Friday, 20 December 2019

'We Will Soon Be At War'

Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show has been posting some rather hard-hitting commentary recently, regarding, roughly speaking, the state of the nation.  It is sober reading.  Including how both VA and CA are now planning for roadblocks, to keep Patriot-oriented militia groups from traveling, and to strip gun owners in general, not just of AR-15s (which, not so incidentally, is NOT an 'assault weapon").  But ultimately of all their weapons.  

The fundamental challenge - regarding the attempted takeover of the country by the totalitarian NWO forces - has, then, been sounded.

It is of a piece with the recent Impeachment hoax.  Let’s summarize that scam.

The Dems in the House of Representatives (of, reportedly, ‘We, the People’) have crossed their Rubicon with their Impeachment vote.  And now, Speaker Pelosi has slowed the process down - and it is a process; Pres. Trump has technically not been impeached yet - by not sending the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, for a trial there to be kicked off.  She says that she is hesitating, for now - the hesitation conveniently fitting with Congress’s Christmas break, and so putting things in abeyance until after the first of the new year - because she wants to see what the Senate will do in terms of its trial process.  (Which is none of her business - figuratively and literally.)  But what else is being accomplished by this procedural hesitation/obstruction of justice?

1) Some Dems - of the flagrant far Left variety - are putting it about that as long as Pres. Trump is under impeachment indictment he can’t appoint a SCOTUS replacement for ailing Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  (Other, more judicially knowledgeable sources say that that is not so.)  And/or

2) Since even some of the Dems know that the impeachment thing is a stinking dog, or, less odious-sounding, a nothing burger, the hesitation is to stretch the process out as long as possible, in order to affect the 2020 elections - with the convenient help of the near-monopoly MSM, and their comrades in the social media network; without whose support this whole charade (including the Russian Collusion Delusion, and then the Ukrainian ‘Quid Pro Quo’ Delusion; all, designed to deflect attention from things that the Dems themselves were involved in) could never have been mounted in the first place.(1)

Another factor in all this:

The governor of Virginia is reportedly ready even to summon help to his state, in taking away first the AR-15s from his constituents and then, as per the way that sort of action would unfold, all their weaponry, as American citizenry rebel against this outrageous move to disarm them.(2)  Where would such help emanate from??  Easy-peasy, when you have prepared for this sort of thing: It is reported that there are 250,000 UN troops massed in Cuba, just awaiting their orders.  And apparently many of them being Communist Chinese troops.

Remember them?  From reports that there are many of them also stationed in the hills of northern Mexico, just awaiting their orders there as well??  

Orders, to invade this country???

When everything is ready for the putsch????

And Average Joe and Jill America has - apparently; to considerable evidence - allowed this whole scenario to get this far along, in its unfoldment…

There is a better ‘scenario’ awaiting us, folks.  Both as Americans.  And as a  planet.  But it will take a Great Awakening to bring it about. 

I trust that YOU will awaken.  In time.  (Figuratively; and literally.)  To do the work that you signed up to do.  When you chose to incarnate at this precise time.

And many of whom seem to have forgotten some of the details of that decision, is all.

That decision, to be in on the building of a kingdom that has all of the corruption of the 3D realm wrung out of it.

By ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.   

And now, moving that experience up a frequency notch, or two.   

Whatever we can manage.  As apprentice gods.

Gods in the making.

And right now, skirting rather close to the edge of our Stage, of operations.  As we confuse a reverse image with

The Real Thing.

Which includes the fundamental fact that We Are All One. Having an experience of Separation and Duality, as a classroom.  Life being a school.

And the purpose being to graduate.  Climbing the spiral stairway to

the heavens.

And leaving the lower levels behind.  

As befitting our intrinsic nature. 

So, come on, folks.  Be true to



Which is the real



(1) And perhaps the biggest deflection/distraction going on is from, in a word: Epsteingate.  And which involves both the Dems and the Repubs.
   Another subject in itself.  Which is long overdue for total disclosure.
   Which it will be.  As we clean house, on Planet Earth.

(2) As has happened, genocidally, quite a number of times in the 20th century alone, whenever some group wants to take over a nation.  Such gun confiscation being a vital, even necessary part of the tactic
   And so now you know, if you didn’t already, why there have been so many mass shootings in the U.S. in recent years.  Some real.  Some fake.  
   All of it, to come out in the wash of all the corruption to be wrung out of this 3D life experience.  Now that ‘things’ - everything involved with a/the life Process - have come to a head.
   But to move on.  Or to say:
   To move on.

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