Thursday, 28 February 2019

On Legacies

‘Oh, you must be one of those conspiracy theorists.’  And just so did Dave Hodges, of his The Common Sense Show, come up against the success of the CIA, when he tried to alert a fellow citizen to something that was going on, in relation to what is really going on this country.

I say the CIA, because of two facts in particular.  The first is how the Director of the. CIA in the mid-‘70s let it out that they ‘owned’ most major names in the mainstream media of the day.   The second is a quote to his people by a later CIA director, in the ‘80s: “We will know that our disinformation program is complete when everything that the American public believes is false.”

Thus have we been falling for some time under the control of despots.  People who believe that they have a right to control us.  The American people.  Born to be free.  Now, to be subject to, and subjected to, the rule of the modern-day equivalent of the Bolsheviks of the Russian Revolution, turning it into part of the Soviet Union - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  The USSR for short.

Shit for short.

Which takeover has already led to major degrees of censorship of conservative and Christian and other non-Left points of view on the MSM at first and now including the Independent Media.  Which has taken a number of forms.  

Example.  Last night I had, in my ‘surfing of the net,’ come across a reference with link to a video by Dr. Steve Pieczenik regarding the subject of how some Jews had been responsible for the killing of other Jews in Europe for the purpose of ‘encouraging’/getting more of them to up sticks and go live in the desert in the Middle East, which ‘homeland’ the Zionists had secured via the Balfour Declaration, back during the war that was to become enlarged to WWI.  The Zionist Jews had gone to the British Home Secretary of the time, Lord Balfour, and got him to enter into a deal with them: that he would authorize a ‘homeland’ for the Jews in ‘their’ old homeland,(1) which area was nominally under the control of the British Empire as the time, in exchange for their ‘arranging’ to get the U.S. to come into the war on the side of the Brits.  Deal made; deal done.  

I  clicked on the link to see what the good Doctor Steve had to say on the subject.  I was familiar with him and his perspectives, from various ‘interviews’ that he had done with Alex Jones.  (I put quote marks on the word, because of Jones’s terrible habit of interrupting his interviewees so often.  But at least the gist of what Steve has to share with the public has been able to come across when he has appeared there.)  Instead of the video site, a message came up, headed:

“False History RAW:

‘“The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.”  

So?  Okay.  Duly noted.  Now let me see it.  I’m an adult…Fortunately, it had a link to click on to “proceed”.  Well, at least that’s something, I thought; YouTube must be responding to messages of outrage from the public about its censoring (and ‘demonetizing’) of material that it deems ‘offensive’.  I clicked on it to proceed, having been duly warned.

Nothing.  Zip.  Zilch.   Nada.  A blank screen.   

Hey, YouTube:   

You talk about being ‘offended’.  I am deeply offended when a) someone tries to keep me from reading or hearing or saying something, and when b) someone tries to assault the Truth of things.  Or even just a perspective on things.

You are not just a private company.  You are using the public airwaves to be in business.  You are subject to some responsibilities in that regard; and are subject to anti-trust laws in addition.

Just a word.  And I will say it once:

Get your boot off my neck.

That is all.  


P.S. On this general subject, of illegal overreach, and suppression of access to information and other perspectives, and of governmental regulation: I have had an interesting juxtaposition of snail mail recently.  First I received in the mail a letter from a guy who is passionate about rivers, and wants people to support him in fighting back against what he characterized simply as the Trump administration’s attempts to dilute EPA regulations defending the nation’s rivers. Sounds good, and fair enough; right?  But it rang a bit of a bell regarding other mail that I have received over some period of time; and then, lo, in the mail today came a reminder of that ‘note,’ in the form of a letter from an outfit called the Southeastern Legal Foundation, who have been fighting EPA overreach regulations regarding this very subject.  
     It has to do with a bit of legislation called WOTUS, standing for ‘Waters of the United States’.  As their letter clarifies:

“WOTUS is the regulation that allows the federal government and the (EPA) to regulate — in a limited way — the country’s major navigable rivers and lakes. 

“But shortly before he left office, Obama dramatically redefined and expanded WOTUS so that it effectively ABOLISHES private property…”  (emphases in original)     

Basically, what had been going on under the Obama administration had been a snatch-and-grab operation by his apparatchiks, in an attempt, in this case, to undermine all private property rights in the U.S., with the potential of nationalizing virtually all land in the country.  By federal fiat.  Under the guise of ‘regulating’ rivers.  Via Obama’s henchmen arguing in effect that after a rain, the water drains from a puddle on private property into a brook which empties into a creek and then a stream “and eventually a river”.  The federal argument being that that water on that private property - say, if the rancher dams some of it up to use it to water his livestock - is regulatable by the feds.  

Excuse me?  Hey - it affects the river, to some extent; but it is not the river.  The effect of the Obama-affected EPA’s attitude being the eradication thereby of private property rights.  By dictatorial fiat.  Which potential outcome is being fought in the courts by the SLF.       

Yes, Obama is no longer in the office.  But his legacy still stands.  Not only in the form of federal governmental regulations enacted under his (surreptitious) aegis.  But ‘his’ judges - likeminded jurists - are still sitting on benches all over the country.  And you can say, ‘Well, at least Trump and the patriots now have control of the Supreme Court’.  But that argument doesn’t recognize the realistic potential, where the defendants of federal overreach and arrogance will not be able financially to fight their corner all the way to the Supreme Court.

