Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Man, The Underdog

Today, before taking the family dog out for a walk, and getting some more reading in in Rupert Sheldrake’s ‘Morphic Resonance: The Nature of Formative Causation,’ I found myself taking a look over at said dog - a havanese and poodle mix - sleeping, or at least resting, peacefully on my bed beside me.  I wondered at his intelligence.  He opened his eyes, and just looked at me.

What did he ‘see,’ I wondered.  Just one of these two-legged animals who lead him around on a restrainer, and don’t bother to smell anything when they go out of the house??  But some dogs, at least, are smarter than that.  They can be trained to do all manner of very intelligent things.  Seem to be just a cut below human sentiency.  Human capability.  Brain capability   Vessel-construct capability.           

And then, somewhat synchronistically, after taking the dog out for our fairly regular outing, and coming back to my room to log in some email-checking time, I first clicked on an article by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts at OpEdNews, saved at the top of my emails from yesterday for later, now current, reading in-depth of the article that he referenced in his.  His was titled ‘Will Artificial Intelligence Destroy Us or Simply Make Humans Irrelevant?’  It referenced an article, at Crime And Power, posted there just previously, on December 7th, by one Jerry Day.  Dr. Roberts’s article, and the one occasioning it, are quite the eyeopeners.  First, as to the one posted by Dr. Roberts:
Contents of the Article:
“Artificial Intelligence is generally seen as a great advance and benefit for mankind. Smart humans, however, see it as our undoing and even possibly our extermination.” 

How so?  Because, and as the original article went into in further depth, AI - much as Dr. Arthur C. Clarke referred to in his sci-fi book titled ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ (made into a film by the eminent visionary, Stanley Kubrick) - is capable of running us, rather than its creators running it.  And eliminating us.  Or at least, all the ’useless eaters’ amongst us.  And potentially, our human erstwhile masters as well.

Think Dr. Frankenstein.

And, that is, indeed, possible.  If we don’t see The Process that we are in through to its Conclusion.

To cut to the chase: I see what is going on historically (as I have shared in these pages before) as a process, much as the philosopher Friedrich Hegel saw it, of one ‘thesis’ - i.e., in terms of civilization, of one socio-political order triggering a reaction (much as in the physical sciences, of the Law stated as To Each Action There Is An Equal And Opposite Reaction) - generating an ‘antithesis,’ out of which interaction comes a ‘synthesis,’ which, however, until the process is complete, becomes the ‘thesis’ of another level of unfolding.  The socio-econo-political Process being complete when it moves to the global level.

As is the case in our day and age.  With the atheistic Total State people - mindset - threatening to impose their dystopian vision on the planet as a whole.*  Thus generating its ‘equal and opposite reaction’.

What has been called the kingdom of heaven.

Since there is a level - or levels - beyond the physical.  Beyond just being part of the creation, of the 'system'.  Whereby, in effect, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

As Sheldrake maintains, in his work in this general field.

The conclusion of my afternoon’s activities:

We - Humanity - have put ourselves into quite a ‘bind’.  We can’t function with the level of technology that we are entering into without a corresponding increase in our consciousness, in order to be able to keep it from destroying us.

And Pandora’s Box also comes to mind. 

Our ‘scientists’ are talking about Transhumanism - the wedding of Man and Machine.  And ‘Singularity,’ wherein and whereby the machines are equal in intelligence to the humans - or better.  Read: Smarter.

Outsmarting us humans.  Including doing away with us. As inferior ‘beings’.  Our soulless machines treating us as expendable.

To say:

Without ‘God’ - i.e.: without the fact of a larger reality than the one that we are in; have been encased in, like a classroom for apprentice gods (and hence our monumental creative abilities) - we are doomed.

Need to move up a notch.  To start with.

To a state of Synthesis.

Of all that has gone before. 

And, being intelligent - chips off the old block - seeing it for what it is.

This glorious Opportunity.

And rising to the occasion.

Or not.

Our Choice. 

Dr. Roberts also posted a link to an article at aicontagion.com (‘The Artificial Intelligence Contagion’; site subtitled ‘Can Democracy Withstand The Imminent Transformation of Work, Wealth and The Social Order?’) titled ‘The Greatest Shift Since The Dawn Of Humankind’ by David and Daniel Barnhizer.  It dealt more specifically with the ’adverse’ impact of AI on employment of humans, and thus how “AI/robotics negatively impacts the economic, social and political health of the US and other nations”.  Under the current monetary and banking system, that is.

Hint.  Hint.


P.S. I went today to the original article referenced by Dr. Roberts (which is titled 'A Hard Look At Artificial Intelligence').  Which is a good read.  Well worth the checking-out.  And made the following Comment:

‘Excellent article.  Thank you, Mr. Day.

‘It will help us move into a New Day for humanity on a positive note.  As long as we pay attention to where we are at presently, and acknowledge where we are going.  Ultimately.’ 

Without which recognition…

As I say.


Due process’ - i.e., constitutional law - is all that is saving the U.S. - and, consequently, the world - from the Total State crowd.  A very thin thread, right now.

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