Saturday, 23 February 2019

Down Into The Trenches

In my last blog I may have ended up sounding more positive about the future, and our progress towards it, than I intended to.  The bottom line: We are still involved in

the Process.

On the one hand...

...there is the likes of the postings at Golden Age of Gaia, which sound a very positive note.  About the progress that is being made, individually and collectively, on the planet, towards an ultimate Ascension.

And on the other hand...

...there is the likes of the postings by Dave Hodges on his The Common Sense Show, wherein he informs us of various nefarious goings-on in the country, indicating that we still have a ways to go yet.  One of such warning postings, just yesterday, was about some Outcome sults from Chemtrails - still happening over our skies (how come, Pres. Trump???) - whereby these toxic 'trails'  activate prions in us that can create what is called CWD, or Chronic Wasting Disease (aka FFI), caught from eating deer and elk infected by the chemtrails.  Which is sordid and appalling 'business'.  Of the Deep State.  As part of their depopulation and people-control measures. (1)

Serial Brain 2, master decoder of Q's contributions to our political scene, says that, according to his deciphering of that site's sometimes cleverly disguised messages, there has been an "integrated set of protections" put into place that Pres. Trump calls his 'Wall'.  Extending far beyond just a protection on our southern border, against such as MS-13 gang members, ISIS and other outright terrorists (with there being evidence that such as ISIS/their financial backers have paid MS-13 gang members to do dirty work for them also), drug and gun runners, and child & adult sex traffickers; not to mention all those millions - millions - of illegal aliens, whom the Democrats are allowing to flood into this country, for their votes,(2) and pressure towards bankruptcy (with their 'call' on our country's and states' too-lenient welfare policies.(3)  All, intended to take this country down.

Pres. Trump may be protecting us from some of all this monstrous activity.  (And including the dangerous side of the rollout of 5G; as part of his multifaceted 'Wall'.)  But we still have work to do, to mount a response to this initiative of the far Left.  Trump can't do it alone.  It's All Hands On Deck time.

   Down Into The Trenches

Down into the trenches we go,
                       those of us who
Were born to do so; heeding
               the call, ready
               for New Beginnings
On another level.



(1) As in keeping us from having access to food that has not been controlled by them, in this case.  Like, oh, say, American patriots having to resort to being guerrillas in their own country. in a Red Dawn scenario.  

(2) Ever wonder why the Dems fight so hard against voter photo ID laws to vote???  Wonder no further.
     Hey - I've got an idea.  Which Venezuela uses.  Where people vote via their fingerprints.
     Now, that, of course, brings up the issue of a national register.  Which has its dangerous side.  (Same as a national ID card.)  As part of a Deep State's attempts to herd the populace into their corral.  But in the right hands......... a lot of such issues.  Which, in the right hands, would be fine.  And even meritorious.
     Which is the positive side of/to the Dark side's push towards such initiatives.
     And The Process is, after all, a matter of Synthesis.

(3) Some states are paying tuition for illegal aliens to go to school, that American citizens in those states don't/are not eligible to receive.  Go figure.

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