So that is why I have argued in these pages that a) it needs to be recognized that BHO occupied the office of POTUS illegally - for not meeting the eligibility requirements, for not being a ‘natural born’ citizen, i,e., a person “born in the country, of parents who are citizens” thereof(2) - and therefore b) all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.’s and P.D.’s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts - need to go with him.  Into the trash bin.  For it to be as though he had never been there.  For, he was never there legally.

And therefore, his legacy must not be allowed to stand after his being stricken from the record. 

‘Oh, but that would cause turmoil in the country’?’

You ain’t see nothing yet regarding turmoil, if the Dark side makes a major play for control of this planet.  Which is going Up.

With you.

Or without you.

Your choice.


(1) quote from the definitive tome of the day of the constitutional Framers on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’.
    (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  Look it up.  It’s right here, on the Internet, for all to see for themselves.  That this is not rocket science; arcane legalistic gobbledegook.  It is pure reason.  In this case, to make sure that the occupant of that particular federal office - and that particular federal office ONLY; who also therefore becomes the Commander in Chief of the nation’’s military forces, which was the particular concern of the Framers for including this eligibility requirement for that office - has NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Has SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S.) 

(2) A subject of contention, besides the matter of Jews not having lived there for 2000 years.  Most Western Jews are not bloodline Jews, rather are from converted stock, known as Khazarian Jews, from a former country in the eastern European area roughly around Ukraine of this time, whose king was forced, by its neighbors, to get his subjects to start behaving, instead of engaging in such ‘unsocial’ measures as the robbing of travelers through their area, back and forth between western Europe and Russia.  He apparently was given a choice, of one of the three religions: Judaism, Christianity, or Islam - i,e., the People of The Book - to give his subjects some basis for moral order.  He chose Judaism for his people.  (Hey - a Chosen People.  Why not??)  And the rest is history.  Very bloody history.
   But to continue.

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.’
                                                                                                          - Voltaire

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

With My Big 'I'

I Spy With My Little Eye…

a big conjunction coming up.


We are heading for a major, Epoch-ending collision in this country.  Between such players in the Drama as -

on the far Left: players lined up against the likes of onservatives/constitutionalists and Christians and patriots in general; 

on the far Right: such players as the likes of multinational corporation owners and CEOs and loyal underlings, and international bankers; and

at the All-Seeing-Eye top of the pyramid of power in the world, deftly manipulating the puppet strings, a comparatively small number of erstwhile Titans.  With America the prize trophy to be won, and its Constitution thus gotten out of the way entirely, of their ambitions..

So, what’s up, specifically.

A little history.

According to some researchers into this general matter (particularly Anna von Reitz), something happened in 1863 in the U.S. that took it out from under its Constitution, as ‘the law of the land,’ and made it subject to British control, as ‘the British Territorial U.S. Government’.

It is a very complicated story.  Much like the Gordian Knot.  And as with that Knot, we can try to figure out various ways of dealing with the conundrum.  We can attempt to unwind it (the approach of the likes of AvR).  Or we can decide just to slash through it - the approach of the Leftist mob, having been brainwashed by their puppet masters.(1)  

Or we can deal with The Issue another way.

With a deft touch.

The highest answer - I would submit - to the matter.


Simply unfasten the crosspiece that the knot is tied around, and just slip the knot off.  And out of the way.  As The Way.

What is the crosspiece that our Gordian Knot is fastened on?


Specifically: the current monetary and financial system.  Based on fiat money - to say, money backed by nothing but ‘a promise to pay’.  In itself.  Meaning: funny money.  Meaning, in addition:


To be eliminated.

Along with the two-wheeled cart of interest-bearing money on the one hand and fractional-reserve banking on the other.

Their time


It.  Really.  Is.  That.  Time.

For a - the - New Era.  

And what I would also call

the End of 

The Play.

And the beginning of

the Real Thing.

Which ‘scene’ (and only so to speak) includes a whole host of goodies.  

Like no more non-sense like the killing of people involved in answers to cancer because that  outcome would be detrimental to Big Pharma.  And others in such approaches to Health in general - i.e., as expressed in the philosophy of an ounce of prevention(2) -  because there is a whole industry involved in 

people being sick.  Not in 

people being well.

So, guess what:

Get the industries out of the way.  (The point of life not being ‘to make money’.)

And let us concentrate on being healthy and whole.

As we clean up our act on this planet.

And head for the stars. 

Having earned the right.

To be full-fledged members of

the larger





(1) The progeny, the ’fruit of the womb’ of so many teachers and school administrators all this time, and especially since the Vietnam War debacle, who have knowingly been indoctrinating you and your children, by commission and omission.  As to the latter ‘tactic,’ stop and think: If you are never taught about something, you can’t relate to it.  If you are not taught fairly the history of this country, you can’t defend it, and its values, properly.  From the despots trying - mightily, now; and more obviously - to bring it down.
     Which it needs to be, anyway.
     But not that way.  
     In another Way.
     Which reflects the values to become the Standard Operating Procedure for this planet.  When it is under the control of
     the Light side.

(2) "is worth a pound of cure," to finish the adage, for those of you who have been dumbed down below this sort of educative advice, in not having been exposed to such folklore sayings and truisms in your indoctrination, er, education.  A lot of good stuff in those there aphorisms.
     And as in the witty observation that 'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree'.
     Does it, Barry.


