Friday, 27 December 2019

If I Were Of A Mind...

Changing Of The Guard

I have had a miserable Christmas week.  As I emailed a close friend last evening:*

Have to report that I have had a lousy Christmas season, and it continues.  I ate something that didn't agree with me on Sunday afternoon - I associate it with a fresh-caught small fish that [the man of my new home] had saved from a life of boredom in the nearby small reservoir; although he ate one from the same catch and hasn't come down with the double runs that I have - and my travail has dogged me down to today, and counting.  It is letting up, but this evening I could only manage some scrambled eggs, and am waiting to see if they will 'hold'.  A bummer.  The house was chockfull of people for Xmas Day and dinner, with both family and friends, and it was all I could do to sit through the lovely meal that [my niece] prepared, with some help from her kids.  A 'family holiday' wasted on poor sick old Uncle Duane.  But the Family included me well in the Xmas morning present-opening festivities, so that was nice.  ([The couple of the house] gave me a nice sweater; their oldest son gave me a copy of Eckhart Tolle's 'A New Earth'.  I got the Family a box of Whitman's Sampler chocolates.  Amazingly, [my niece] told me that they were not aware that 'Whitman's chocolates' was a classic in this country.  We DO lose a lot of things over the years, in this Brave New World of electronic gadgets and such.  A shame.)

“Something interesting happened on Xmas Eve.  We watched such a classic - James Stewart in 'It's A Wonderful Life' - and then they showed a short, 12-minute Mormon take on the Birth of Christ thing, wherein their take on the story is that a) The Three Wise Men didn't visit until 'Jesus' was 6 years old, and b) a new star showed them the way there (to Bethlehem, presumably).  Anyone who has researched into that whole scene - the story in the New Testament - is familiar with the theme of what is known as astrotheology, whereby the 3 Wise Men are the 3 stars in the Belt of Orion, and the star 'leading the way into the Good News' is the associated Sirius, whose rising in the east signaled the annual return of the flooding of the Nile, and that Good News.  The Jesus story having been made up of pieces of the stories of many a god-man of the time in that part of the world - the whole ball of wax: born on the 25th of December (the sun returning from its 3 days in the tomb of the earth from the winter solstice), raising of the dead, walking on water, turning water into wine; it goes on and on, about sons/suns of God, all the way back at the least to the Osiris/Isis/Horus myth.  And Easter of course is the return/Resurrection of life in the spring.  But the Mormons have their own wrinkle on the Christmas tale, it turns out (which I never knew, even from having been raised in that Church).  At least [my niece into whose home I have been invited to live, in Utah, after circumstances had deteriorated for me in my old home town in So Cal] had the presence of mind, after the showing of that short video, to wonder, in a question directed to her 'life' Dad (present for the occasion; who is a venerable patriarch in the Church in his local area), whatever happened to that special' new star.  (Indeed, [niece].  Indeed.)  You once asked if they are churchgoing.  There is your answer: They are, indeed.  And in even a special Christian way.  Which, of course, puts them at odds with other Christians, who consider them, at best, peculiar.

“And I'm running out of strength to continue any further.  Catch you further at another, more auspicious time.”


A fish.  Interesting.  Let’s see now…

As if I were sick to my stomach of the Piscean-Age Christmas ‘story’/fable - and of all the lies and deceit going on.  Of people living with and in a lie.  And being run by ‘People of the Lie’ - our erstwhile masters, attempting now to take over the United States of America, as the last bastion of Freedom on the planet, before the Dark forces take over, and rule the world with an iron fist.

The world.  As opposed to 

A New Earth.

As I awaken to my Life’s Purpose.  The subtitle to the book that my great-nephew got me for/at this Christmas season.  On the verge of major change in this country in general…

...and the world.

PS. 1) Yes, I am aware that the, er, ‘true’ version of the story of the Three Wise Men - or that is to say, from the (so-called) Gospel of Matthew - has them visiting some time after the birth.  But the whole story is suspect.
     2)  For more on the ‘astrotheology’ business, see, in particular:
     ’The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold’; ‘Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled’; Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ’; and ‘Christ In Egypt:: The Horus-Jesus Connection’ by D.M. Murdock aka Acharya S.  Also:
     ‘Man Made God’ by Barbara G. Walker; ‘Jesus, King of Edessa’ by Ralph Ellis; and especially ’Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ by Joseph Atwill.  Also the series on YouTube narrated by Kenneth Humphreys.

* who had sent me, on Boxing Day, an article from Common Dreams supportive of Sen. Bernie Sanders and his ”recent surge in national and early-state polls”; to which news, not being part of his “enthusiastic progressive base” I replied specifically:
   “‘…Visionaries who dream about how the world should be…’  Indeed, there is a better world aborning than this one.  It’s just not the New World Order of the far Left, with its severe statism, totalitarian lockdown of people to within an inch of their lives.  But, first things first:…” 
   (Needless to say, this friend and I do not agree on things politically.  But in the event, are still friends.  As it should be, in such matters.  Until they come to a potentially shooting stage of The Process.  Crossing over which is a bridge too far.  But to continue.)

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