Monday, 2 December 2019

On Sailing Close To The Wind

BHO has been going around the planet in the wake of Pres. Trump, apparently telling national leaders to ignore what Trump says about things, because he will not be in that seat of power much longer, and things in relation to the U.S. will be as the Democrats (read, more truly: The NWO crowd) want them to be.  Or whatever he is telling those leaders.  In defiance of the Logan Act.  But then, we aren't operating by the rule of law any longer, are we.  And speaking of:

from ‘Calls For Obama’s Immediate Arrest Grow Louder After He Was Discovered Breaking Federal Law Overseas’ - Emmanuel - December 1; posted by on December 2
(“Obama has been traipsing around the world demeaning Trump, which happens to be a federal crime….”  My response at the site:)

CyanWrench - December 2

For the record: BHO was not eligible for the presidential office in the first place.  Forget the 'birther' issue, except as he officially claimed by posting 'that' birth certificate that BHO Sr. was his birth father.  He was toast right there.  The definition of a 'natural born' citizen extant at the time that it was codified in the Constitution as an eligibility requirement for the office of the presidency - and that federal office ONLY, testifying to its special nature in the eyes of the constitutional Framers - is a person "born in the country, OF PARENTS WHO ARE CITIZENS" thereof (my emphasis).  The definition is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'.  And that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  It is obvious why the Republican Party leadership never challenged his candidacy and election: They have chosen to put up their OWN ineligible candidates for that office subsequent to that of BHO.  I refer to the likes of Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, neither of whom is a NBC, on this same basis.  It's time to get back to the rule of law in this country: its Constitution.  Otherwise, we will be governed by the rule of men.  Aka arbitrary law.  Aka tyranny.  The first step in that correction would be to arrest the Usurper on charges of fraud, perjury, and treason - and we go from there, in taking back our country.


From the vipers attempting to bring it down, and make it over into a part of their global totalitarian slave state.  Over which they will preside.

Or so they think.

Sow the wind.  Reap the whirlwind.


P.S. I can hardly believe how easily the American people have been hoodwinked by their erstwhile masters in government and the MSM in marveling at the emperor’s new clothes, in regards to the definition of a ‘natural born’ citizen.  Not native born - which just refers to the location of one’s birth.  But natural born.  Which refers to both the location of one’s birth - i.e., having been born ‘of the soil’ - and one’s parents.  I.e., having been born ‘of the blood’.  


‘Natural born’ being an eligibility requirement for the office of the presidency of the U.S.  Why?  So that the occupant of that office - who would as well, then, become the Commander-in-Chief of the nation’s military forces; which factor the historical record shows was one of the main reasons for the constitutional Framers imposing that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office and no other  - would have NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Would have SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S. (in this case).

Thus, BHO was a Usurper in the office.  And Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio - and some others of the Republican Party’s candidates in the 2016 elections - were not eligible for that office (though they were for the office of senator).  And in the current batch of Democrat Parry candidates for that office, Kamala Harris was not eligible,, either.  And though she has now dropped out of the race, the issue itself MUST be faced, and dealt with.

Properly.  For the nation to get back under the rule of law.  In this case:

Its Constitution.  

Or it will - as I say -

reap the whirlwind.

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