Wednesday, 18 December 2019

The Sky Is Falling' - Well; Sort Of

from ‘Weaponizing science: Study authors resort to scare tactics claiming human civilization will END by 2050 because of climate change’ - Lance D Johnson, orig. posted at - December 18:

‘Australian climate alarmists want zero emissions or else “civilization will end”’

Experts from the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration published a report claiming that civilization could end by 2050 if the world fails to act on climate change. They frantically hypothesize that current carbon emission levels pose a near to midterm threat to humanity, causing lethal heat waves, mass migration, disease pandemics, and ecological collapse. This Australian think tank, led by David Spratt and Ian Dunlop, believes that nuclear war is imminent because nations will inevitably suffer from lost resources as they fight to survive.

“Using fear to their advantage, these experts are calling on the world’s leaders to shift their economies to “zero-emissions” as soon as possible…”

And just so are things coming to a head.  Just not in the way that the Climate Change alarmists are attempting to portray it.  It seems obvious - and as in the U.S., also with the whole Impeachment hoax going on here - that TPTB are counting on their long, patient, quiet takeover of the (bulk of the) MSM (and including all of its predictive programming) to herd We, The Cattle into their global corral.

“Zero carbon emissions”??  

1) Gee, does that mean doing away with a huge number of us ‘useless eaters,’ aka carbon emitters, as well?  

2) Ya think maybe you’re picking up on something that is in ‘the ethers’ regarding humanity’s ability now to do away with (so-called) fossil fuel energy sources, and tap directly into the zero point energy field [as I remarked on in my last blog]??  But wait - that would do away with ‘your’ rationale to impose a totalitarian control system on the world, via your vaunted New World Order, whereby everybody (but our erstwhile masters, who would be more equal than others) would be controlled to within an inch of their lives.  So - what’s going on???

I will tell you what’s going on, Comrade.  What’s going on is the end of your dream.  And the beginning of

The Real Thing.

But thanks for helping us to get here.

Playing your part, in The Drama.

Now, I encourage you to release the part-playing.  And tune into your basic nature, as a child of God.

Or go down with the ship.  As it were.

Since the water levels will rise to fatal levels, and all.

Or so you say.

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