Sunday, 3 February 2019

On Infanticide

Certain news out of the U.S. is, well, disheartening.  A good word for it.

I suspect that a lot, if not the majority, of the pressure for this sort of thing - other than the outright Marxists, who are trying to do away with the family unit altogether, and replace it with the State, for the ultimate in people control - is coming from females - call them ‘feminazis’ - who don’t feel at home in their bodies, with varying degrees of male-patterned brains, for whom a fetus growing in them must feel like, or at least could be thought of by them as, a tumor.  Something unnatural, to their way of thinking and feeling.  To be excised.  Done away with.  Just as soon as possible; or, for those with a particular ‘bent’ of mind, to be allowed to grow to term, and then dispatched, as vengeance against the male who was responsible for it.  Whose ‘baby’ it was; because ‘she’ wanted the sex just for the fun of it, if it wasn’t due to outright rape.  For, a genetic female with a male-patterned brain doesn’t think the same way that a female with a ‘proper,’ gender correctly-aligned brain thinks or feels about such a thing.  

We, here, are experiencing one of the fallouts from a skewed environment, both as to the food we eat and the liquids we drink, and as to the various stresses that we experience.  Or to say, more accurately, what our mothers ingested or experienced; since this skewing of the patterning of the brain takes place in the womb, and so is due to various adverse influences on our mothers.          

I came across the bulk of my understanding of this matter back in the ’90s when I happened to notice in a bookstore in which I was browsing a paperback entitled ‘BrainSex,’ which captured my attention enough for a purchase.  By a geneticist, Anne L. Moir, Ph.D, in collaboration with a journalist, David Jessel, it was about the various influences on pregnant women that could affect the development of the brains of their fetuses, according to research of the time.  Adding to my info on the subject after that. from various sources, I have come to the realization that at a certain, early stage of fetal development in the uterine hormonal bath (as I recall, it is in the 8-10-week ‘window’), a male-patterned brain can be ‘wired’ into a genetically female body and vice versa and every stage along the abnormal spectrum in between, such as trannies.  The causes are various:

an abnormality in the adrenal glands of the developing fetus or the mother or both; estrogen mimics/ endocrine disrupters in the environment, from such sources as plastics, pesticides, and The Pill; stress, of all kinds - physical, mental, emotional (it was/is known that a larger number of homosexually-inclined babies are born in the wake of wars than could be accounted for by the ‘normal’ background ‘noise,’ e.g.).  But perhaps most alarmingly was and is the effect of drugs like barbiturates, prescribed to pregnant women without sufficient regard for their potential effects on the developing fetus.  The increasing numbers of babies so affected have been like the canaries in the coal mine, failing to alert us sufficiently to what has been going on in our midst.*

There are those who shrug and say, ‘So what?  Live and let live.’   They obviously haven’t thought through their lack of concern regarding the matter.  How would you, for example, like to begin to realize that you don’t feel at home with/in your body, that some sort of mismatch is going on for you.  How many suicides or inchoate lashing-out events at ‘the world’ will it take for us - society - to wake up to this crime, and set about cleaning up our act in this regard???

And that goes for a lot of such blots on our copybook paper.

We have a lot of work to do, folks.

Let’s get to it.

In a mindset of Service to Others.  Not of Service to Self.

That's for the likes of pedophiles.

And those who kill babies.

That is to say, those who treat their fellow humans like commodities.

(And do the abortionists split the proceeds from the sale of the baby body parts with the, er, mothers???...) 

* To what do I attribute this?  There are most probably a number of reasons for this oversight.  The drug-oriented culture of Western medicine, whose adherents are not other-interested in cure so much as self-interested in treatment, and the concomitant medical-pharmaceutical-government complex, for one thing.  The New World Order crowd (which includes ‘cultural Marxists’), who saw and see a minority class, that they can manipulate to further their cause, of overthrow of the existing order. Those are the most probable reasons that this appalling scandal, and blot on our Homo sapiens sapiens copybook paper, hasn’t been dealt with properly before this.

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