I see that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is making absurd noises about a Green Agenda. But wait a minute. What is really going on here???
Let’s take another look at, and take on, the matter.
Someone is making outlandish ‘claims’ about the future. About our potential…
Yes, I can relate to that.
AOC is doing it in the context of being a Democratic Socialist, which is one bullet short of being a communist. Yes, I can ‘relate’ to that, too, in the sense of the position being used - occupied; expressed - in an historical process, to unfold consciousness to a higher level:
that of a future realm based on Love. Rather than on Force. The Force of the almighty State, in a) controlling thought (think Big Brother), and b) demanding absolute obedience to it, by its subjects, also known, in its context, as serfs.
Rather than holding the space for apprentice gods to exercise/express their Will closer to their highest potential.
Yes, I can relate to that vision, of the Democratic Socialists amongst us:
as a stepping-stone to -
the reverse image of -
the Real Thing.
The ‘statists’ amongst us want - sound the note for - the State to take over the raising of the children, so that women can be ‘equal’ with men; meaning, in reality, in the workforce. (And thus, creating more income to be taxed by the State, for more money for it, to impose its will further on its stupid serfs. But to continue.)
But, hold on:
We are here to enjoy childhood and youth. But we are here to learn to be responsible adults. Part of which learning is to learn to take responsibility for, and experience the consequences of, our actions. Part of which is to learn lessons on being a good parent. So, the ‘family unit’ is not only a good idea and experience. It is a vital experience, in
the Process.
The Process, of learning to be gods. As the gods in the making that we are, by our fundamental natures, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’. To have, ultimately, our own universes, to be responsible for. And so, the idea of letting the state take over the raising of the children - the fruit of our personal sexual activity - is not a good one, for its depriving us of that important learning experience. Part, as I say, of the whole point of the exercise. For heaven’s sake. So to speak.
And me, personally, this time - and Time - around, this incarnation around??
My family, I have come to recognize, is
the Family of Man.
I have long thought that I was ‘cut out’ for, destined for, ‘bigger things’. I left my formal education - more precisely, dropped out of my university at the tail end of my Junior year (and thereby hangs a tale; to say, after a ‘spiritual experience’ awakened me a bit further, on my path) - thinking, on the basis of a feeling, that I was going to be president of the United States someday.
Little did I know then the full extent of the larger picture.
For me. And for humanity.
But excuse me. I must go now. I need to
inherit my kingdom.
On this lovely, but very poorly treated, orb. Ready, now, for being under
New - to say, higher consciousness - Management.
P.S. And to take the Awareness level a step further, as to where we may come from in our consciousness:
We are all the president of the United States. As we are all the poor homeless guy sleeping out in the wind and cold and rain. We are Each Other. Because
We Are All
And therefore, as the man said:
One Planet - One Humanity - One Destiny.
And not just to talk about going to the stars. Although that is included in
The Deal.
As we resolve the contradictions in
The Process.
P.S. And to take the Awareness level a step further, as to where we may come from in our consciousness:
We are all the president of the United States. As we are all the poor homeless guy sleeping out in the wind and cold and rain. We are Each Other. Because
We Are All
And therefore, as the man said:
One Planet - One Humanity - One Destiny.
And not just to talk about going to the stars. Although that is included in
The Deal.
As we resolve the contradictions in
The Process.
And keep on going. To newer, and newer,
So to speak.
So to speak.
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