Termites have had their beady eyes on our educational system for years and years. When I left my formal education, in June of 1955, as a dropout, to go out and search for Truth and truths about what all was going on in the world (having been ‘visited’ by a spiritual experience; another story), I stopped by our Campus Bookstore to see if there was anything in particular that I wanted to take with me from that milieu before leaving it behind. The one item that caught my eye was a book, newly out at the time, called ‘Why Johnny Can’t Read’. What an eye opener that was.
Moving forward over six decades later to current time, and I see that things have only gotten worse. In the country, and for our dumbed-down and indoctrinated youth. As the latest issue of TNA magazine has put it, in an editorial of a whole issue dedicated to the subject of the education/indoctrination of our children:
“The American people, and parents in particular, are now faced with two stark choices. Withdraw from the public education [sic] system in massive numbers, or prepare for a future of planetary serfdom. It is really that simple. If Americans continue to allow their children to be educated [sic] by the government in cooperation with the United Nations, freedom will inevitably be lost, even if it takes another generation or two.”
The authors of the editorial - Dr. Duke Pesta and Alex Newman - are being way too generous in their estimation of the arrival of the Endgame. As the recent elections in the U.S. have shown, the vandals are well within the gates. But to continue:
“The bad news is that Americans, having been deceived, largely did this to themselves. They surrendered their children to be ‘educated’ by the government, something almost unprecedented in humanity’s history. They allowed their elected representatives to establish humanistic, socialistic government indoctrination camps. And they allowed it to get worse and worse.
“But that does not have to be the end of the story. In tact, there is a lot of great news, and cause for celebration…”
And the editorial, and issue, goes on to talk about private schooling, and home schooling. But that, really, is not enough.
We need to take back our public schools from the indoctrinators. Period. Not just surrender them to the New World Order crowd. Because a larger reality has, now, to come in. To supersede the “humanistic, socialistic government indoctrination camps”. And other, earlier 'indoctrination’ that the NWO ‘camps’ were a reaction to in their turn of the historical spiral. Both, now - as part of the Process - to be superseded. With Truth.
The socialists/New World Order crowd pushed against the older forms of schooling, which were largely dominated by religious education/indoctrination. Which was always going to generate a reaction, because not everybody was/is religious. Or to say, more specifically, in the instance of Western civilization, not Christian.
That 'push' was not the end of the historical process. It was part of the Process.
Which is coming to its natural End now. With the NWO crowd (made up of a mixture of atheists and dictatorial theists - both Zionist Jews and ‘behead the unbeliever’ Islamists; all to sort things out amongst themselves once they had taken over the global prize, upon the destruction of the U.S. and its agenda-obstructing Constitution) having upped the ante to the global level. And thereby generating the stage of Synthesis, with the NWO’s global totalitarian model being the reverse image of
the Real Thing.
For those of you who have beens following my journal journey for any length of time, you will know that I subscribe, in principle, to the Hegelian ‘take’ on the historical process - that, simply put: an historical position is ‘stated,’ call it the thesis; which, because it is not the end of things, generates a reaction, call it the antithesis; which, because it is not the end of things, becomes the ‘thesis’ for another bite at the human historical apple. Until you get to Completion. Call it the
Synthesis. Of elements of both/all sides of the Process. For, none of the ‘sides’ of the Process had the full picture. That comes with the End.
Welcome to the End.
Of one Age of life.
And the Beginning of the next.
On a higher turn of the spiral.
Out of the milieu that birthed the whole shebang.
For its educative value.
And individual increases in consciousness.
Out of the equivalent of kindergarten. And onto the first rung of
the higher grades.
Such a Process needed. Before a planetary collective can be allowed to head out into its neighborhood.
Into even its own solar system.
Let alone its galaxy.
And beyond.
As grownups.
P.S. I understand that there has already been a ‘breach of protocol’ wherein and whereby some Earthlings have gone out ahead of its 'natural' wave. But I also understand that a quarantine has been put in place. Covering both us Earthlings, champing at the bit, to get’er ON. And ET races, who have either qualified correctly for off-world exploration, according to Galactic Protocol, or are rogues.
So, we will see how all of this unfolds.
As we head into our next stage
of development.
And individually.
As spiritual beings having a human experience.
And now about to experience that
on another, higher level.
Those of us, that is to say, who are ready
for graduation
to the next stage
of the operation
for aspiring gods.
Honoring the Mind
behind the whole
(You didn’t really think it was mindless, did you???………if you did,
boy, do I have a bridge in the Mojave Desert to sell you.)
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