Thursday, 5 December 2019

In Sacred Regard

From ‘LA County introduces electronic voting system to silently rig all future elections in favor of Democrats’ - JD Heyes, - December 5:

An all-electronic system of voting that shuns paper ballots and even public counting of ballots is being set up in Los Angeles County.  As the article asks: What could go wrong???…

Having just moved out of LA County - and out of the Marxist-controlled state of California altogether -  I have possibly just been saved from blowing a circuit in my electronic system.  As it is, I am incandescent enough at this latest wrinkle in the voter fraud issue in the U.S.

It was bad enough in that county before, where I was told by the LA County Voter Registrars Office some years ago, upon inquiring as to why CA did not require voter ID, that, quote, “People commit perjury if they register and are not eligible to vote”.  Oh.  I see.  And??

Funny.  I have never heard of anybody’s name on the voter reg rolls - at least in California - ever being checked to see if they were eligible to vote or not.(1)  So that the prospect of being found out as having committed perjury is vanishingly small, if not nil altogether.  As those bent on scamming the system, both as voters and as voter-gatherers, are well aware.  

As for those voter-gatherers.  I recall seeing a video, quite a few years ago now, of a congressional House subcommittee hearing on potential voter fraud where they were interviewing an electronic voter machine expert, in Florida, who showed them evidence as to how to program said voting machines to come up with a desired result.  The man testified to said committee that he showed his evidence to the appropriate authority at the time - in this case, a Republican - who thanked him for his services, and that was that.  Someone on the committee - who were mostly Democrats, as I recall (this was back in the very early 2000s, as I further recall; as legacy from the Clinton era) - asked him what ‘they ever did about his information.  His reply: Nothing, as far as he knew.


What happened in that silence, it would appear, was the manuring of the notion, Not to get mad, but to get even.  For, in the wake of such shenanigans, we have seen, in this country - from many a sign of chicanery and deceit before - a veritable tsunami of such fraud, in such reports as massive numbers of dead voters rising from their graves to do their civic duty, and duplicate/multiple voters (the ‘system’ enhanced by Absentee voting and Early voting), and people being bused around from precinct to precinct - and even traveling from out-of-state - to vote, in those states which don’t require voter ID, and Soros-controlled electronic voting machines, and on, and on, and on.  Because it has all become a Game.  A sinister, nation-destroying Game.

As the above-referenced article said in closing: “There is nothing more sacred to Americans than the right to vote.  When Democrats aren’t trying to expand those rights to non-citizens, they are working to cheat the system so they can win.”  It would appear that it is not just the Democrats who cheat in this “sacred” matter.  But - with the flooding into this country of illegal aliens, and even legitimate immigrants, in enormous numbers - it is all too obvious what is going on in this country.

Massive voter fraud.  Particularly on the part of the (far Left) Democrats.  As a piece of their revolutionary war against the federal constitutional republic of the U.S.A., in order to turn it - in whole or in parts; Whatever It Takes - into merely a part of a region of their highly anticipated totalitarian New World Order.  To be characterized by such Social Credit features as are currently being employed in their template country, of Communist China.  In order to put ‘the subjects’ totally - totally - under the heel of The State, forever and ever.  Amen.

The reverse image of The Real Thing…

The article noted, “An essay entitled, ‘Democracy’s Gold Standard’ by Brad Friedman in 2009 notes that in democracies around the world (yes, America is a republic but we have democratic principles interwoven through out [sic] our system) paper balloting and open, transparent counting are techniques that instill the most trust in elections.

“He noted further that Germany’s highest court found that secret, computerized vote counting was unconstitutional’ — under the constitution America forced  defeated Germany to adopt following World War II.  Apparently, such a system is good for Europe’s richest and most powerful country but not ours…”

It really is time that we cleaned up this mendacious mess in this country.(2)  If there are to be any more elections in this country, they need to be cleaned up with a fine toothed comb - armies of CPAs cleaning up all the Voter Reg Rolls (using the quantum computers that we now have available for such detailed purposes), all states requiring bona fide photo ID, no more Absentee voting (except for bona fide categories, such as invalids and citizens away on military duty, etc.) or Early voting (just open more precincts on The Day.  Duh), even iris scanning if need be, to STOP THE ROT.

Some countries have resorted to having a voter dip their finger in purple dye to signify that they have voted.  If this country needs to resort to such banana-republic measures, if that what it takes, then that’s what it takes.  And may we be properly embarrassed at what it did take.  To clean up our act in this regard.  

This sacred regard. 

Oh. And as for that comment, “If there are to be any more elections in this country”.  I say that,b because a Change is coming through.  And I am not sure of the, er, total extent of its reach.

And who all will be reached by it.

And who all will be left behind.  For a little more seasoning in 3D ‘life’.  Until they get it.

‘It’.  That life as we know it is part of a larger Whole.  In which there is a Process at work.  To qualify us individually to graduate.

Or not.  And be left behind, at this particular Harvest time.

I encourage you to make the grade.

It’s a bummer to have to keep doing the grade over and over.  Until you do

get it. 

Or not.

Your choice.


(1) Except now, that Judicial Watch has forced through the courts a need for LA County to show some regard towards cleaning their voter reg rolls of those names of voters who don’t return a mailing, to confirm that they are a) real, and b) still living at the address given.  But that is a pitifully small clean of the system.  (How about checking if they are a citizen in the first place??  And not registered elsewhere??? etc.)

(2) Including eliminating electronic voting machines altogether.  It has been amply demonstrated that they can be hacked in a number of ways, from programming within the machines to intercepting their electronic signal to a central tabulating system and massaging the figures and then sending them on their merry way.  Sweet.  And deadly, to a democracy.

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