Yesterday some of the members of my late brother’s family, for whom I was a live-in uncle for many years during their childhood (and one of whom I am now living with, in my sunset years), sat me down in front of a smart-phone camera to have me tell them a lot about those early years in their lives that they have long wanted to know more about, especially about their father, who was a bit of an enigma to them, his death - in an accident - occurring when they hardly knew him. That is one story. Besides that primary one, my own personal story inevitably got intertwined in the telling, and especially, it turned out, about an incident in my life that they had heard about from their mother, now herself recently deceased (after 'successfully' remarrying and having a good - in all of its meaning - long life with the addition of a new family to her brood), regarding how I had once “thrown a brick through a window of the IRS”.*
I was reminded of all that today upon checking in at Dave Hodges’s site The Common Sense Show, and hearing him making the same sort of noises, in this case involving specifically the terribly dangerous rollout of 5G on the one hand, and GMOs on the other. His first ‘case’ was the 5G ‘business, with a short rant under the posting title ‘What Do North Wales, Ireland & Greece Know About 5G That We Should?’ Answer: Its, well, terrible danger And in that short telling, he pointed out how there are dead zones for 5G in selected areas in the U.S. “so that the elite can live there safely;” and he went on, “You are under attack by these people. This is outright war, and there is no other way to say it.”
I agree.
It’s time for a call to action.
Consider it done.
P.S. I need to say something to all this. Just eliminating the concept of making a profit from the equation of the social order does not in itself convey a status of morality. Eliminating Choice does not make a person a good person. It would just mask the underlying status of the soul. But there comes a time in The Process that we humans need to move up a notch in our social construct, to reflect the level of technology that we have achieved.
That Time is Now. And everyone’s heart is known. Because we are part of The Whole. And The Whole knows all. Because The Whole created It all. And, because Love is behind It all - the whole experience, of Creation and its Point - we need no motive to give of our best in everything we do - to contribute to The Whole - other than the highest motive we could ever have:
Our of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.
Welcome to The New.
And, as Dave Hodges - a man who has had enough of the Darkness; as I had back in 1972, and has a voice in the high-tech arena of the internet - said today (in a post entitled ‘Has the Counter-Revolution Against the Bolshevik Democrats Begun?’ (because, as he said in another one posted just after, titled ‘What Will You Say When Your Adult Children Ask You What You Did to Fight Against the Satanic Nee World Order?’: “We are not just losing our government, we are losing our heritage and our humanity…Don’’t think that our children do not see the duplicity of the lives that we lead. We preach morality and the value of hard work and then remain subservient to a corrupt group of bankers. Our children know more about the corruption in our world, than their parents….Most of our children see the stark, naked truth of the world they are going to inherit and many want no part of this Brave New World…There are an estimated 825 attempted suicides for each suicide death. Therefore, the suicide rate is only a small representation of the hopelessness being experienced by the younger generation. Since 1968, suicides for people aged 15-24 have risen over 300%. Suicide is now the second leading cause of death in the United States. In Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and many countries of Western Europe. Russia,, Vietnam and India are experiencing similar increases. What is the number one reason why teens are killing themselves? The straightforward and simple answer is that they have a foreboding sense of hopelessness. Life is bleak and meaningless [for our young] and all their cell phones, PADs and X-Box games cannot fill the void of emptiness.): “It is time for a battlecry against the despots.”
* Briefly: After helping keep an eye on my brother’s brood until my sister-in-law had gotten ‘safely’ through a return to school, to get a teaching credential, and then had remarried, I continued living in the general neighborhood, at a job that I ended up becoming the assistant manager of. At which point I was hit squarely in the solar plexus with the consequences of the federal government getting very, and dangerously, bolshie. This was circa 1972, and even though the federal government was under the aegis of a Republican, in the presidential form of Richard Nixon (as being normally more fiscally responsible and constitutionally oriented than a Democrat in that position), ‘he’ was allowing some vey statist things to take place in the country. (Highlighting that fact that the country was under attack from both the far Left and the far Right. With the same nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of power, as in the world itself. As my research into political matters, among other matters, had uncovered for me, by then.) This took place in the form of new ‘safety’ regulations for businesses, coming down - not from unions, or from the State; either of which I would have been happy to acknowledge, and honor. But from the federal government. Called OSHA regulations (standing for Occupational Safety & Health Act/Administration). What in hell did the federal government think that it had any business regulating worker safety in businesses within states? I wondered. And smelled a rat.