P.S. In my last blog I was talking about seditious-like activity happening under oh-so-reasonable Obama's administration.  I have just found out - with my little eye engaged - that that included an illegal, hugely invasive  surveillance system - amounting to police state category - known as The Hammer.  Which has been covered up by Deep State activity.  And on both sides of the political aisle.
     Thank you, Dr. Dave Janda, and your Operation Freedom 'voice,' for this info.  Kutgw.
     More reason that the Republicrat Party has got to go.

Another Piece Of The Picture

In my last blog I forgot to mention another piece of the picture, of what has happened in society in our time.  In a nutshell:

People aren’t as capable as they used to be.  Having been dumbed down.  On purpose.  For a political end.  And that ‘political end’ has its own built-in set of ‘contradictions’.

To explain.

Something else that I have noticed since coming back to my home country, and my old home town, is that 

mail goes missing.

A lot.

I began noticing it when I was waiting to see some deductions appear on my online bank account which I had authorized, that never came through,  I was curious about it.  Now, the only way that I could reasonably know if this was a ‘selective’ phenomenon involving just conservative-type outfits is if I had also had contribution-type mail going to liberal outfits as well and had the same degree of lack of arrival happening there; but since I don’t, I can’t come to any such political-oriented conclusion.  And in addition, I also noted, on my Neighborhood online network site, that some other people in this area have complained about their mail not getting through as well.  So it’s a systemic thing.  And since that complaint has been made at this end, it would appear that the problem is not at the other end.  Say, if those P.O. people at the other end of the chain of custody were choosing to interfere with the mail going to conservative outfits.       

I make this observation a ‘conservative-liberal’ thing because of suspicions that the U.S. Postal Service has become overly politicized in its ‘membership’.  People - as in other federal government agencies and departments (and especially as hired during the Obama 'Manchurian Candidate' administration) - living on the government’s ‘dime’.  And having been led to believe in the government as a source of goodies in life, including as a welfare spigot.  Because of policies such as ‘Equal Opportunity’.  Its having become close to a policy of ‘Equal Outcomes,’ in its application.  And I also note that the U.S.P.S. was given access to a huge amount of ammunition from the Obama administration; as though BHO was planning on some sort of activity that would cause the federal government agencies to be attacked, by outraged patriots.  (And thus the Left’s many attempts to generate gun control, via false flag ops.  Ongoing.  As we speak.)  

But this matter can be taken beyond such a consideration on another ‘front’.  Of the war going on in this country.  Between the generic Left and Right.

I refer to the war that has been going on in our schools for a very long time.  In the indoctrination of our children.  In socialist principles and outlook.  

The subject is extremely well covered in the last-but-one issue of The New American magazine, of February 4.  I have referred to that issue in these pages before.  It involves a rigorous look at our public schools today, as indoctrination centers.  Not centers of education.  As the authors of one of the articles in it - entitled ‘Insanity In The Classroom: Government Schools Today’ - report, in a summary comment:

“In short, American government schools are mass producing illiterate and innumerate citizens on an industrial scale — and they are charging American taxpayers more than $1 trillion per year for the service.  The products of these schools in many cases are unable even to read their high-school diplomas, much less sustain the experiment in liberty bequeathed to Americans by their Founding Fathers.” *

The statistics are staggering, regarding the percentages of our children who can’t read or do maths up to even basic levels of proficiency.   Why?  Because TPTB want to take down this country.  Why?  Because it stands in the way of their diabolical plans for world domination, through their totalitarian New World Order.  And so our children, up to and including college and university graduates, have been dumbed down on purpose, for many years.  This goes back at least to the thirties, when the socialists knowingly gained control of education in this country.  Thus, our children believe the leftist hype, that the U.S. is a demon, ruining the world’s natural habitat, and causing Global Warming, er, well, at least Climate Change; and, since there is no God, the relevant philosophy to apply to life is that the end justifies the means.  Any and all means.  Up to and including civil war, if need be.                

And so, many of these dumbed-down indoctrinaires have ended up in our mail system.  I mean, what’s it take to be able to deliver mail??  But with the lack of jobs-stroke-opportunity in this country, even college graduates are taking jobs as posties; just as they are in becoming waiters and waitresses.  Or I suppose I’m supposed to call them something else these days, and not designate a gender difference.  Don’t know what the PC term is.  Sorry about that, snowflakes.  Hope I didn’t hurt your feelings.  Cause you to be ‘offended’.  That might well get me a turn in jail, for all I know, these topsy-turvy days.  Or at least to lose this ability to have my say in my blog site.  

As so many ‘conservative’ voices are being censored out of our social media sites.  To go along with the near-monopoly control of the Mainstream Media, by our erstwhile keepers and masters…  

What a world.

About to go so far into its Threshold stage that it will start coming out (of The Process) the other end. 

 in a positive way.  

All of this, being the birth pangs for

The New.

When I will finally have my opportunity

not to have to live in a climate, and culture, of corruption.

With the Synthesis having taken place.

At long last.

The educational Process


And the beginning of

the Real Thing.

Wherein we start living up, more completely, to our full potential.

As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.

Not as either poor sinners, needing a Redeemer. 

Or cattle.  To be culled, and corralled, at will.

The will of our Dark-side erstwhile masters. 

Who need to release their attempts at superiority now.  Because 

The Play

is over. 

It is time for

taking our bows.  Having played our various parts.

And getting on with it.  Into - as I say -

The New.

With its free energy devices.  And oh, a whole lot of

such goodies.

Not from

the all-powerful State.

But from us very clever - as I  say -

children of a benevolent God.

