Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Slouching Towards Gomorrah

from ‘Nearly 50% of Conservative Students Have Been Subjected to Professors’ Anti-Trump Rants, Survey Says’ - Jack Davis - December 11

“A new survey found that almost half of college students participating said they had endured an anti-Trump rant from a professor.

The College Fix asked 1,000 Republican and Republican-leaning students: “Have any of your professors gone on a tangent criticizing President Donald Trump, even if the class they teach is not related to politics/government?”

“In response, 46 percent said this had happened to them; 54 percent said it had not…

“‘I think the ranting from the left about a range of issues, which was already a fairly widespread thing given the ideological skew in college faculties, has increased substantially since the 2016 election,’ Bucknell University professor Alexander Riley said. ‘The academic left is considerably more left than the typical Democrat outside the universities, and the level of their disbelief and panic when Trump won in 2016 was palpable.’

“‘There’s no doubt in my mind that faculties have gotten even more left skewed in the 20 years I’ve been teaching,’ he told The College Fix. ‘The young left faculty today are nothing like the faculty leftists I knew in the late ’90s and early ’00s. Some of them today reject altogether even the idea of civil dialogue with those with whom they disagree — I’ve seen faculty on my campus say it’s white supremacist even to ask people to be civil and refrain from using vulgarities and personal insults in academic discussions because that’s requiring historically disadvantaged people’ to ‘translate’ their own idioms into white male normative idioms.’”

What a pathetic rationale for uncivil behavior.  ‘Go on -  get out there and agitate.  Commit civil unrest.  Generate a climate of anger, resentment and hate towards Trump, and we will back you, by calling objection to it the actions of ‘white supremacy’.’  Smirk smirk.

It’s of the same ’idiom’ as calling voter integrity measures, like requirements for photo IDs, ‘voter suppression’.  And calling Trump a ‘racist’ for trying to block illegal aliens (and MS-13 gang members, and ISIS terrorists, and drug and gun runners, and child and adult sex traffickers) from entering the country with ‘his’ Wall (as part of his executive-branch job).  And on and on go the insults to Truth.  And especially the Democrats’ backpedaling from charges of  ‘quid pro quo’ and ‘bribery’ against Pres. Trump, in the current impeachment fiasco, to ‘abuse of power’ and ‘obstruction of Congress’.  

It’s like calling ‘grossly negligent’ - a criminal offence - ’extremely careless’ and thinking that that exonerates Hillary for her email scandal.  A pile of excrement by any other name would smell the same.  Former FBI chief Comey was just playing with words (given to him by another accomplice in this crime that the Dems have been engaged in) .  If the shoe had been on the other foot - if the Dems were calling a Republican out for such behavior - you know damn well that ‘grossly negligent’ would characterize the person’s action, so that the Dems could get their Dem-appointed judges - many of whom seem to buy the idea that the Constitution is ‘a living document,’ subject merely to ‘interpretation’ from their personal socio-political proclivities - to throw the book at the person, with no mealy-mouthing to the matter.

Disgusting stuff.  All of it.  All of this spinning on the part of the Dems going on.  Amounting to propaganda.  Indoctrination techniques.  Nothing of Truth or Justice in it.  True Justice.

Dems: It’s time for you to understand something.  As sparks of our Creator Source, we are all on a spiritual Journey, progressing on a path upwards in consciousness towards Unity with our Source.  Such awake and aware incarnate souls are the true ‘progressives’.  Get with the true agenda.  Or be left behind.  In the dark Valley, getting darker by the moment; with a hint of Light just up ahead.  For those who stay the course. 

Your choice.  Your call.  In this classroom for apprentice gods.     


And not to exonerate the Republicans in all of this shoddy behavior going on.  After, they have joined with the authoritarian Dems to pass once again the rights-shredding so-calleld Patriot Act.  And were complicit in the rule of law-shredding candidacy and occupancy of the Oval Office of the Usurper, Barack Obama.  Both political parties are up to their necks in corruption.  And thus, both need to go.  For Truth to prevail in the nation.  And the world.  In the New World to come in.

So that we don't all go down with the Old World.  As it slouches towards its demise.  In the light of

the Light.


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