Tuesday, 12 February 2019

On Means And Ends

A man by the name of Dave, in a very recent 'issue’ of his online x-22report - who is an avid Trump supporter, sees him presiding over a total change in the country’s, and the world’s, monetary and financial system, away from fiat/debt money and the control of the Rothschild-dominated central banks of the world, and into gold and asset-backed currency - said that he figured that ‘the process’ could take several years.  That doesn’t jibe with my feelings about the matter.  But to carry on here:

to another Dave, this one name of Dave Hodges, at his website The Common Sense Show, who frequently sounds the alarm, with ‘insider’-fueled info, about an anticipated and very pending coup to take place in this country, complete with activated FEMA camps for ‘conservatives’ and Christians(1) - ultimately to be guarded by UN troops, who can be, or are at least expected to be, trusted to show no mercy to the inmates, being mostly of Third World and ‘people of color’ allegiance(2) - and with the rising out of the background of our country of Fifth Columnists, having been quietly embedded (along with their weapons) especially under the quisling Obama, consisting of the likes of members of ISIS and Hamas and Hazbollah and MS13 and such, and as ’sponsored’ by the Democrat Party in particular.  (Why the latter?  For the votes of the illegal aliens, who act as cover for the real threat to this nation; and for particularly the drug-money ‘donations’ to the Party.(3))  This Dave paints a very bleak picture, and including the intended secession of the state of California from the Union,(4) and its takeover by both Chinese and Russian troops; some coming down from the north, and some up from the south.  And with Trump moving to make that invasion more difficult, with his Wall, Hodges and his insiders are of the opinion that the NWO leadership are going to call for their ‘troops’ to make their move.  Like, imminently.

And then I go to the site - called Golden Age of Gaia - of a Canadian guy, name of Steve Beckow, where his channelling commenters make everything sound like love and light, and that we are on the verge of a spiritual breakthrough called Ascension; out of this dingy dark 3D and into the sunlit highlands of higher-frequency 4D and 5D.  And then I go to a site - Intel Dinar Chronicles - that is keeping its followers glued to their seats with reports about a ‘pending’ (and some category cases reportedly already having been activated) Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV) that is (touted as) going to make a lot of foreign-currency holders very, very rich (the proceeds to be used largely for ‘humanitarian purposes’).  And other online commenters call all this GCR/RV stuff a bunch of hooey, and the people who bought into it can always paper their dens with all that foreign currency…  

And what’s a poor human supposed to do with all this contradictory ‘testimony’???

My summation of the matter:  

Let’s go back to the ‘top of the heap’. The UN, under its current administration, has the right idea but the wrong means.  is part of the Process leading to its vision, of a World Government.  (Or as an NGO connected with the UN that I worked for for a short while many years ago put it, in its motto; and as I quoted in my last blog: One Planet - One Humanity - One Destiny.)(5)  For, the planet is ready for a ‘liftoff’ into its next stage.  To join with its galactic partners in exploration of the universe - and other dimensions - with ‘the Right Stuff’:

Love.  As opposed to Force.  The latter being the motivating power of the Dark side of the ‘equation’ of life in Duality-Polarity-Separation.  Seeming Separation, that is.  

For there is no Separation from our natural state.

As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.

Except if 'a piece of the continent, a part of the main’ gets too enamored of, hooked on the Dark side of the Process.  And has to be taken to a place where it is extinguished.  And its energy recycled.   

Everything being made up, fundamentally, of Energy.   

With Humanity now, indeed, facing its ‘liftoff’ onto another, higher level.  Of frequency.

When it weathers the current storm that it is facing.

That of the final push of the Dark side, to win adherents to its side of Things.  As the main part of this rocket ship, of the family of Earth, jettisons its last boosting stage.  And heads for the stars.  

Having proven itself to be seaworthy.  On the heavenly seas.  Of this foaming-like Milky Way.

And beyond.  

And I will be happy to take over the helm of the ship. 

Who am I to say all this, and claim all this?  Give it what could be called the ‘King of France test,’ whereby - as the story has it - Joan of Arc was set a test by the king and his royal retinue, at one early point in her ‘career,’  to see if she was, indeed, ‘special,’ by picking him out of a crowd in his palace, where he was mingling anonymously with them.  She passed the test.  (At least according to the story.)  I’ll tell you what: Have a psychic say what he/she sees about my aura.  On second thought, have three psychics stand the test (for them), independent of each other, and having been picked by lots, so as to negate any question of collusion in the matter.  I’ll put myself up against anybody else who wants to stand the test.

