As mentioned in my blog of a couple of days ago, I am currently reading in Rupert Sheldrake’s ‘Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative Causation,’ a ‘Revised and Expanded Edition of’ his original tome on this theme entitled ‘A New Science of Life’. For most of it , he keeps his thesis - that underlying life’s forms are ‘fields,’ with characteristics neither of mass or energy - under strict scientific wraps, not venturing into hypotheses regarding initial origin. But ultimately, he is making a case for the material field in which all forms arise and are embedded to have extra-physical origins; which puts him at odds with conventional science, and atheists - pure materialists - in general. Which presumably is what is behind such anti-scientific-method facts, for example, as how he has been censored from the TED Talks series: the people behind that popular platform appearing to want to censor anybody or any idea that contradicts their ‘good name’ paradigm and, perhaps even, agenda. Which at least in the case of other such platforms as the major ’social media’ ones - Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, for prime example - would definitely appear to be to censor anything that smacks, besides of being ’anti-science,’ but as well of such themes as conservatives, Constitutionalists, Ron Paul supporters, Second Amendment supporters, pro-life/anti-abortionists, Christians - and so on, in the vein of traditional American values. All, subjects that the likes of the Southern Poverty Law Center are busily at work attempting to portray as ‘potential domestic terrorists’.
Why? Because these, our erstwhile masters, are in the business of attempting to overthrow the federal constitutional republic of the United States of America, and shoehorn that former entity, as a whole or piecemeal, into being part(s) of a region of their vaunted New World Order. Of total top-down control over humanity. And I mean ‘total’ as in totally repressive.
Life as a gulag. Which entity they would control. With an iron fist. In attempting to make humanity behave the way they want it to. And given no option to exist otherwise.
Kind of like creating a particular field. And forcing The Other to lie in it.
Who is, then, ‘The Other’ to these, our erstwhile masters??
Whoever doesn’t subscribe to their vision, of a ruthless World Order.
The antithesis to
The Real Thing. Having been brought out of latency by the action of natural laws governing all things. That process having been in a very ‘natural’ way. As in, experts in physics starting to realize that there are more dimensions than just the three that we, for being embedded in them, can easily recognize. And supplemented by such activities as modern medicine, which has allowed people who are on the verge of death to come back and tell the tale (from NDEs and OOBEs). Of a lager reality than the one that we normally perceive. And by such as children having memories, leaking into this dimension, of past lives. Memories so complete in their details as to discount the possibility of fraud.
Let’s face it, folks. Together with a lot of other facts - such as the fact that the current global monetary and banking system is about to collapse (under the weight of all the debt that it naturally incurs) - we are facing a paradigm shift.
Let’s make it a -
the -
positive one. Into
The New.
And celebrate, joyously - as in the completion of a long and arduous (to say, in this case, educational) Journey - as we go.
Understanding, that behind it all has been one quality in particular. That being
Regardless of some aspects to it.
To the Journey.
And to the Purpose for which it stands.
That being, to prepare us for our fulfillment.
As gods in the making.
Learning lessons along The Highway.
The Royal Highway. For us all.
Except those who opt to attempt to make a shortcut along it. And thus incur the law governing the consequences of their actions. The main theme of
The School of Life.
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