Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Christians Will Be...

…The Death Of Us Yet

Christianity is worshiping a fictitious character, in a fable concocted by minions of a Roman emperor particularly to attempt to get the Jews to worship the Roman emperor as their expected Messiah, thereby to get them to stop their incessant rebelling against the Roman yoke (and for that personage being a god as a species, for all of the Empire's subjects to pay obeisance to).

As regards a religion worshiping a fictitious character, it’s not the only such an example in history, of son gods and moon goddesses and so forth.  But this particular example of the genre, of that ancient mindset, is threatening to bring humanity to a terrible pass, in extolling, to the point of a potential self-fulfilling prophecy, the idea of an Armageddon.  We really need to nip that idea in the bud, so to speak.  Or calamity will ensue unfairly.  Unfairly, for our passage through Time on this planet, of such Choices.

May we choose more wisely a better outcome than that one; which we would wake up from, and wonder, ‘What happened?  This isn’t how it was supposed to end up.’    

No.  Of course not.  Because Christianity was based on a fable.  Which all but the beguiled, if sincere, true believers could see through, given a certain amount of research into the matter.  And fortunately, in cur day there is a considerable amount of such research, to go by.  

To release the fable.  And move on.  Into

the Truth

of things.

For a more fitting End

to one Era.

And the Beginning of another.

As characterized by the Ages of the precession of the equinoxes.

In this instance, from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

So, let us pour out the Living Waters.  And sail on this new sea.  To

a New World


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