Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Another Piece Of The Picture

In my last blog I forgot to mention another piece of the picture, of what has happened in society in our time.  In a nutshell:

People aren’t as capable as they used to be.  Having been dumbed down.  On purpose.  For a political end.  And that ‘political end’ has its own built-in set of ‘contradictions’.

To explain.

Something else that I have noticed since coming back to my home country, and my old home town, is that 

mail goes missing.

A lot.

I began noticing it when I was waiting to see some deductions appear on my online bank account which I had authorized, that never came through,  I was curious about it.  Now, the only way that I could reasonably know if this was a ‘selective’ phenomenon involving just conservative-type outfits is if I had also had contribution-type mail going to liberal outfits as well and had the same degree of lack of arrival happening there; but since I don’t, I can’t come to any such political-oriented conclusion.  And in addition, I also noted, on my Neighborhood online network site, that some other people in this area have complained about their mail not getting through as well.  So it’s a systemic thing.  And since that complaint has been made at this end, it would appear that the problem is not at the other end.  Say, if those P.O. people at the other end of the chain of custody were choosing to interfere with the mail going to conservative outfits.       

I make this observation a ‘conservative-liberal’ thing because of suspicions that the U.S. Postal Service has become overly politicized in its ‘membership’.  People - as in other federal government agencies and departments (and especially as hired during the Obama 'Manchurian Candidate' administration) - living on the government’s ‘dime’.  And having been led to believe in the government as a source of goodies in life, including as a welfare spigot.  Because of policies such as ‘Equal Opportunity’.  Its having become close to a policy of ‘Equal Outcomes,’ in its application.  And I also note that the U.S.P.S. was given access to a huge amount of ammunition from the Obama administration; as though BHO was planning on some sort of activity that would cause the federal government agencies to be attacked, by outraged patriots.  (And thus the Left’s many attempts to generate gun control, via false flag ops.  Ongoing.  As we speak.)  

But this matter can be taken beyond such a consideration on another ‘front’.  Of the war going on in this country.  Between the generic Left and Right.

I refer to the war that has been going on in our schools for a very long time.  In the indoctrination of our children.  In socialist principles and outlook.  

The subject is extremely well covered in the last-but-one issue of The New American magazine, of February 4.  I have referred to that issue in these pages before.  It involves a rigorous look at our public schools today, as indoctrination centers.  Not centers of education.  As the authors of one of the articles in it - entitled ‘Insanity In The Classroom: Government Schools Today’ - report, in a summary comment:

“In short, American government schools are mass producing illiterate and innumerate citizens on an industrial scale — and they are charging American taxpayers more than $1 trillion per year for the service.  The products of these schools in many cases are unable even to read their high-school diplomas, much less sustain the experiment in liberty bequeathed to Americans by their Founding Fathers.” *

The statistics are staggering, regarding the percentages of our children who can’t read or do maths up to even basic levels of proficiency.   Why?  Because TPTB want to take down this country.  Why?  Because it stands in the way of their diabolical plans for world domination, through their totalitarian New World Order.  And so our children, up to and including college and university graduates, have been dumbed down on purpose, for many years.  This goes back at least to the thirties, when the socialists knowingly gained control of education in this country.  Thus, our children believe the leftist hype, that the U.S. is a demon, ruining the world’s natural habitat, and causing Global Warming, er, well, at least Climate Change; and, since there is no God, the relevant philosophy to apply to life is that the end justifies the means.  Any and all means.  Up to and including civil war, if need be.                

And so, many of these dumbed-down indoctrinaires have ended up in our mail system.  I mean, what’s it take to be able to deliver mail??  But with the lack of jobs-stroke-opportunity in this country, even college graduates are taking jobs as posties; just as they are in becoming waiters and waitresses.  Or I suppose I’m supposed to call them something else these days, and not designate a gender difference.  Don’t know what the PC term is.  Sorry about that, snowflakes.  Hope I didn’t hurt your feelings.  Cause you to be ‘offended’.  That might well get me a turn in jail, for all I know, these topsy-turvy days.  Or at least to lose this ability to have my say in my blog site.  

As so many ‘conservative’ voices are being censored out of our social media sites.  To go along with the near-monopoly control of the Mainstream Media, by our erstwhile keepers and masters…  

What a world.

About to go so far into its Threshold stage that it will start coming out (of The Process) the other end. 

 in a positive way.  

All of this, being the birth pangs for

The New.

When I will finally have my opportunity

not to have to live in a climate, and culture, of corruption.

With the Synthesis having taken place.

At long last.

The educational Process


And the beginning of

the Real Thing.

Wherein we start living up, more completely, to our full potential.

As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.

Not as either poor sinners, needing a Redeemer. 

Or cattle.  To be culled, and corralled, at will.

The will of our Dark-side erstwhile masters. 

Who need to release their attempts at superiority now.  Because 

The Play

is over. 

It is time for

taking our bows.  Having played our various parts.

And getting on with it.  Into - as I say -

The New.

With its free energy devices.  And oh, a whole lot of

such goodies.

Not from

the all-powerful State.

But from us very clever - as I  say -

children of a benevolent God.

Who wishes for us education.  (That’s from ‘educare’ - meaning, in its essence: ‘To draw forth from’.)

Not indoctrination.  (Meaning, in its essence: 'To impose on'.)

* It sounds like an exaggeration, but it is a valid reflection of the method of teaching reading that has come to pass in the country, and should have been routed out a long time ago.  I have talked about this before in these pages, regarding ‘Why Johnny Can’t Read,’ involving the ‘whole word’ method of teaching reading (aka ’sight words’).  Whereby our erstwhile masters are attempting to control our reading, and keep it to ‘official,’ 'authorized' material.  A la Orwell’s 1984.

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