Who wishes for us education.  (That’s from ‘educare’ - meaning, in its essence: ‘To draw forth from’.)

Not indoctrination.  (Meaning, in its essence: 'To impose on'.)

* It sounds like an exaggeration, but it is a valid reflection of the method of teaching reading that has come to pass in the country, and should have been routed out a long time ago.  I have talked about this before in these pages, regarding ‘Why Johnny Can’t Read,’ involving the ‘whole word’ method of teaching reading (aka ’sight words’).  Whereby our erstwhile masters are attempting to control our reading, and keep it to ‘official,’ 'authorized' material.  A la Orwell’s 1984.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

On Living In Sin

In my last blog, which I posted late last night/early this morning, I listed two things that were ‘all that I really know’.  The second one was that ‘I refuse to live in a culture of corruption’.  I have just had an experience that shows just how bad that ‘climate’ has become, for me.

Some background.  First, the far bg.  I have spent the bulk of my adult years living in a spiritual community, where we treated each other with integrity.  It was just the way things were.  There.  And then I moved back to my old hometown, here in Southern California, to see out my retirement years in the sun, with the ocean as one of my pleasant backdrops.  Now for the near bg.

I had been able to save up a (modest) cushion of savings over the years that I had been living in said spiritual community and receiving my Social Security whilst getting my room and board covered by the community; so I could get involved in making financial contributions to various worthy causes at this ‘payback’ time of my life.  Three things of note have happened regarding that factor of my retired life back in my home country, of ‘the good ol’ U.S.A’ . The first was that I was so surprised at the immense number of such ‘worthy causes’.  (Who knew there were so many outfits being concerned for the well-being of the children of the rest of the world, and of former zoo animals, and horses, and donkeys, and dogs, and cats; not to mention the education of Native American kids, and all the outfits looking out for the homeless in this country.  Plus the plethora of political-oriented outfits.  The list goes on.)  The second was how my name ended up on so many outfits’s mailing lists that I had never heard of to begin with.  And the third was the real eye-opener for me: All of a sudden my bank account started getting depleted with $20 phantom ’contributions’ to outfits that I had never heard of, let alone made contributions to.  Off my debit card.  The details of which obviously got ‘scammed’ by somebody, somewhere, somehow.  And sold to some sort of network out there.  Of people who 'make their living' scamming people like me.  

Having kept an eye on my bank account online, I was able to go in to my bank and freeze that debit card info and take out another such card before too much damage had been done to my account.  And stop giving out my card info over the Internet.  Not knowing where the hijack had originated from.  But beginning to be more wary of life in ‘the real world’.  And my feelings being fueled, by that experience, of not wanting to live in that kind of world.  And that experience, and feeling, was exacerbated when I started getting dunned by outfits that I even knew of, and had given prior contributions to.  What the hell IS this?? I began thinking.  My attention having been well gotten to ‘the real world’. 

Which brings me to the current experience, which has shown, to and for me, quite a light on the general subject.  Of how bad things had gotten for me in this climate, and culture.

I had allowed a small number of outfits to bill my account on a monthly donation basis, and had, after the above experiences, and reflecting as well my current financial situation - which doesn’t allow me my former ‘glory’, obviously, as a prime name on some mailing lists - cut the automatic payout down to just one.  I won’t name the outfit; just to say that it is a (to my mind) very worthy politically-oriented organization.  But finally I had decided to eliminate even that last one source of my giving spirit, needing at this stage of my retired life (with the possibility of my rent creeping eve nigher) to keep a very clear and close eye on my outgoings.  Accordingly, I sent in their appropriate form to the appropriate address to stop that automatic withdrawal function.  This was sometime in November of last year.  Come December, and I saw that that outfit had continued to take its automatic deduction from my account.  I let it go, thinking that these things could well take some time to kick in, considering as well that it is s.o.p. to say to give things ‘four to six weeks’ for delivery, etc. etc.  But it happened again at the beginning of January.  What the hell, I thought.  Their computer system should have kicked in by now, surely.  But they were a very reputable outfit; these things just may take longer than I have any knowledge about it.  So I let that one go, too; figuring that that had to be ‘it’.  But when I happened to check my account online on the first of February, and saw their automatic deduction appearing again, as ‘Pending,’ that was it.  I immediately emailed them, at their online site, and explained the whole thing, and asked them to Refund that last Direct Debit, that surely their system would have kicked in by then.. 

That was late on the Friday.  I accepted that, unless they had some sort of 24-hour service, they wouldn’t get to my email until the Monday.  So I waited, either to hear back from them from my email or to see the Refund appear online in my account, or both.  Tuesday.  Nothing.  Come Wednesday, and checking my account online shortly after midday, and my emails, and still seeing no response from them, I went to my bank, and explained the whole thing there.  The Customer Service guy at the front counter heard me out, and rang up their Fraud Squad office.  (Whom I knew about from their having gone to bat for me back when I had had that rash of fraudulent deductions; and who had helped me reverse at least one of them. Over the phone, with some sort of ‘clearing’ agency, not the billing outfit itself.  Which led to my believing that there is a network of these sorts of people, in a very sophisticated scam operation.  Grrrr.  What has happened to my country, I wondered…)  

The lady at their Fraud Department had the Customer Service guy hand me the phone and talk directly to the person that she had contacted at the site of the debiting account appearing on my account.  (Same MO as before.)  I explained the whole thing to this person, a lady, who took the information down, and repeated to me what she would forward to the appropriate account at their end: to see that the Direct Debit authorization was canceled, and to Refund the last such deduction from my account.  She repeated that message, and then added that it could take “five to seven days” to process.  

