This is a synchronistic followup to my blog of yesterday wherein I was talking about the likes of the SPLC giving away the scenario that the far Left/New World Order crowd is working with, as regards the sorts of groups that they are attempting to label as ‘potential domestic terrorists,’ leading up to when they make their takeover move.
Among said groups is your basic ‘conservative’. Listening to Dave Hodges’s The Common Sense Show postings for today, one of them had to do with a report to him (as a quick, 2am check-in) by an Insider that the plan by said NWO crowd is not to incarcerate millions of us, er, ‘deplorables’ in FEMA camps, which is not their way, but to send in Chinese troops - having flooded into this country from the likes of their lairs in the mountains in the north of Mexico, plus advance troops already here, under the cover of being workers in the likes of ChiCom-controlled so-called solar farms (placed conveniently near our military bases) and Chinese restaurants (having gained access to the interior of the country through the likes of the Port of Long Beach, which has been under the control of Red China for some years, before Pres. Trump has put a stop to that this year. Supposedly), plus flooding in from tunnels (you did know about the tunnel network under the ground of the entire country, didn’t you? Didn’t you??), and perhaps even amphibious landings on our porous flanks - to go into predominantly conservative-voting areas under the cover of a grid-down Tet-like Offensive, their troops equipped with night-vision goggles - as TPTB in the DHS practiced in the Jade Helm 16 Exercise, of operations against ‘guerrillas’ - meaning, in actuality, U.S. patriots - and going door-to-door and blasting away their enemies with tank cannon fire. To kill as many of us, er deplorables, as possible - and with the help of other foreign troops wearing UN blue helmets (called into action in this country via what is called the Kigali Principles) - in order to genocidally cleanse the nation of as many of us NWO resistors as possible, to be replaced by their hordes, just waiting to flood into this country and take it over.
Now, you may think that Hodges just had a bad dream at 2am in the morning., and is evincing signs of paranoia.(1) But on the other hand, he has been and is keeping a careful eye on such scenarios, and the plans for them. And what are YOU doing, to think to be able to criticize him, about such things going on, and potentially going on, in our time, and our country???
Personally, I see a lot of unawake Americans. I saw them in my home state of California, where the state’s PTB have allowed the state to be flooded - and I mean flooded - with illegal aliens, and, because the state ‘conveniently’ requires no ID to vote, has been taken over massively (in consequence) by the Democrats. And as witnessed by many pieces of legislation, regarding various areas (like vaccinations(2) and gun-control measures) being passed by the (thus-tainted) state legislature and signed into law by the (thus-tainted) governor, which are doing away with our - to say, U.S. citizens’ - basic rights. Including to free and fair elections. What the NWO crowd calls ‘voter suppression’. And what the rest of us would call ‘Election Integrity’ measures.(3)
The rot in the country goes deep. I am reminded of one of Trump’s candidacy speeches wherein he referred to the story of ‘The Scorpion and the Frog,’ and recounted a fable that Wikipedia synopsises as follows:
“A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on its back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion, but midway across the river the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature.”(4)
’It’s what I do.’ Our nation’s scorpions will get away with all that we ‘conservatives’ let them get away with. Thus, their bleats of ‘voter suppression’ - when any state attempts to clean up the voting scene in its state by such common-sense measures as photo ID requirements (for which a person would have to show a copy of their birth certificate or Naturalization to obtain; as with any ID to be able to open a bank account, cash a check, buy liquor, get a Seniors discount for travel, etc. etc. etc.). Or accusing Pres. Trump of being a ‘racist’ because he wants to build a wall to keep out illegals of all kinds (including MS-13 gang members and ISIS terrorists and drug and gun runners and child and adult sex traffickers). Or raising a huge hue and cry about ‘gun control’ laws, as they attempt to disarm patriots, by engaging not only in such campaigns after mass shooting incidents but as well setting up such events in the first place (called ‘false flag ops;’ some of which are purely phony, and some of which are real but orchestrated incidents). Why?
Because it’s what ‘they’ do. Such minded people. And have done all through history. In order to carry out genocidal operations against peoples whom they have succeeded in disarming, or at least, in weakening their self-defense abilities.
We are up against totalitarians, for whom such political ‘niceties’ as two-party systems are anathema. They want the whole hog (so to speak). Don’t let them win this time around. Especially since
this one is for all the marbles.
(1) Or alternatively think that he is full of it because our military would never allow that scenario to happen. But those who think that way need to be aware of a) how the Usurper, Obama, 'retired' some 400 military officers, and quietly replaced them with, shall we say, more amenable officers; and b) how our military has been compromised by TPTB quietly putting in place a policy that has allowed 'immigrants' - of whatever stripe - to serve in the military and thereby gain a fast lane to citizenship. Thus, our military is split in its loyalties; and may well turn in on itself, thereby creating an incohesive environment for others to take advantage of.
(1) Or alternatively think that he is full of it because our military would never allow that scenario to happen. But those who think that way need to be aware of a) how the Usurper, Obama, 'retired' some 400 military officers, and quietly replaced them with, shall we say, more amenable officers; and b) how our military has been compromised by TPTB quietly putting in place a policy that has allowed 'immigrants' - of whatever stripe - to serve in the military and thereby gain a fast lane to citizenship. Thus, our military is split in its loyalties; and may well turn in on itself, thereby creating an incohesive environment for others to take advantage of.
(2) How many Americans understand that vaccines have been and are being used to accomplish far more than their surface, and MSM-pushed story, including with anti-fertilization agents conveniently embedded in them, and agents that weaken us (including giving us autoimmune diseases), and others that can outright kill us?? Why do you think that TPTB are pushing mandatory vaccination, with no exemptions???
Wake the hell UP, those of you who are still asleep to what all is going on in your environment. You were not born to be such an easy prey, as you are demonstrating - in spades - to be.
(3) I saw, before I left that state, to live elsewhere in the country (another story), that Judicial Watch was able to win a court case against the state, for having unclean voter registration rolls; but apparently all that amounted to was that the counties needed to send out mailings to the names on the rolls, and if they weren’t returned - proving that a live person by that name indeed lived at that address, had not either moved away, was deceased, or didn’t actually even exist - said names would be ‘cleaned’ from the rolls. But no measures to ascertain the eligibility of the persons on the rolls in the first place have been forced into operation, as far as I have been able to ascertain. With such names as ‘M. Mouse’ having been reported as being on such lists, by investigators, in the past, I recall reading about. With widespread immorality being, apparently, par for the course these dark days…
…and about to change. In the general Cleansing about to take place.
Another story.
(4) And now you know - or should - why the Dems, together with their comrades in the MSM and other of our institutions, are doing all they can to weaken Trump, and hopefully bring him down. Because they know that he knows.
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