Sunday, 22 December 2019

On A Clear Day

So I see reports that there are moves afoot in Texas, and now Kentucky and Ohio as well, to join Virginia and California in threatening state militia moves to counter the growing opposition to gun-control measures among the populace.  All of which is threatening an outright explosion of civil war in this country.  So: that die appears to have been cast.

Over what?  Over, in short

President Donald Trump.  As 

a) a speed bump to the NWO crowd on their way to their Bolshevik-like, totalitarian outcome for this country and humanity as a whole; and   

b) “an illegitimate dictator”.  

As to the latter charge against him.  (Being all they have left - i.e., words - since both the Russian Collusion Delusion and the Ukraine ‘Quid Pro Quo’ attempts to ‘get him’ have fallen short of the intended mark.)  It fits their MO perfectly (part of the Saul Alinsky ‘Rules for Radicals’ strategy of takeover, excuse me, ‘community organizing’): Deflect criticism of yourself and your actions by accusing your enemy of what you yourself are guilty of.  At the same time as they use their comrades in the MSM, the educational institution, and the entertainment institution to badmouth Pres.Trump, they plan on causing chaos, in another part of their revolutionary MO, known as ‘Ordo ab Chao’: Order out of Chaos.  Create enough Chaos to give you the Opportunity to - in this case - call on UN troops, who, because they are not U.S. citizens and military, can be counted on to fire on the U.S. citizens who attempt to stand in their takeover way - or just go door-to-door (undoubtedly armed as well with our ‘threat matrix’ scores) to arrest, or outright kill, their enemy.

Who is the ‘enemy’ to these people? the ‘potential domestic terrorists’ now having become, in the terminology pasted on them by our erstwhile masters, ‘enemy combatants’??  They have been identified by various (left-wing) sources used as ‘experts’ in the field by various federal and state agencies as:

Conservatives, Constitutionalists, Patriots, Ron Paul supporters, 2nd Amendment supporters, Christians, and Pro-Life supporters*.

Talk about tipping your hand…

Anyway: Just to let you know where we’re at.

If you didn’t catch it already:

The Tipping Point.

The Big Breakthrough.

Or The Big Breakdown.

Our pick.

Our choice.

As always.

Until we voluntarily choose to live in perfect alignment with the Will of our Creator Source.

Which is Our Will, anyway.

Being part of that Whole as we all are.

Just waking up to that fact.  On The Path through the classroom of Life.

And, hopefully - 

for as many souls as possible, in The Harvesting going on, here at the end of major Age - 

to return



The better potential gods for the experience.

And miies yet to go before we sleep.

And miies yet to go before we sleep.

* People who support ‘the Family’ being part of the problem, doncha know; for the likes of the memes of Overpopulation, and Anthropogenic Global Warming-become Man-made Climate Change, and ’enemies’ of the LGBTQ+ minority class, and all.
   And oh - and not so coincidentally: As part of the Communist Manifesto.  ‘The Family’ scheduled for extinction in such a scenario, in order for the state to take over the raising of the children of the state.  In the New World Order to come.   Of our erstwhile masters.  Hungering - as they have for a long, time time - for total control over The Other.
   Hungering, in short, for Power Over Others.  Or as I term it: POO.  Rather than Power With, and Within.  As part of The End of The Process.
   But to continue.
   (But not, now, for long.)

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