Thursday, 14 February 2019

On Being Under New Management

While I’m on the subject.

If I were The Christ of the Christian religion, I would disavow all the crap that has gone on over the years - centuries - in my name.  Fortunately, things have calmed down a great deal in that regard by and in our time.  But that seed - of extreme ’true believer’-ship - was sown, and it landed in the fertile fields of Islam, where it is continuing to wreak havoc to this day.  And needs to be rooted out, and blossoming in blood and mayhem and terror

no more.  Because this planet is now about to operate under

New Management.

As for wrongdoers to date.  If someone is to be found guilty of a crime or crimes, by a legitimate court of law - that is to say, by either a Military tribunal or s Common Law court; not one of these Maritime/Admiralty Law courts of law, which have operated in this country for long enough, now (we are no longer to be ’lost at sea,’ are to operate under the law of the land) - they need at least to start to ‘serve their time’ in prison; before a whole new Era comes in, which they may well subscribe to, and prove it by their deeds, in the Light of the further knowledge by then about what has been going on in regards to the historical Process that has brought us to this high Pass.

As to punishments.  I am not partial to capita punishment.  The taking of a life is very serious business.  (Including of babies that can feel the pain; or simply out of a lower-consciousness desire.)  If some incarnate soul has done something exceedingly horrid, ‘leave them to heaven’.  Which might include their being taken, by superior beings, to a place dedicated to the extinguishing of more than just the incarnate life of that soul; or, in lesser sentencing, to another planet on the 3D level, to continue to work out their karma, in a 3D, Duality-Polarity setting.*

To be given that opportunity to do so.  By a loving, merciful, but Law-bound Creator. 

At least, all of this is my understanding of these sorts of subjects.  At this time. 

I reserve the right to be corrected.

Or to become further enlightened.

On my Path the same as any other soul.  Fractal of The All That Is.  Sparkling of our mutual Source.

Except for those souls who have chosen to squander their birthright.  For the equivalent of a mess of pottage.  In

the Long Run.

* Not on this one.  Gaia is going Up.  Along with the bulk of its human inhabitants.  Who can live in harmony with their surroundings.  Not in a sense of domination of them.

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