Which smell joined that of another area of the same sore subject, that I was aware of at the time: that of the federal government proposing legislation that would cripple the ability of the public to purchase Over-The-Counter food supplements economically in strengths to do much good. Take vitamin C. ’They’ wanted to limit the potency availability OTC of vit. C to 60 mg. strength. What?! Why?? I - along with others, from whom I accessed my information regarding such matters - could think of two reasons. One: The federal government was in the pocket of the medical-pharmaceutical complex, for whom ‘therapeutic’ doses of food supplements was in competition. (‘People shouldn’t be allowed to ’medicate’ themselves without a doctor’s prescription,’ doncha know.) And two: It fit with the attempts in the world as a whole of our erstwhile masters to establish ‘a world safe for communism’ - total control over people’s lives by the almighty state. As in the former Soviet Union, and the then-current Red China. (That communist political cohort then flexing its muscles in Vietnam. Which unfortunately was turning into a no-win war. The better to make money with, my dears. But to continue.) Now, a third reason could be as well that Big Pharma saw an opportunity in such measures to increase its bottom line by buying up such food-supplement companies, in cashing in on the profit to be made from such uneconomical practices. But whatever all the motivations, the ‘move’ spelled disaster for the public. And I wanted no part of it, or that sort of government. For me. Or for the country. So, together with the falling of the OSHA hammer on my personal head as the last straw, to mix a metaphor, I decided that I had had enough: I wrote a letter to the Oakland Tribune (to which I had sent many letters over the four years that I was living in that area, on various subjects) announcing my intention to engage in an act of civil disobedience, and why, quit my job (with a note explaining briefly why), deposited almost all of my clothing in a nearby supermarket’s parking-lot charity container for such items, drove to the downtown Oakland area, left my car in a side street with a note attached saying to sell its parts for the tow charge, went to a vacant lot, found a (half a) brick, stowed it in my small back pack (of a few items of clothing that I had kept), and walked to the IRS office whose address I had gotten from the phone book, to do my announced act. Where I was met by a couple of authorities of some sort, alerted by my Letter to the Editor (whether they actually printed my letter I don’t know; the paper’s managers could have quietly alerted the Feds to my plans), who told me a) the IRS was longer located there anyway, and b) to forget about it, and go home.
In for a penny, I somehow found out where their office now was, walked there, pounded my brick on one of the small panes of the glass door until it broke (the pane, not the whole door; after all, it was a symbolic gesture, not vandalism per se), and waited calmly to be taken into custody. Which happened via a couple of S.S. agents, who drove me, handcuffed, over the bridge to San Francisco, to an office where my statement was taken and recorded by another couple of such agents. Wherein I told my reasoning for my civil-disobedience act, and ended by telling them that the point was that I wanted my day in court. Noncommittally, they took me to a section with jail cells, and checked me in, saying they would call me in the morning. At which time they loaded me in another car, without comment, and drove me back across the bridge to Oakland, where they put me in a temporary cell, to await further instructions. Which I did for nearly the whole day. Whereupon someone came and told me that I was released, and could go. No explanation.
So I was deprived of my day in court. And had to get on with my life as best I could. Deprived of that Day.
But perhaps this is that Day. Of my day in the court of public opinion.
As things have heated up on the planet (in a more correct version than the one painted in the Manmade Global Warning/Climate Change scam, championed in order for our erstwhile masters to control us to within an inch of our lives) to a critical Point. Whereby a fundamental Change - as from water to steam - can take place. Which I was just anticipating, back in the ’70s.
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