rights. Which is in its essence a prohibition against actions of the federal government. Not the states. Wherein and whereby The People need to secure their basic rights, outwith the explicit, “few and defined” terms of the federal Constitution (quoting the Father of the Constitution, James Madison), via their state constitutions. And except as specifically referred to in the 14th Amendment. But this particular blog is to make some particular points, for now.
(3) What other country plays this cynical, corrupt game?
Only In America.
(4) Will we learn from history, the many times that genocide has been practiced whenever such a power-minded gang takes over control in a country? The first thing they do is take away weapons of self-defense from their targeted group.
Self-defense is a fundamental right of people. Against individuals. Or the state. Period. And if to deter ‘the state’ from its sinister intentions they need stronger firepower than just to protect their property and family from individual criminals, then that’s what it takes.
(5) The attitude is that there are no absolutes, everything is relative. What is right is whatever serves your agenda, and what is wrong is whatever impedes that outcome. Lie, cheat, steal. Kill. It’s all grist for the mill.
Grinding out a pervasively, and perversely, dark New World Order.
The reverse image of The Real Thing.
Hint. Hint.
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