I am aware, from all the reading that I do into various subject areas, that Western intelligence agencies, led by the CIA, deliberately enticed the former Soviet Union into going into Afghanistan with military force to support their allies at the time in charge in that narco state. Why? In order to weaken said military, and hence its sponsor state, by exposing those troops to the addictive drugs so easily available there, from the extensive poppy fields planted and harvested there, and much of it additionally synthesized there into opium and heroin. And the same technique of overthrow is being applied now to the U.S. Why? Well, yes: Because it - demonstrably - works. But there is a deeper reason for it. Which goes to the heart of what life is all about. To say: Because of Laws; and in this case, because of the Law of Karma.
People, people: Wakey wakey. There are laws at work in life, beyond just those governing its physical structure. One is the ‘concept’ of us ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ needing to learn from said experience - in the classroom of life - by experiencing the consequences of our actions. It can also be phrased as: ‘You will be done to as you do unto others.’ The lesson to be learnt? Ultimately, that
We Are All One.
And just so is the U.S. currently under ‘judgement’ in this particular sort of matter, with the Red Chinese - who have termite-like eyes on the U.S. - being behind most of the narcotics action (mostly in the form of fentanyl) flooding into this country, via its frontline use of various Hispanic gangs. Laced with the likes of former ISIS fighters; and all trained in camps in Central America not just for gang warfare. But as a paramilitary force, being trained for a Tet-like offensive against the U.S.
Against my country. Which angers me no end.
But them’s the rules.
With ‘things’ now, in this line of action, coming to a head. By the likes of the far Left wing of the Democrat Party having taken over that formerly legitimate political party, in the U.S.’s primarily two-party political system, and - in concert with elements of the far Right wing of the Republican Party, the corporate-government nexus (because the structure of the Dark side’s takeover attempt, in order to install their New World Order, is more like a pyramid than a two-dimensional surface; with the same nest of vipers at the top) - working for the likes of ‘open borders’. The point being - and in ‘alignment’ with the Dark side’s attempts to disarm the American patriots* - to make the world safe for their intended totalitarian superstate; the former U.S., under its rule of law, its Constitution, to be joined with the Chinese Communists, and with oligarchical elements of Russia, in running the world along the atheistic lines of their belief system, wherein and whereby ‘people’ are mere subjects of the state - to be done to and with as that state desires, and commands - and are even subject to being phased out altogether. In the move going on at this time to create soulless entities, in the technological moves towards what is called Transhumanism - a ‘wedding’ of man and machine. And in the one step further, I see now, down that sinister road: artificial wombs.
Artificial wombs for artificial ‘people’. Well, it makes a sort of sense.
Although not in alignment with the real thing.
That being, the school that 3D ‘life’ is. For apprentice gods.
Sparks of their Creator Source.
Learning the ropes. As it were.
One of which is that
Everything is governed by laws.
Which factor requires The Process to go through this stage.
Of development.
Until those who are ready for The Harvest
get it.
And move on.
Up what has fairly been called
the spiral stairway to the heavens.
Until we individually move through them all, in the consciousness-raising Process that we are in.
And return to
As for the others amongst us…
Ah well. Better luck next time.
You - you - didn’t really think that there was no Plan in and Purpose to life beyond just in and for itself only, did you?? If so:
Here, at an end of
a stage.
For actors.
Learning lessons, along
The Way.
The Royal Highway.
* and to bring it down economically, via the use of various ‘balloons’ (home loans - again! Will we never learn??, and student loans, and car loans).
Before we move beyond the current monetary system altogether. The source of much of our aches and evils.
But to continue, here. For now.
P.S. from thehornnews.com: ‘RIGGED! Major voter fraud scheme discovered in swing state’ - Frank Holmes - December 1
“”The Democratic governor of one of the most hotly-contested states in the 2020 presidential election has vetoed a bill to kick foreign voters off the voting rolls.
“Gov. Roy Cooper [of North Carolina] took the red pen to Senate Bill 250, a bill to ‘Remove Foreign Citizens from Voting Rolls’…
“The same left-wing governor, Cooper, vetoed anther bill to require valid voter ID in order to vote…”
Why? Because - as is the case all throughout all the other states - foreign citizens are a major bloc of votes for the Democrats. If it were the other way around, the Democrats would be up in arms about such a disgusting situation.
The hypocrisy is overwhelming. Not to mention the terrible crime against such a fundamental aspect of life in a country, as the voting of its citizens.
All such corruption soon to be wrung out of life on Planet Earth. Because it, and all of its ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ who qualify are about to go Up a notch. It being
And not soon enough, to my taste.
But it’s al according to Law. And so I accept the situation.
But sometimes…sometimes……it gets really difficult to live in such darkness, as has descended on this country, and the world, at this time
within Time.
P.P.S. And then there's the latest wrinkle in the censorship angle of the Social Media oligarchs, in using the nomenclature of Made For Children or Not Made for Children to block 'alt material' that the oligarchs don't want the public to have access to. And. And. And.........
It's all a technological advance over the old Bolshevik techniques in the former Soviet Union. And in accordance with the current techniques being applied in Red China. And about to roll out further in the United States. About to be the former United States.
Or not.
As Time unfolds the answer to that.
P.P.S. And then there's the latest wrinkle in the censorship angle of the Social Media oligarchs, in using the nomenclature of Made For Children or Not Made for Children to block 'alt material' that the oligarchs don't want the public to have access to. And. And. And.........
It's all a technological advance over the old Bolshevik techniques in the former Soviet Union. And in accordance with the current techniques being applied in Red China. And about to roll out further in the United States. About to be the former United States.
Or not.
As Time unfolds the answer to that.
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