Monday, 30 December 2019

On Setting Things Straight

I have just ‘cleaned up’ a responsive comment I made in a recent blog regarding a quote from former Clinton admin Labor Secretary Robert Reich, who said in a column, as regards the whole Get Trump ‘thing’ going on by the far Left: “On one side are dedicated public servants, seeking to protect America.  On the other side are Trump and his thugs, seeking to protect Trump.”  I objected to his silly, very partisan depiction of the matter.  There is, of course, another side to this picture.  Call it the Third Side.  Which Paul Craig Roberts astutely referred to in a recent column of his (which I caught as posted at, titled ‘The External Costs of Human Activity Are Killing the Planet’.  To wit:

The “external costs of human activity” refer to those costs as on the environment, which don’t figure in the bottom line of the corporations, in their near-mindless pursuit of profit at all costs.  Under the likes of the Clinton Administration, and especially under the likes of that of the Usurper, Obama, the likes of the executive-branch Environmental Protection Agency took on the flavor of a Bolshevik apparatus, attempting to control The People to within an inch of their lives, in the form of ‘environmental protections’ like regulatory-agency rulings that a rain-created puddle on a farmer’s property, kept to water his herd, ‘affected’ navigable waterways to the point of putting him under the thumb of the federal government, as a tut-tut no-no; all in service to the far Left socialist-communist vision of a global gulag, controlled by them.  (Think the UN’s Agenda 2030, and so forth.)  And then the likes of Pres. Trump (and Ronald Reagan before him, who was treated in the very same manner by the far Left ‘visionaries’ of that day) came along to rain on their parade into their Brave New World future, and release The People from the clutches of the uber-statists.  But - as these things go - what has happened is that the old deadly corporate world of characters - whose excesses previously fueled the reaction by the far Left to their rule - has just taken over again, as admirably noted by Dr. Roberts (formerly Asst. Secretary of the U.S. Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan Administration).  So.  What to do.

I’ve got it.

Rain on both their parades.  And get Humanity off of the not so merry-go-round that it has been oscillating, and idling, on long enough.

How so.

By eliminating the profit motive, for human activity.  And its associated handmaidens, of interest-bearing money and fractional-reserve banking.*  Those concepts being the cause of most of our problems.  As keeping us from recognizing our true identities.  As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  And needing now to act on that truism - and thereby graduate out of elementary school.  And move into the higher grades.  Just waiting for us, to inherit them.  As part of the Plan in and Purpose to Life, of our Creator Source.  Who IS in perfect alignment with  

The One.

The All That Is.

The ALL That Is.  Of which we incarnate souls are facets.  

Some of whom have lost their Way.

But who will hold the rest of us back

no longer.  Because

it’s time. 

To graduate.

From this level.   And move up to the next.  And then the next after that.  And then the next after that.  Up the spiral stairway to the heavens.

And, ultimately, beyond.


To Unity.             

With the value added benefit of 

the entire experience.

Thus enriching the Whole as well as - 

in the act of -

enriching our individual Selves.

A thought at this point:

Just eliminating temptation (as in the profit motive) doesn’t necessarily mean that that level of consciousness - the idea of gaining one up over others - isn’t still there.  But stop and think of two things.  1) When ‘you’ -  Humanity - have reached a level of technological development wherein and whereby you can manifest all of your needs out of the energetic ‘bubble’ that you are encased in (think of the likes of free energy devices, and anti-gravitational devices, and what are called ’Med Beds’, and the like), what happens to the ability of some to control others?  In an Age of Abundance, All are King.  And 2) When you realize - really ‘get’ - that We Are All One - behind all the races and religions and nationalities and whatever of our earthly, 3D classroom - why would you not Do unto Others as you would have Them Do unto You?  Especially as that maxim can be taken literally; and perhaps updated now, in this New Age, to be expressed as As You Do Unto Others So Do You Do Unto Your Self.  For, We Are All One.  And All IS One.

I am saying that it is time to move beyond the confines of the capitalist and communist paradigms, as they have served us in our elementary school stage of development.  And move Up a notch.  More fitting 

apprentice gods.

Gods in the making.

Co-creators, with our Creator Source.  Capable of far more than we have demonstrated heretofore.  

At this time.  Of Ascension.  On

The Path.


P.S.  I have brought up here the subject of money.  Let me expand a bit on that subject, since it is the key to the New Order of Things.
     The banks make money (and literally) by a) loaning money at interest, and b) using that loan as the basis for entering some figures in their ledger - take a figure; currently it is 9 or 10 times the amount of the loan - which hey can then loan out to others.  The way to, er, ‘make’ even bigger money is to get governments to borrow money - at interest - to finance enterprises such as, oh, say, wars.  And then to finance both sides of those wars.
     And our sweet tooth, of believing what we are told by our Erstwhile Masters, in all their sweet talking, has seduced us into supporting this scam
     long enough.  
     On this note: a comment by Dr. Stanley Monteith in his book ‘Brotherhood of Darkness’: 
     “One of the most disturbing books I read [in the early days of his personal awakening to the reality of this world] was National Suicide.  There Antony Sutton documented the fact that we [Americans] financed the Soviet Union during the Vietnam era, which allowed them to finance the North Vietnamese war effort.  Over eighty percent of the weapons that were used to kill and cripple our men in southeast Asia came from Russia, and by the time the war ended we and our allies had loaned the USSR and its Eastern European satellites over $40 billion.  Later, many of those loans were written off.”
     Dr. Monteith ends the comment, and chapter: “Unless we can convince the American people that we have financed communism since its inception, the sacrifice of those who died in the rice paddies of South Vietnam will have been meaningless, and their lives will have been lost in vain.”
     A word to the wise should be sufficient.  A word to the yet asleep will take more time.
     And we do not have much time left, to do the job that is
     in front of us.

* Money conjured up out of thin air?  Quite the magic trick, that.
   Called Babylonian Money magic.
    Very old stuff.
   Sorely in need of updating.

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