This was on Wednesday afternoon, February 6th.  I waited, periodically checking my online account for the expected refund.  Nothing for twelve working days; at which point - yesterday - I went back in to my bank, really miffed, if not outright angry by now.  The original Customer Service guy wasn’t there, but one of their Account Managers came to hear my story, which I had also outlined on paper, for quick and handy reference.  For whatever reason, when he called the Fraud Department they didn’t intervene themselves, but gave him a phone number to call.  Which he did, and then handed the phone over to me, to talk to the outfit’s ‘representative’/person directly.  Calmly I outlined the whole thing - this was to a different female this time.  She took the info down, checking my ID first (including my telephone number and email address), then told me what their records showed: that I had said (on the phone conversation to them of Wednesday, February 6th) that I had written to them sometime in November to cancel the DD, that on the 6th I had requested that a) my DD be canceled, and that b) I be refunded the February 1st deduction.  She then reported that the record showed that “They had not received my request”.  Period.  That was it?  Nothing about what they were going to do about it all??!  

I controlled my temper, but I was beginning to fume, thinking that I was being stiffed by what I darn well knew was a legitimate outfit - unless everybody’s Accounts departments in this country are being told that whatever you do, don’t ever admit to anything.  Make people sue if they want to.  We’ll outlast them in the courts…I told the lady that I felt that that info was “silly,” that at least they had received my email to act on my request and had done nothing about it, and I requested her to pass on my request for a Refund again to the appropriate department, that I had waited in good faith for twelve working days, etc. etc.  She calmly said that she would do that, and told me that I would again have to allow for “five to six working days” for a response, and closed the conversation by offering her apologies.  Besides her name,* this time I asked the person I was talking to what department she was in.  She replied that it was “the Call Center”.

And walking on my way home, out of the heat of the moment and the event, I began putting two and two together.  And realized that I had been operating under a false impression.  At least to some extent.  Was a bit of a victim of conditioning.  Of making an assumption, of ‘how things are’ in this damn world, which is an illusion at the best of times.

To explain.

Basically the department that my request of February 6 had been sent to - presumably the Accounts Dept. of the organization - was just saying, ‘Request received’.  To cancel the DD.  But as for the other part of my request, that of a Refund for the debit of February 1st, they were simply saying on their record of the matter that they hadn’t received my Cancellation request through the mail back in November.  And apparently not my email of February 1st.  So, the first they had heard of the matter was the relaying of the message from their Call Center to them of February 6th.  Which was after the automatic deduction or that month.  So, they were basically saying that they had acted ’in good faith’ on their part, too; that I had no case for wanting a Refund of the Feb. 1st deduction.

Now, one can well say that perhaps in hindsight, from this last request of mine to them of February 25th, that they could ‘own up’ to not having replied to my email of the 1st-4th (not having responded to my original request in November to cancel because of not having received it in the mail); but even that was ‘after the event’.  After the automatic deduction that occurred on the 1st, fairly, according to their way of looking at the matter. 

All I have out of the deal is a) my legitimate-to-my-mind irritation at their not having responded to my email, to let me know that they hadn’t received my original request in November to cancel; and b) my legitimate-to-my-way-of-thinking irritation that they didn’t call or email me in response to my phone request to them of February 6th, that they just let the matter go, without telling me that that was their position in the matter.  And my imagination took over from there.

That everybody is wicked in this world.  Automatic assumption to be entered into.  (‘Fallen’ Man; just a poor sinner; etc.)  ‘Assume the worst.’  Live your life from an automatic position of defensiveness. It’s all just ‘survival of the fittest’.   

So, my takeaway from this little personal anecdotal experience:

Not everybody is wicked.   

Be careful who you accuse of something.

There could be more to it 

than is dreamt of in your philosophy.  Of life. 

* My bank’s guy passed me a note to ask her for her last name, to which request she replied that they don’t give out their last names.  Okay.  At least I had the name of the person that I had been talking to.

On Inconvenient Truths

Doing some more research into the 5G seemingly implacable rollout, and getting very concerned about that business, I toyed with the idea of sending DT a note via the White House gov site; something like:

'Subject: 5G

'Dear Pres. Trump:

'Our erstwhile Controllers are attempting to take over our minds with this extremely invasive procedure.  Please go outside of your normal circle of advisors for the full set of facts on this terribly important matter.'


But What If...

Pres. Trump is compromised, either by personal inclination or blackmail?  There is something decidedly uneasy-generating about some of his appointments, for example.

John Bolton?  Elliot Abrams??  Others, of the Neocon stripe???  And in relation to Trump's curious moves re: Venezuela, fulfilling the Deep State and Shadow Government's wet dream of gaining control of the oil there.(1)  And especially the very curious business of appointing William Barr as his new AG - and just a couple of days after the H.W. Bush funeral.  Barr having been that Bush's AG, and his family attorney.  Who would know all the secrets of the Bush clan.  And could be considered a Bush family emissary, looking after their interests.  What's going on here???

And as well, in the likes of the curious Envelope Affair at the funeral, with members of the New World Order crowd - whom Trump is supposedly attempting to drain the swamp of - all getting some sort of message from 'the Maestro,' as one of the leading Q analysts (Serial Brain2) calls The Donald.

Has a deal been struck?  Some sort of truce??  Something like 'Call off your attacks on me in the MSM that you control and I won't put all of you in prison'???...    

