It took me a while to get my bearings and wake up to what in hell was going on in this realm and why - that is to say, why people were living this way, with wars and corruption and such. This was not the Way. Until I finally got it. It was in part because ‘they’ were lower in consciousness than I was, rampaging around in this consciousness equivalent of kindergarten. But - and as a result - it had to do with money. More specifically, with ‘our’ mone(tar)y system, of Money as Debt.(1) Engaged in in the absence of a full understanding, and full appreciation, of the Truth about life: that it was part of a larger reality, with a larger Purpose, than just in and for itself only.(2)
With that understanding comes my personal awareness: that instead of me and others like me having to adapt to this level of consciousness, the ‘class’ not only has to but is graduating - many if not most - to the next ‘grade’ Up. For,
it’s time.
Ready, for the individual soul.
Or not.
Everybody gets a Participation ribbon.
But not everybody will graduate.
That’s just how things are. In the real reality.
As opposed to this simulated one. Acting as a classroom.
For aspring gods.
Own your basic reality. As "a piece of the continent, a part of the main" of your Creator Source.
Into the New World, waiting.
For us to inherit it.
To deserve
to inherit it.
(1) Many people have gone into this subject well. You can look it up.
(2) As Gandhi said: We don’t live in order to eat and sleep. We eat and sleep in order to live.
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