Tuesday, 26 February 2019

On Inconvenient Truths

Doing some more research into the 5G seemingly implacable rollout, and getting very concerned about that business, I toyed with the idea of sending DT a note via the White House gov site; something like:

'Subject: 5G

'Dear Pres. Trump:

'Our erstwhile Controllers are attempting to take over our minds with this extremely invasive procedure.  Please go outside of your normal circle of advisors for the full set of facts on this terribly important matter.'


But What If...

Pres. Trump is compromised, either by personal inclination or blackmail?  There is something decidedly uneasy-generating about some of his appointments, for example.

John Bolton?  Elliot Abrams??  Others, of the Neocon stripe???  And in relation to Trump's curious moves re: Venezuela, fulfilling the Deep State and Shadow Government's wet dream of gaining control of the oil there.(1)  And especially the very curious business of appointing William Barr as his new AG - and just a couple of days after the H.W. Bush funeral.  Barr having been that Bush's AG, and his family attorney.  Who would know all the secrets of the Bush clan.  And could be considered a Bush family emissary, looking after their interests.  What's going on here???

And as well, in the likes of the curious Envelope Affair at the funeral, with members of the New World Order crowd - whom Trump is supposedly attempting to drain the swamp of - all getting some sort of message from 'the Maestro,' as one of the leading Q analysts (Serial Brain2) calls The Donald.

Has a deal been struck?  Some sort of truce??  Something like 'Call off your attacks on me in the MSM that you control and I won't put all of you in prison'???...    

I am especially concerned about Trump's apparent lack of action regarding DEW attacks on us (think esp. the pyro-terrorism that has been going on here in CA; to drive the citizenry off the land and into the cities, for greater people control), and Chemtrails still being rolled out, with their toxic fallout (and priming of the land for said pyro-terrorism), and most/worst of all: all the physically invasive people-control stuff going on.  Like vaccines,  And particularly including this terrible 5G business; which is mind-control technology beyond anything even the old MK-Ultra crowd envisioned (I presume; its being a new generation 'accomplishment' ).  All, on Donald Trump's watch...

I know that some people are concerned about Trump's son-in-law, and his connections with what is called Chabad Judaism, with its New World Order, brutal-control over the goyim fantasies.

That concern may well have legs.  Especially given Trump's indebtedness to Jewish banker types, who have bailed him out from various of his gone-south business dealings in the past.  (And who has been characterized by some of the Tribe as 'their boy'.)(2)

I don't have precise knowledge regarding any of the above.  This is all that I personally really know:

1) I didn't choose to incarnate at this time in order to waste my time; and

2) I refuse to live in a climate of corruption.  And I encourage you to do the same for yourself.

And us all.



(1) Which, in any event, is ready to be superseded, on this planet, by advanced energy technology.
     Which subject I lightly touched on in my last blog.  And will go into more detail on later.

(2) The essential elements of a police state are already in place in this country.  (Dave Hodges, of his The Common Sense Show, lists nine.)  All it is waiting for to be 'snapped shut' is an event, a trigger, a false flag op.  (Like was tried with the Smollett 'thing', to attempt to bring into being race riots in the country.  Divided we fall, and all that jazz.)
     Or just a determination on the part of TPTB of Der Tag, as in the coordinated uprisings by the Communists in eastern Europe after WWII.
     We are up against some very determined characters.
     Let's see who is more determined.  The erstwhile masters.  Or the patriots.


P.S. I have subsequent to the posting of this blog seen an SB2 decode of some of Q's bread crumbs that lead to the idea that part of Trump's Wall is of other threats to the U.S.'s welfare, including the deleterious side of the 5G 'upgrade' rollout.  We'll see.  I still don't trust his circle of advisors. And especially including his son-in-law.
     Now JFK Jr. and CBK are another matter.  If that is indeed them 'lurking' in the background...
     ('Larping' in it???...)

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