I am especially concerned about Trump's apparent lack of action regarding DEW attacks on us (think esp. the pyro-terrorism that has been going on here in CA; to drive the citizenry off the land and into the cities, for greater people control), and Chemtrails still being rolled out, with their toxic fallout (and priming of the land for said pyro-terrorism), and most/worst of all: all the physically invasive people-control stuff going on.  Like vaccines,  And particularly including this terrible 5G business; which is mind-control technology beyond anything even the old MK-Ultra crowd envisioned (I presume; its being a new generation 'accomplishment' ).  All, on Donald Trump's watch...

I know that some people are concerned about Trump's son-in-law, and his connections with what is called Chabad Judaism, with its New World Order, brutal-control over the goyim fantasies.

That concern may well have legs.  Especially given Trump's indebtedness to Jewish banker types, who have bailed him out from various of his gone-south business dealings in the past.  (And who has been characterized by some of the Tribe as 'their boy'.)(2)

I don't have precise knowledge regarding any of the above.  This is all that I personally really know:

1) I didn't choose to incarnate at this time in order to waste my time; and

2) I refuse to live in a climate of corruption.  And I encourage you to do the same for yourself.

And us all.



(1) Which, in any event, is ready to be superseded, on this planet, by advanced energy technology.
     Which subject I lightly touched on in my last blog.  And will go into more detail on later.

(2) The essential elements of a police state are already in place in this country.  (Dave Hodges, of his The Common Sense Show, lists nine.)  All it is waiting for to be 'snapped shut' is an event, a trigger, a false flag op.  (Like was tried with the Smollett 'thing', to attempt to bring into being race riots in the country.  Divided we fall, and all that jazz.)
     Or just a determination on the part of TPTB of Der Tag, as in the coordinated uprisings by the Communists in eastern Europe after WWII.
     We are up against some very determined characters.
     Let's see who is more determined.  The erstwhile masters.  Or the patriots.


P.S. I have subsequent to the posting of this blog seen an SB2 decode of some of Q's bread crumbs that lead to the idea that part of Trump's Wall is of other threats to the U.S.'s welfare, including the deleterious side of the 5G 'upgrade' rollout.  We'll see.  I still don't trust his circle of advisors. And especially including his son-in-law.
     Now JFK Jr. and CBK are another matter.  If that is indeed them 'lurking' in the background...
     ('Larping' in it???...)

Monday, 25 February 2019

On The Great Awakening

I ended my last blog on the note of 



I’d like to expand on that idea a bit.

Needless to say, by now, in these pages, that I don’t particularly like the concept that we basically are ‘poor sinners,’ thereby in need of a Redeemer; with the application of the rationale that ‘that’s just human nature’ - particularly from the concept of Original Sin - as an excuse for low-consciousness behavior.  Yes, we have had a long history on this planet of a ‘hard row to hoe’.  Of ‘the survival of the fittest,’ etc.  And how people work harder when they have ‘some skin in the game,’ have something to gain by it personally.  But over time, we begin to look higher than just right ahead of us on our hard slog in life; and begin to ‘grok’ that this is all part of a larger Whole.  Part of a Plan.  That there is something more than Man.  Thus, over time, things change.  Attitudes change.  As we see, ultimately, that we are all in this together.

To say

Where we are at.  Right


Yes, we are in need of some degree of redemption.

But that needs to come from us, individually.

As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.

NOT as maggots in the Earth.

But giants.

Cooperation. Not competition.  Living up to our highest potential.  That’s the key to the future, on this planet.

This lovely, but beleaguered, Earth.  

Gaia.  Needing from us now

our best.

For us -

both -

to proceed from here.

On our mutual, but separate,




To say: to


After which, even, there may well be more.  Stay tuned.


To the highest part of you.

P.S. I have just discovered that BHO (besides being involved just recently in the background to the Smollett caper; along with Mossad’s Rahm ‘You never want a good crisis to go to waste’ Emanuel, in an attempt to use the Chicago area as Ground Zero for racial mayhem in the country, on the way to its takeover, including the use of UN troops under the door-opening Kigali Principle) moved control of the Internet to a non-profit in CA.  (Think all the Dems in control of this state; including those who want to take CA out of the Union, as part of a deal to bring in the NWO, and transfer control of the territory ka ’Aztlan,’ or at least the parts thereof managed to be brought under their control, to those, our erstwhile rulers.)  Thus: The U.S. government can’t control things if someone mounts a cyberattack on us, or censors all online ‘conservative’ comment.
     Or ‘hate speech’.  Defined by the NWO crowd as including criticism addressed to themselves.  
     Their ‘hate speech’ towards the likes of patriots and conservatives and Christians being obviously considered by them as simply par for the course.
     All things being relative, to them.  
     Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill, even.  All okay.  If it advances your cause.
     ‘Whatever It Takes.’  ‘By Any Means Necessary,’  The ‘passwords’ of
     the Dark side.
     Some of whose players, one hopes, will ‘see the light’ in time.  To switch sides.  And come over to
     the Light.
     Not to be left behind.
     In The Great Winnowing to take place.
     In our time.
     And that time -
     and Time - is

     And hello.  Not 5G.
     But emg.

Sunday, 24 February 2019

On Living By And With Truth

(To build on John Adams’s point, as I referred to in one of my blogs of yesterday.)

