Sunday, 15 December 2019

First Things Being First

One of the Internet sites that I visit regularly via subscribing to their (daily) emails is called Golden Age of Gaia.  It includes New Age (roughly speaking) musings by the host, one Steve Beckow, plus various channelings.  One of the latter posted for today was titled ‘How to Prepare for Our Post-Reval Work’.

‘Post-Reval,’ for those of you who might not be in the know, refers to what is called the GCR/RV, for Global Currency Reset/Revaluation.  Presumably we Earthlings, as pat of a spiritual evolutionary Process going on, are facing a major change in our monetary/financial system, whereby we will not only have a huge ‘hydration’ of our money supply -  from a huge cache of gold that is to be revealed (not, and no longer, fiat money, which is currency based on nothing but debt to TPTB) - but as well will have access to technology that will allow us not only to have free energy (and anti-gravity devices like hover cars) but the ability to manifest our needs via devices called replicators.  Among other benefits of technology that have been kept from us by our erstwhile masters, who don’t want to lose their power over us.  All a long story, which I don’t mean to get into here.  Here, I just want to point out that said posting refers to the idea, which sounds valid on its surface, that we should  begin “to prepare in earnest for the great changes about to come”.  How so?  Continue to clear “our core issues, projections, fears and distortions?”  Well, actually, the advice - from one of these channeled sources - is rather of a different nature.  First is the admonition that “you search for forgiveness within; is there anyone you still need to forgive?  Is there any event hat you still need to reconcile yourself to in order to free yourself of energy that is bound up in that event?  This would be our first suggestion.”  And the second?  “Our second is to come into a state of love, an attitude of love, an expression of love, as a conscious, living meditation; minute by minute, day by day.”

All, actually, very good advice; since The New is to be characterized by such qualities.  But I have a problem with all of this.  There is such a legitimate thing as, and place for, righteous indignation, until we clearly inhabit that New World.  As I expressed today in a Comment at another site; and have done so for many years now, regarding the hijack not only of the Oval Office, but of the Constitution itself, and thus the rule of law in the country. To wit:   

Orig. from ‘Calls For Obama’s Immediate Arrest Grow Louder After He Was Discovered Breaking Federal Law Overseas’ - Emmanuel - December 1; posted here at December 15:

(“Then to add further insult Obama has been traipsing around the world demeaning Trump, which happens to be a federal crime.
Over the past year, Obama has been doing all that he can to undermine President Trump’s administration, whether it was when Obama followed Trump overseas during his first trip as president or the G20 Summit meeting in Germany Obama has always been close behind…”)  

BlueRadio - December 15

Against the law?  But there is no hard-and-fast law.  The Dems have turned the Constitution into a 'living document,' which means that it means whatever they say it means.  Especially ever since they were able to get the Repubs to go along with the fiction that BHO was eligible to run for, let alone occupy, the Oval Office, by refusing to acknowledge the definition of a 'natural born' citizen, the Constitution has been a dead letter, a pretend document.  That definition being of a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof.  And that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  Unless you believe that the Constitution doesn't mean what it says (aka 'originalism'), is subject to your own interpretation of it.  A fiction that is landing this country in extremely hot waters.  Which are about to boil over.  In the battle going on between Truth and Untruth.  And may the better outcome win, in the end.

As it will.

As.  It.  Will.  

For, we live under Law.

And had better start getting used to it.  And ignore it no longer.

And if we do,

all else will be added unto us.  Under

The Law.

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