What do I expect it to show?  Ah, that would be telling.  Let it be a total test.  I assure you, it will be obvious. 

Because that’s how these things work.    

And now, having reached an apex of sorts.  The Long Wait for this planet -

in the equivalent of elementary school - 


Graduate school:

Here we come.

And just in time, it would appear.  More.  And more.


(1) To include other categories as ‘signaled,’ during Obama’s (illegal, Manchurian-candidate-like) administration, by the far-left organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), as ’potential domestic terrorists’ to the Left’s takeover activities:
   Constitutionalists, Second Amendment Supporters, Preppers, Ron Paul Supporters (gotta watch those car stickers), and all that sort of ‘’ilk’.  You know: American patriots.  Who can be expected to, er, object to the takeover of their country by the NWO crowd.  Who have managed to rope a large number of our youth into their ‘cause’ by telling them that it is all about stopping the American middle class from destroying the environment, with their incessant demands for goodies.  The ‘good life’ deplored, because it has led to the likes of anthropogenic Climate Change.  Which it has not.  But don’t try to upset their mindset.  They are out to Save the World.
   And install a totalitarian regime in charge of this planet; a la the Bolsheviks of old.
   You have heard of the Bolsheviks?  You haven’t??
   Not surprised.  Dumbed-down lot that you are.
   Deliberately dumbed-down lot that you are.    

(2) That there will be some black Americans corralled in the roundup will simply be put down to Uncle Tomism; and some Hispanics, to traitorship to their ‘kind’.  Having been brainwashed by all that capitalist hooey about ‘opportunity’ and all.
   Hey - this is a revolution.  Eggs need to be broken in order to make an omelet; you know what I mean???  

(3) Not to paint the Republican Party with clean hands in the caper.  Whose corporate sponsors make a bundle off of the cheap labor that the Illegals provide them.  But the Dems are the primary winners in the wheel of fortune being spun on this country; especially for the breakdown of the established cultural order that is going on, by such shenanigans as their supporting - and so strongly - the ‘open borders’ idea.  
   But to continue.   

(4) My home state; and where I am currently residing.  And I am not, let’s say, enamored of the idea.  Staunch supporter of the Union that I am.
   That an international Order is to be desired, at this stage of human history, in addition to nation states, is not a zero-sum situation.  They each have their roles to play.

(5) Planetary Citizens.  Founded by a very spiritual guy, an American by the name of Donald Keys.  Who was known, at least in the circles that I traveled in - associated with the spiritual community in the north of Scotland called the Findhorn Foundation - as ‘God’s secret agent at the UN’.
   I worked for PC for a year, in the very early ‘80s, helping to get off the ground their campaign for international consciousness-raising called ‘The ‘Planetary Initiative (For the World We Choose)’.  I have heard it demonized by some Christians, thinking we were working for Lucifer.  All we were up to was trying to help seed awareness into the body politic about the likes of the damage being done to the ozone layer by spray cans, and to our oceans by unrecycled plastic and other things.  That others saw us as ‘those pesky UNers’ - the disapproval chorus undoubtedly helped along by corporate propaganda, in defending their turf from us idealists - was a bit premature.  The New World Order crowd started taking over such initiatives after that; and including in establishing educational/indoctrination ’standards’ in our schools.  
   All of that, another story.  Or to say, another part of this story.


P.S. I see that Apple is censoring sites (at least the Natural News one) that they decide are showing info items that ‘some’ may find “objectionable”.  Come again?  When did ‘objectionable’ become a legitimate criterion for censoring something??  That is simply an excuse for our erstwhile keepers and masters to keep stories from the public that they don’t want to give any airtime to.  Like objection to abortion, info on Satanism/Satanic rituals, blood harvesting from children, the dangers of vaccines, ‘anti-Semitism,’ etc. etc.
   Terrible stuff.  In the land of free speech??  Get outta here.
   If you ‘object’ to something, because it ‘offends’ you, don’’t look at it.  Stop trying to keep others from looking at it.  There are, indeed, some subjects that need limiting, as in adult movies and such.  But our social media platforms, like the MSM, have become far too monopolized, for outfits that are using the public airwaves, not their own private sources of communication.  They need to be reined in, on their censorship kick.
   This is all about politics.  Pure and simple.
   As I say:
   Get outta here.  You Bolsheviks.

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