Now let me get this straight  You people let a private corporation - of bankers; whose very professional natures is, er, ‘making’ money - have access to the nation’s currency printing presses, plates and paper.  Without stringent and certifiable audit measures put in place, on that, and all of its doings.  Thus opening the door for such shenanigans as ‘insider trading’.  And worse.

‘What could go wrong.’  Right?…

Stupid is as stupid does.

No wonder some people think of the majority lot of you as cattle.  To be dealt with like stupid cattle.  Or sheep, to be sheared.  Regularly.  And passing the ‘ritual’ on to your children.  And your children’s children.  Ad infinitum.  At least, until a stop is put to the charade.

Welcome to

The Big Stop.

That presenting issue is one Truth for us now to be involved in exposing, and dealing with, and then the principle in iiving by.  Others:

The truth - the whole truth, and nothing but the truth - about the  likes of:

* the Sandy Hook very unfunny business;

* the Boston Marathon Bombing even-announced-at-the-site ‘Drill,’ gone wrong, depending on whose point of view you take;

and other such ‘exercises’ designed to build up pressure for gun control and ultimate outright gun confiscation -

as totalitarian regimes have engaged in all throughout history.  

But let me conclude this short list of execrable activities with a real biggie: that of

9/11.  Now to be exposed, for all to see who all was really behind it.  Which list of perpetraitors includes members of the Bush W. administration - known collectively as NeoCons, some Saudis and other money sources, and Mossad; the latter entity especially involving a group of so-called ‘Israeli art students’ who prepared the buildings ahead of time with explosives, to aid and abet in the deception and outrage on The Day.  The whole thing designed to allow this country’s (and the world's) Deep State actors to go into the Middle East, both to secure access to oil, and to assist the state of Israel in its plans for a Greater Israel; those plans to gain it hegemony over a vast area in the Middle East.  The whole caper part of a Grand Design to take over the whole world in a totalitarian New World Order.  To be controlled by this bunch of gangsters.

Whom you allowed to gain access to your currency printing presses.

What a bunch of toads they are.

And you.  For having allowed them to gain such power over you.

A lot of lessons to be learned.  In this whole nasty business.

By a whole lot of people.

Who are now going to be allowed to rise above such shenanigans.  As actors on the stage of Life.  And inherit their true identities.

Speaking of ‘identity politics’.  Which does not consist of the parts that we have been playing, in The Great Play.  But of our true identities.
As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.

Now, to wrap up that experience on one level.

The level of all the angst that we have created.  And accrued, to our ‘names’.

And enter into, and onto, another, higher level.  Of the journey that we have all been on.  Designed to head back ultimately to

The One

expressing Itself

through Us.

Our individual journeys being not just for us, and our personal ’education’.  But being also

for The One to Know Itself.

As we humans were encouraged to do, a long, long time ago -

as we reckon time -

 by one



A colony of incarnate souls.  Finding our way through

the Maze

of our learning experience.  As apprentice


And certainly not to think less of some of our fellow fractals.

In our current incarnations.

All, being susceptible to being



Because of

The Plan


and Purpose




And that is

the Truth

that we are all





So, wake up, everyone.  Our ride is




Saturday, 23 February 2019

On The Subject Of 'Our Daily Bread'

Today I went out for my daily in the direction of where I sit in the sun overlooking the ocean and get some reading in.(1)  With the late afternoon sun getting occluded by clouds, and the air picking up a cold breeze along the coast, I cut it off early, and headed back home by way of my local Rite-Aid, where I shop for ice cream on Special, and my regular quart of milk.(2)  On the way I pass the local park’s skateboard ‘rink,’ where guys are always present, trying out their tricks, like trained seals; and on past the fenced-in dog park.  That is always a treat.  Of all shapes and sizes and breeds and colors, the dogs really enjoy each other.  Sometimes there is an angry bark or two, but that is quickly put a stop to, by their owners, who likewise enjoy the ‘show’.  

I was reminded of the idea of dogs, and ‘which end to believe’ today, for having read, before venturing out for my daily, on the Internet a bit from my emails, including a posting of Paul Craig Roberts’s latest, at the OpEdNews site of Rob Kall.  Who is a ‘progressive,’ but very fairly allows his ‘megaphone’ to be used by other voices as well.  PCR’s is a bit of a curious one.  A former member of the Reagan administration (his Asst. Secretary of the US Treasury for Economic Policy), he has the basic voice of a conservative, but he is no person’s fool, is very outspoken about the ‘corporate crowd’ who have taken over much of the federal government these days.  And for some time now.  Today he has struck out very harshly against such hijacking, of what he obviously feels, from fondness, is a federal government being badly abused.  (The title of his rant: ‘No One Trusts the US Government, Not Even the American People,’ and which includes such acerbic comments as “As many have concluded, the United States is not a democracy  It is an oligarchy ruled by moneyed private interest groups.  There has clearly been a revolution in America.  An aristocracy has overthrown the people.  Democracy is dead.  We live in the Oligarchy United Against the People.”)

His remarks, and my walk home past the dog park, made me think, as I say, of dogs, and of ‘which end to believe’.  Which is what the likes of Pres. Putin must be thinking these days.  On the one ‘hand,’ he has to be wary of the U.S.’s Deep State’s barking at him; on the other ‘hand,’ he has to wonder about Trump’s tail wagging a message: ‘C’mon, let’s have some fun!’

May the latter end win out, at the ‘tail’ end of the day.


