Saturday, 28 December 2019

The Medium Is The Message

At a tender age in high school, during my graduating summer, I set the tone for the rest of my life - as a truth seeker - by happening’ to come across a book entitled ‘Witness’.  By one Whittaker Chambers, it was/is the story of a man, an American, who got caught up in the false promise and weblike lure of communism (as did many souls at the time), became a Soviet spy in the ‘30s, and, beginning to see through its facade, began to collect evidence of his, and its, deceit, which led ultimately to the unmasking of a leading member of the U.S. State Department, one Alger Hiss - who was also centrally involved in the founding of the UN - as a Soviet spy for whom Chambers was a courier for U.S. secrets.  None of my fiends seemed to be particularly interested in all this.  Oh, the subject of ‘communist infiltration into the government’ would occasionally come up, from some article or other in our local newspaper; but it all seemed very far away, to us young guys, spending our senior summer on the beach on our So Cal weekends, before heading off to our various colleges and universities, for the next chapter in our young and carefree lives . (With the Korean War - excuse me; officially called a ‘Police Action,' for some politically arcane reason - held at bay for us as long as we were dutifully enrolled in Higher Education.)  But I was deeply disturbed by ‘it’: by what was going on, in my home country, under the nation-building surface of postwar America.

I didn’t like the feeling.  Of, like, termites quietly at work, hidden away at the innards of my country.  And resolved to keep an eye on the situation, even as I concentrated on my pre-Med - and full scholarship-provided - studies at my university of choice (Stanford U. in northern California).

And then came the ‘McCarthy Hearings,’ whereby a U.S. senator from Wisconsin, Joe McCarthy, gained notoriety for claiming to have a considerable list of names of communists in the federal government agencies.  He subsequently became the face of what became known, in dismissive fashion, as the Red Scare.  Someone set up a TV set in the lounge room of the wing of the Independent Mens dormitory where I was living at the time whereby we could watch sessions of the Hearings after passing through on the way to lunch and before returning to our rooms or classes.  I ‘observed,’ as the media seemed to paint him in a dark light, and emphasized the roles of critics of the hearings and of him personally.  That was when the term, a witch hunt, was spawned; and including the notable fact that one of the leading playwrights of the time, Arthur Miller, admitted that he had friends who were communists, and who, after refusing to ‘rat’ on them - i.e., to name names - wrote the play The Crucible, likening the McCarthy Hearings, and, subsequently, the House Un-American Activities Committee Hearings on the same subject, to the Salem witch trials.  All very 'commendable,' as portrayed by the media of (even) that time.  Which all seemed to me, at best, rather academically naive.  Or something a lot more sinister.  After all, the communists were extending their statist empire in Eastern Europe, and via Mainland China, and all, slaughtering millions on their way.  But the MSM seemed to be treating the subject as something not to be worried about.  After all, it was all only happening ‘over there’.  And all…

I was not fooled.  And though I was, at the time, coming close to the ‘spiritual experience’ that occasioned me to drop out of my formal education and go out into the world proper on a quest specifically for spiritual Truth, my quest, from the very beginning, included as well a quest for political Truth.  Both of which quests have continued to this day.  In research via many books, and articles, and subsequently on the Internet. 

My quest for spiritual Truth I have catalogued in these pages fairly comprehensively.  My quest for political Truth has included imbibing from the following books:

John Robison’s ‘Proofs Of A Conspiracy’.  John Coleman’s ‘The Committee of 300’.  ‘From Major Jordan’s Diaries’.  Gary Allen’s ‘None Dare Call If Conspiracy’ and ‘The Rockefeller File’.  James Perloff’s ‘The Shadows Of Power’.  Prof. Carroll Quigley’s magnum opus ‘Tragedy And Hope’.  Ted Flynn’s ‘Hope of the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the World’.  Webster Tarpley’s ‘George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography’.  Dr. Stanley Monteith’s ‘Brotherhood of Darkness’.  A number of books on the JFK assassination.  A number of books by Antony Sutton.  Prof. David Ray Griffin’s various books on 9/11.  The David Icke books.

The list goes on.  The bottom line:

Some very powerful individuals and families (think Illuminati bloodlines) have been engaged for a very long time in a plot to take over the world and make it safe for plutocracy.  But they are about to meet their Waterloo, in the form of a) technology that they will be unable any longer to stave off from widespread use, that event ushering in an Age of Plenty, and thus the end of their reign of Power Over Others; and b) the End Point of a long historical Process, whereby humanity has been engaged in a Plan in and Purpose to life beyond just in and for itself only; one that will result in a Synthesis of the parts of The Process, with the culminating ingredient, in particular, of Truth.  As Law.

Founded in Love.  The vey substance of the Creation.

All of which will no longer countenance Darkness as part of its necessary constituency.  Necessary, to its allowance, in a realm - a classroom - of (seeming) Separation and Duality, of free will.  As we move from The Drama to 

The Real Thing.  To include

A major Reset of the world’s financial and monetary systems, to reflect a) the spirit of cooperation, amongst elements - facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions - of The One; and b) Abundance.  In short:

The Works.  Coming to a theatre of operations rather near


As we leave the lower, 3D grade (matrix) behind.  And entertain our advanced status.

On the spiral stairway to the heavens.  

As gods in the making.

Being part of

The One.

Who has endured our inattention to the Meaning of it all

long enough.

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