‘Members of these hallowed Chambers, Members of the U.S. Supreme Court and other Distinguished Guests, and My Fellow Americans:
‘These are the worst of times, these are the best of times. The worst of times has been like a fever, that is now to be broken, auguring the best of times. For this country, and for the world.
‘Before coming here to make this address to you and to the nation, and by effect, the world; and by the powers invested in me as president of the United States, I declared a state of national emergency - superseding one that has already been on the books from another crucial time in the history of this constitutional Republic - and a concomitant state of martial law, to deal with the following emergency measures:
‘First, the dissolution of this body, for, among other crimes that it has committed, of both commission and omission, its failure, as a co-equal branch of the federal government of this constitutional Republic, to block the sitting of the ineligible candidate for the office of the presidency and subsequent usurper of that office, Barack Hussein Obama;
‘Next, the voiding of his illegal time in the office, that voiding to include all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the Executive Orders and Presidential Directives that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made, including to the Supreme Court of the United States and all inferior courts - for it to be as though he had never been in that office; for, he never occupied it legally;
‘And thus, next, his arrest and being held for trial, on a number of charges, including fraud, perjury, and treason;
‘And speaking of arrests: We have already also arrested to be held for trial former president George W. Bush and members of his administration, for their roles in the atrocity of 9/11 (more on which I will come to in a moment); and at the same time, federal Marshals have fanned out in the nation to arrest to be held for trial all those state officials who have failed in their duty to clean in a fully responsible manner their state’s voter registration rolls, as required by federal law;
‘And in the way of other cleaning-up matters, Hearings are being arranged as we speak for comprehensive investigations into various false flag operations which have bedeviled this nation, including the aforementioned 9/11 atrocity, the Sandy Hook Elementary School fraudulent ‘Exercise’, the Boston Marathon Bombing actually announced at the site ‘Drill’ scam, and others;
‘And not to forget to mention how we are busily rounding up the various Fifth Column nests of vipers that were allowed to infest this nation under the aegis of the Usurper, Obama, and securing the nation’s power grids and other infrastructure from possible attack by said groups;
‘All of this, and more, to bring in the revolutionary measures under what is called the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, or NESARA, in conjunction with its Global counterpart; both designed to put this country and the world under new economic terms, of sound money, backed by gold and other precious metals, to take the place of the unbacked currency of the current secret rulers of this nation and the world, which ‘funny money’ has allowed them to accrue enormous wealth and power. Both of those ’commodities’ now to be stripped from them, to say, from the network of central banks which has run the world
‘for long enough.
‘More announcements to follow. This, for now, to let this body, and the nation in particular, know that this country and the planet are about to experience the end of a very Dark time in our mutual history. And the beginning of a very bright time. More fully in the Light of the Creator of this universe.
‘Thank you. And may God look with favor on our enterprise. As we sail the seas of space into a New Era. To include friendly relations with our neighbors.
'Having learned some very hard lessons along
'the Grand Highway. To our ultimate destination:
'At-one-ment with our Creator Source.
' Individually. And collectively.
'All those, that is to say, who
'Stay the Course.
'As she goes. Working with the ideal that
'Where We Go One, We Go All.
'And on that note:
'I would now like to introduce to you someone who has made all this possible.
'From the shadows -
'the good shadows, that is; relatively speaking:
'Come on to the main stage of life -
'and please welcome back to it -
'John F. Kennedy, Junior, and his wife, Carolyn Bissette Kennedy; who each have some choice words to say to, and share with,'
We, the Living.
For, the Light shall prevail.
One way.
Or another.
'Having learned some very hard lessons along
'the Grand Highway. To our ultimate destination:
'At-one-ment with our Creator Source.
' Individually. And collectively.
'All those, that is to say, who
'Stay the Course.
'As she goes. Working with the ideal that
'Where We Go One, We Go All.
'And on that note:
'I would now like to introduce to you someone who has made all this possible.
'From the shadows -
'the good shadows, that is; relatively speaking:
'Come on to the main stage of life -
'and please welcome back to it -
'John F. Kennedy, Junior, and his wife, Carolyn Bissette Kennedy; who each have some choice words to say to, and share with,'
We, the Living.
For, the Light shall prevail.
One way.
Or another.
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