(1) Today it was further in Ralph Ellis’s remarkable book titled ‘Jesus, King of Edessa’.  It is an impressive job of scholarship, including his having visited the very areas that he writes about, including over in northern Syria and Turkey.  Much to ponder in it.  I started it years ago, whilst living here in retirement, and had to keep putting it down, to mull over what I had just read, and assimilate it, before picking it up again at some future point, as my ‘fancy’ struck me.  Or whatever.  

(2) I don’t always go home that way; often I take the spiral paved pathway down to the beach and walk home along the paved pedestrian & jogger walkway down there.  Alongside the people on their adjacent such path on their skateboards and bicycles and electric scooters and other conveyance contraptions, like the covered tandem bicycle carts for two people to peddle and carry the family along with them, from the Rental place further down towards town. 
    Long Beach has provided some good public amenities in this sort of regard.  Although the electric scooters get left all over the place, and often are left damaged.  A shame, that.  People not taking proper care of such convenient appliances.  
   I hope the City doesn’t cut off the supply of such scooters, just because of such damage being done to them.  They are a unique feature of the place.  Although I have to presume that other places, like beach cities, have introduced them to their public as well.  Alongside rental bicycles, available all over this City, too.  Nice.
   And speaking of ‘nice’: I went by the drugstore today on my way home because this week, ending tonight, they have their great ‘2 for $7’ sale on on their ice cream.  Not to be missed.  Especially now that I have defrosted my fridge, and can get them in the freezer compartment.  A chore, that was.
   Such is the vicissitudes of life.  To be taken in stride, in enjoying the rest of the experience.  Especially 'watching' the Dark side being taken down, by the Alliance White Hats...

'The Process'

In my last blog I referred to The Process.

What do I mean by ‘the Process’?

I am talking about a concept regarding human historical/civilizational evolution.  The Marxists believe in a concept - 'coined' originally by the German philosopher F. Hegel - called dialectical materialism, whereby the outcome of the historical ‘process’ is a materialistic superstate, controlling people, from the top down, to within an inch of their lives, ‘for the greater good’.

Let me parse this idea a bit.  Let’s call the United States, with its founding ideas of the rights of the individual, in a religious setting,* and in the context of a conglomeration of nation-states, a ‘thesis’ - a statement of position.  And let’s call Red China, with its founding ideas of the power of the state over the people, in a global and purely materialistic context, an ‘antithesis’ to the thesis of the U.S.’s position.  Not as the end of the historical ’process’ as the Marxists believe that sort of state to be.  Which leaves an additional step to such a concept: that of

the Synthesis.  Which, before the historical process became global in character, just became the ‘thesis’ to another stage of unfolding.  But with the process having reached the global level, a final stage - called the Synthesis - can come into being.

What would it look like.

Well, it would like something that could be called the kingdom of heaven.  A global state that combined elements of both aspects of The Process.  Thus, it would -

balance the rights of the individual against 'the greater good’ - ‘the greatest good of the greatest number’.  And it would move beyond just religions into a more accurate stage of development along those lines, of the recognition that ‘there is more than Man ‘ - that life is about/has a larger context than just the materialistic one.  That we are, as French Catholic priest and philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin so succinctly put it, ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  And thus, our civilization should reflect that truth.

When we get to that point.

Which we are in, and to.  As we speak.

Now.  How do we know that we are such beings.  Rather than that life is simply a matter of ‘survival of the fittest,’ red in tooth and claw. 

It is our good fortune to have been able to have people tell us, with documented evidence, that they have lived before, where they were, and what happened to them.  Through personal stories, studies, books, videos, etc., that evidence has become part of our basic understanding of life.  And therefore, there is the evidence of a Process.  Of a Plan in and Purpose to life, beyond just in and for itself only.  And that Purpose can easily be summed up in the statement:

Life is a school.  The purpose is to graduate.

Meaning.  We have experiences, that ‘rub us’ up against each other, and from which we incur something called ‘karma,’ that we have to work out.  Not in a retributive sense so much as the sense of a learning experience.  Learning that actions have consequences; and to take responsibility for our actions.  And thereby, getting to a state of Balance.  To cleaning our slate.

And thereby, readying ourselves for advancement.  To the next ‘grade’.  

And as a whole world, in its state of Synthesis, now about to head for the stars.  And having proven ourselves worthy of such a stage, of development.  Having cleaned up our act at our home base.

A New Earth, and a New Heaven.  Ours for the taking.  

If we are Up to it.  

And how do we prove that we are up to it?

By ridding ourselves of the dirty business of warring among ourselves.

And how do we do that?

Besides recognizing that We Are One Another - that All is One - we do it by

getting rid of the monetary and financial system that we have been laboring under.  For long enough.  With its concepts of 'interest,' and ‘profit’.  Which are only that: concepts.

Well, it is all also a motivation factor.  For people to do things, in order to ‘make a profit’ out of it.  I have a better idea for a motivating factor; and given the truths mentioned herein.  That we share our goods and services with one another - 

and give of our best in the, er, process - 

out of a higher motive than that of making a profit out of the deal.  That we do things

out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning. 

Out of, in a word:


As 'a piece of the continent, a part of the main’

of what Life is all about.

For heaven’s sake.

And ours.

As apprentice gods.

Getting closer to

our ultimate


Into a state - call it a superstate; call it the superstate - 

of Oneness


The All.

At the end - the very end - of

The Process.


* as one of its Founding Fathers, John Adams, who for what it's worth was an ancestor of mine, observed: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
   Obviously, the point being, in order to keep unbridled Individualism in check.