Friday, 15 February 2019

On Justice Being Served

So what do I think will happen.  Wilt the Cabal, realizing that the game is up, against a master chess player, choose to go out with a bang and not a whimper?  (Which ‘bang,’ I’m sure, would be curtailed by the White Hats, now in charge.)  Or will they choose to take their chances with the likes of God’s Ground Crew, rather than the likes of the aroused citizenry who well remember the likes of the voice of the woman in one of the burning towers on 9/11 talking to someone on her cell phone, and expressing fear that she was going to die, when all of a sudden explosions were heard in the background of the call, and the tower began its collapse and dustification, with her scream abruptly cut off in our ears.  Terrible, terrible stuff.  Crying out for justice to be served.  

Which could easily take the form of execution for them.  But an end must be put to tit for tat, an eye for an eye, sometime.  The Cabal would do well to surrender to the likes of God’s Ground Crew, while they have the chance to.

Do I hear any takers??  Or do we have to continue on the level of the Process a while longer yet.

Time is short.  For

the wrap-up.

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