Who’s Kidding Whom?
As referenced in my last blog, I have been under the weather this Christmas week, and have only now been able to get to my latest issue of The New American magazine. And have promptly been made sick to my stomach all over again, in turning first to read the issue’s closing page, its Op-Ed article called The Last Word. This one, by the Senior Editor of TNA, William F. Jasper, and titled ‘Impeachment Exposes Guilt of the Accusers,’ is eminently spot-on. It reads, with commentary from me:
“So it is that the first round of the House impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump has concluded with the accusers being exposed as the perpetrators of the very crimes they are accusing the president of committing. What’s more, the entire contrived impeachment affair has exposed the incredibly brazen Deep State coup effort and all its agents — current and former federal officials, intelligence operatives, members of Congress, and media shills — to millions of Americans who have watched it unfold live on television and the Internet. Meanwhile, as to the charges that President Trump and members of his administration engaged in some nefarious campaign of collusion, bribery, extortion, and pressure against the government of Ukraine, not a scintilla of evidence was produced to counter the statements of Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, both of whom have flatly denied that Trump pressured, threatened, or bribed Zelensky during their now-famous July 25 telephone call.
“However, anyone can go online and watch Joe Biden joyfully boasting to an audience at the Council on Foreign Relations (with CFR President Richard Haass sitting beside him) about how he, as Obama’s vice president, threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine if it didn’t fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the Biden family’s dealings with the corrupt Ukrainian company Burisma.”
Which appears to have been mainly a cover for the laundering of bribery money. Like a lot of so-called ‘foreign aid,’ finding its way back into the pockets of corrupt American politicians. (Is there any other kind, these dark days??) But to continue.
“On the other hand, after repeatedly promising a ‘smoking gun,’ Trump’s Democratic accusers produced a string of dud witnesses who offered second- and third-hand hearsay about the president’s alleged bribery-extortion.” (In a process of the pot calling the kettle black.) “The substance of their collective testimonies was that Trump ignored the advice of the ‘experts’ at the State Department and the National Security Council, cutting them out of his policy decisions, and was (horrors!) fashioning his own policies, which they, the ‘experts,’ claimed is risking our national security.”
And thus, the crux of the matter: The Deep State wants to continue to hold the high ground that they have managed to secure, by stealth, over many years, and Pres. Trump won’t take their advice. So he has to go. And especially at this extremely critical stage of The Process of takeover planned by TPTB; who are moving ‘heaven and earth’ to attempt to counter Trump’s unexpected ascendency to the presidential office. The best-laid plans, and all.
“Not surprisingly, the Deep State-aligned media almost uniformly treated the anti-Trump witnesses with the greatest deference and found their testimony ‘severely damaging’ to the president. They were especially wowed by the ‘authoritative’ testimony of former Trump advisor on Russia and national security Fiona Hill. Why the fawning respect for Hill? Well, for one thing, she defiantly reinforced the testimony of previous witnesses and praised their competence and expertise.
“How dare the president dismiss this ‘respected’ diplomat. And how dare he rebuff the advice of career experts! That is the take by the media mob, which seems unanimously to agree with former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich, who opined in a column: ‘On one side are dedicated public servants, seeking to protect America. On the other side are Trump and his thugs, seeking to protect Trump.’”
Oh, puh-leeze. And "thugs". As in 'fascist thugs.' eh, Robert? The meme that the far Left is trying to create around Trump, who in point of fact is trying to downsize the federal government, and get it off our backs?? Reich, you are not just a donkey. You are an ass. You would think to help bring in a Fourth Reich. This one dedicated to the global rule of international socialism, aka communism. But to continue, before my wrath inflames my intestines once again, before they have had a chance to heal, from this end-of-year cleanout that I have been experiencing, and subjected to. For whatever all reasons.
“Witness Alexander Vindman stated he became alarmed that Trump’s Ukraine policies were ‘inconsistent with the consensus views of the interagency.’ Which is another way of saying that Trump was at deep odds with the Deep State, the ‘permanent government’ of globalist policy elites who occupy ‘the Swamp.’ The Washington Post chose to see Vindman as a heroic figure who was ‘deeply troubled by what he interpreted as an attempt by the president to subvert U.S. foreign policy.’ Yes, according to the Post, it is ‘the consensus views’ of their ruling class, not our constitutionally elected president, that determine our nation’s foreign policy.”
Quite so.
“This brings us back to Fiona Hill, who epitomizes the Deep State apparatchik that is at the heart of what is a very real, actual war being fought within our federal government. Not only is Hill a high-level member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the central brain trust of the globalist establishment, but she is also a longtime staffer, expert, and/or official at the coterie of CFR sister organizations, such as the Brookings Institution, the Atlantic Council, the Carnegie Endowment, the Eurasia Foundation, the Belfer Center at Harvard, and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, all of which have been gunning for Trump and relentlessly attacking him at every turn. President Trump reportedly suspected — and with good reason — that Hill, her staff, and her former NSC boss H.R. McMaster (CFR) couldn’t be trusted and were the source of illegal leaks and harmful obstruction of his policies.”
‘His policies.’ There is the key to this whole thing right there. Pres. Trump is not one of them; threatens to bring their whole parade down. Their parade into their vaunted, and jackbootedly totalitarian, New World Order. Too long planned for, by TPTB - the erstwhile masters of the planet; feeling that they were born to rule - to be allowed to be foiled right here at the end of their best-laid plans, just before they could fasten their form of leadership and control on the world. Not understanding that it has all - all - been part of a larger Plan than theirs. But to conclude:
“Impeachment Phase 2 will not produce any more than Phase 1 (or the abortive Mueller-Russia ‘investigation’), but the Deep State hope it will cause ‘death by a thousand cuts’ — for both President Trump and our Republic.”
Just so. Well commented on, Mr. Jasper.
A word. I suppose I shouldn’t be too harsh on the players on the Dark side of The Play going on, the ‘thing’ in which to catch our consciences. After all, some of them are just that: players. But some of them truly believe in their parts; truly want to have Power Over Others. In order to herd humanity into their global gulag. In which Everybody is equal, and some are just more equal than others, is all. And I can’t abide such dark, satanic thinking.
Hey. Everybody:
We Are All One.
It’s time for the Light to rule on this darkened planet. And by that I mean the true Light. The Light of Truth.
Not of Lucifer. Which is the equivalent of fool’s gold. In comparison to
The Real Thing.
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