A clarifying word on my ‘take’ on God, as referenced in my last blog, in a bit of prosody on the subject.
Religions have had a role in ‘life’ for time immemorial; including practices designed to placate ‘the gods’ when famines struck, or volcanoes blew, or whatever the environmental event of the occasion. And I put ‘life’ in quote marks, to denote that we need to think beyond that box - the box of matter - to understand the full reality of Things. And in our day, there is sufficient evidence in by now for us ‘humans’ to grok the truth of the, er, matter. To say: that Life is a school. And thus, is not the totality of the experience.
I refer to such evidences of ’something more than Man’ as the understanding by modern physicists - true scientists; not bound by doctrine - that there are dimensions beyond the three that we ‘humans’ inhabit; all of the reports, from such as Out of Body Experiences, that what we call Mind is separate from the body; and - to keep this litany short - all of the reports, from such as studies into the, er, matter, and books and videos on said matter, that reincarnation is a fact. Too many people, from very young children (who would have had no chance to research the specific details of their reported earlier incarnation to be faking the reports) to adults, have reported on evidences for the truth of that phenomenon to doubt it any longer. And thus, any ’salvation religion’(1) goes by the board, as it were. For, who is being ’saved,’ if the truth of the matter is that we take on various meat suits in our passage through the classroom of life??
Consider. We 3D mammals, even as a species of higher primates, don’t create the souls - the vital essence - of our offspring. The most that can be said of us is that we ‘create’ the 3D vessels for souls to inhabit, to incarnate in and by into this 3D realm, or as I describe it: this classroom. (For a Purpose. But to continue here, for now.) A child in this incarnation may well be or have been the parent soul of its current parent in another. And I say “may well be” because of a Law called Karma; as we work out our karmic obligations, under the Law governing that process.(2)
The Process that takes us through elementary school to graduate school, and ultimately beyond. As apprentice gods. Aspiring gods. Gods in the making. Being fractals of our Creator Source. Chips off the old block, as it were.
And thus the weakness, and even damage, of the Christian religion, for one example. In having caused us to think of ourselves as being ‘worthless sinners’ on our own (and thus, needing divine ‘saving’). Yes, the Christian religion has done a lot of good, in its day. But it has also done a lot of damage. In the way of this point - of causing us to think so little of ourselves; of our essential selves. But as well in other ways, as in the Inquisition.
But not to single out the Christian religion for criticism. All of our current religions have their weaknesses. And ultimately, for being less than the Truth of the matter.
That ‘matter’ is but part of the equation. ‘Working us out,’ ultimately, to
Or rather, back to Unity. Bearing gifts from this Far Country.
As I said. And say. And especially,
for our day.
Our New Day. In our New World.
Of our New World Order a cut higher than that dreamt of in the philosophy of the materialists.
Who, at least, have helped get us here, in the lesson-learning interactions along The Way. Some such incarnate souls just playing parts in The Drama.
And some, truly having succumbed to the Dark side.
For whom there is an appropriate outcome.
As for the rest of us:
Bon Voyage
for the rest of the journey
Home, again.
Happy Coming of Age, Everybody.
Everybody who qualifies, that is.
P.S. And that certainly does not include those who are attempting to censor what information the public can and cannot have access to.
Treating them like, er, ‘worthless sinners’ in the eyes of the almighty State.
Aka ‘Deplorables,’ I see.
(1) Of which there have been many, predating the Johnny-come-lately of Christianity. And on which it was built, truth be told.
But to continue, here.
(2) Which has more to do with Balance than Judgment. But to continue.
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